
Theme – Rain

The rain has always been regarded as a blessing. It helps in growing plants and essential crops. Rain also brings in flowers and rainbows that everyone totally enjoys. Without it, there would be no life. Drought will hit every land and will create a devastating effect not just for animals but also for humankind.

You see, rain plays a vital role on our planet. It’s part of a process for sustaining life and growth here on Earth. It also gives us hope and assurance that things can be beautiful once again. And we believe that the season of rain is something worth celebrating so we’re sharing these fun layouts to ignite some inspiration for your very own rain-themed projects.

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Theme – Movies

Movies are among the top choices of people seeking a way to keep themselves entertained. Some consider watching movies as a hobby while others think of it as a form of bonding and spending quality time with their loved ones. 

While television can also be a great source of entertainment, movies can give you more satisfaction and a different kind of experience. Take 3D movies as an example. They look more realistic and even bring the audience closer to the characters. They are really good, addictive and can even leave you speechless at some point.

Whether you watch movies as a pastime or it has always been on your weekend to-do list, we’re pretty sure there have been films that became your favorites. You might also have movie characters and stars that you fell in love with or a story that inspired you. So, we decided to share these awesome layouts and hopefully, you’ll be motivated to create your very own movie-themed scrapbook project.

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Theme – Emojis

Emojis are a fun way to communicate with our loved ones, family, friends and other people. These ideograms and smileys can add a dash of personality to even the most boring conversations. They exist in various genres which include facial expressions, objects, animals and more. They are much like emoticons except that they are actual pictures and not just typographics.

Emojis have been around since the 1990s and since then, they have spread like a wildfire! Now they are widely used by people all over the globe. They just can’t get enough of them and we can’t blame them because, in all honesty, emojis are fun to use. They have been a great way to connect different cultures and bring a clearer expression between different races with just a click of our fingertips.

Whatever mood you’re in, we’re pretty sure there’s an emoji to express that! Why not add that idea to your next scrapbooking project and show how you feel. Here are some wonderful layouts you can take inspiration from.

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Theme – Indoor Plants

Feeling stressed out? Wanted to boost your mood? Feeling unhealthy? Indoor plants can help you with that! Aside from decorative purposes, these plants can also act as indoor air purifiers. They are an effective way to reduce the pollutants inside your home or office, leaving you with better and fresher air to breathe.

Some people find indoor plants as a very cool item to collect. They like them as they add beauty to any room as well as bring happiness and attract luck. For others, they love seeing plants inside their homes or workplaces because it makes them feel more alive and more productive. Whatever the reason is, there’s always something beneficial about having plants around.

Do you like collecting indoor plants? Do you find joy in seeing how your houseplants grow? You might want to consider making a scrapbook page about your love for these things. Here are some great layout ideas to take inspiration from.

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Theme – Celebrations

Another year is about to unfold again. It’s time for reminiscing the fun moments we enjoyed as well as all the celebrations we shared with the people we love. Birthday parties, new year gatherings, weddings, anniversaries, you name it! They are all just examples of the special events we usually take part in.

Celebrating may be a common human experience but it is a fantastic way of honoring the things that matter to us. It’s a good reminder of what we have accomplished, the milestones we’ve reached and what goals we have met. Doesn’t it feel amazing to celebrate every success not just of ourselves, but also that of our family, friends, and loved ones? 

We know you might be one of those people who enjoy taking pictures and capturing great memories of every occasion. Or you must have tons of collections already that needed to be sorted out and displayed. Either way, these layouts will surely inspire you to showcase them the scrapbooker’s way!

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Theme – Santa

Christmas season is just around the corner which means another reason to celebrate and be jolly! While some of us are busy decorating and putting up the Christmas tree, others tend to be more excited to meet and greet the most iconic character in the whole world—Santa Claus.

Also known as the Father of Christmas, Santa Claus has been a part of many people’s lives, especially the kids, for so many centuries. He is a symbol of goodwill, selfless giving, and sharing. People all over the world try to follow his values and good deeds which makes the annual festival even more meaningful. Although there are folks who think Santa is just a part of Christmas fantasy, we believe that he will always exist as long as someone believes that giving is more rewarding than receiving.

Do you get flooded by memories whenever you hear the word ‘Santa’? Or you and your loved ones have unforgettable moments with him, perhaps? Well, it’s time to have some scrapping fun! Here are some layouts that will surely spark your creativity this holiday season.

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Theme – On The Road

Being on the road is one of the best activities where you can feel most alive. It provides a level of freedom and excitement that simply couldn’t be obtained in any other way. Although organizing a trip somewhere can be challenging, the benefits it brings outweighs those little inconveniences. That’s why we can’t blame some people who find it addicting.

With proper planning and preparation, you can easily achieve an enjoyable and worry-free time while on the road and heading to your destination. Just keep in mind that you have to be ready not just financially but also physically, mentally and emotionally so you can fully savor the trip itself and meet your requirements and expectations as well. Plus don’t forget to breathe in the fresh air from your car seat and wear a smile because after all, a trip away from home and work should all be about relaxation and fun experiences.

What does hitting the road feels like for you? Do you love being on the road? If yes, then we’re pretty sure you’ve taken lots of pictures while on a road trip with family or friends. Time to take them out and display them on a layout! Here are some projects you can take inspiration from.

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Theme – Sunset

A beautiful sunset is one of the most amazing sights you can enjoy without having to spend any penny. It is also among the most desirable subjects that photographers love to shoot. Well...aside from the fact that you can catch it wherever you may be, you can definitely achieve a great photo of it without having to put too much effort. Sunset possesses a charm that enchants the eye and it’s simply cannot be replicated.

We know the sunset is more than just a pretty view or a scientific phenomenon. Most people think of it as a sign that the day is finally over—it’s time to kick back and relax. Some see it as a moment for reflection while others refer it as a beautiful ending and another opportunity to be better and do better. Sunsets also bring a sense of completion, joy, hope, peace and an unexplainable satisfaction.

How about you, what does sunset mean to you? Do you like watching the sun go down? Are you one of those who love taking sunset pics? Here’s a fantastic theme that will help you show off those awesome sunset image collections you’ve got!

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Theme – Underwater

Being underwater is one of the purest forms of pleasure. It provides people not just a unique experience but also an opportunity to be mindful and focus on the present moment. No wonder a lot of people crave going to the beach, make a splash or dive deep into the ocean.

Aside from the happiness and calming effect you get from dipping underwater, the sights can also leave you spellbound. There are numerous kinds of coral and marine species that you can find. Some are weird-looking and most are fascinating. It’s truly an amazing world, especially when you get to see what underwater has in store for you!

Do you love being underwater? Why not capture your favorite underwater moments and showcase them! Here’s a cool theme that will inspire you.

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Theme – Ice Cream

Ice cream is one of the most loved desserts by all of us, no matter what age group we belong to. We just can’t think of anyone who won’t feel delighted by this sweet frozen treat. In fact, many people find pleasure in eating ice cream especially when they feel a bit down because it helps improve their mood. Others simply enjoy it because it tastes good and it provides relief from the scorching heat of the day.

One of the best things that we like about ice cream is that it is very versatile. It can go well with just about anything! You can have it as a dessert, as a snack, or even as a meal. It is good to eat solo but it is best when shared with family or friends. It’s perfect to serve during parties and gatherings or when you just feel like having one.

Do you love ice cream? Is it one of your childhood fantasies? Bring your memories to life! This cool theme will certainly give a fun twist to our designs.

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