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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. What a beauty! But look at those talons....
  2. I like this technique, but every time I follow the instructions in the handout from the tutorial, I have to fiddle around and do things differently to make it work. Eventually I get it and then it works. This one is using a photo of a woman I know who celebrated her 100th birthday last year. I made a layout for her, but not this one. She's still going strong! The text 100 years has an outer glow applied. The rest is just elements I have in my files.
  3. Now we'll see more of your winter pix of the critters around you. Winter photography is often more beautiful than summertime. It captures the "weather vibe" more clearly.
  4. Just a simple layout using stuff from my ever-growing stash. I love autumn and want to use the colours as often as I can. Just clipart and several elements, no photo, and nothing I made.
  5. I can tell when a hawk has entered the airspace near my backyard. The birds go silent while they're feeding and then burst out in flight, all at once. Sure enough, I look out and there's that predator sitting nearby. He's pretty amazing to see, but I'd run too if I were a wee bird.
  6. This is NOT a political statement. It is a heartfelt (simplistic?) desire for peace...wherever there is open conflict. I kept thinking of the song and made a layout to clear it out of my head. The message in 1969 is one we can still use today.
  7. When I was young, I played cowboys in my small town in Ontario, and wanted to be one when I grew up. Didn't happen. But I love hearing stories like yours that are so very different from the life I've lived in cities. I grew up surrounded by farms and livestock and crops. Then moved away to big cities. A dozen years ago I moved back to near where I grew up and it's all farms again, but not much livestock in this area. I love the more natural landscape now and shudder when I think back to city living.
  8. You really are home, home on the range! Sure is exciting to hear what it's like.
  9. They apparently can move at 35 mph! I wouldn't stand a chance in that race!
  10. So many elements and details in this design. It must've taken a while to make it so cohesive. I love it.
  11. I actually was up close to some bison years ago on a trip to AB & BC. They are almost scary in their size and nobility. And their eyes....!
  12. That's the thing about styles. They're our own, as we find our way. Yours is always dynamic, not static. But, it's interesting how, over time, I've started to recognize other people's layouts even before I see the name.
  13. This is one I did and then left sitting. No photo, just the words. I need to be reminded to let some things go.
  14. We recently had some chats going on about good programs to watch, many of them on PBS (Canada & US). After watching this two-part documentary by Ken Burns I had to make something to express how profoundly moved I was by this series. He has been making documentaries for 40 years, and his productions are all extraordinary, whether they are light-hearted or heart-breaking. This one had me in tears. He uses the bison as a theme for the near-genocide of a species, and then ties it nicely into the way indigenous people have been treated. It's a hard watch, but so worthwhile.
  15. I love these old photos. I have so many because I use them in history articles I write. That's why I started as a member here. I wanted to learn about enhancing these images, but I really enjoy working with other types of layouts as well. PSP is fun, and this group is super-supportive.
  16. Just wanted to submit something to the Fall themes. Nothing very complicated, just playing with overlays and backgrounds and blending. Not everyone observes Halloween, so just an autumn layout.
  17. When you mentioned Morse and Endeavour, my heart skipped a beat! The very closing moments of the last episode of Endeavour just blew me away. I think my first PBS binge was 'way back with the first Poldark (Robin Ellis). I was hooked from then on. I still miss Alistair Cooke as host.
  18. Yes, another great series. Anyone mention Heartbeat?
  19. They are both good series to watch. As are Grantchester, Professor T, Unforgotten, and so many more on PBS. Which is about the only TV I watch. No cable, just antenna, but close to Michigan so lots of channels.
  20. I have a friend who is also adopted (and French Canadian), and she has never had any interest in digging into her bio roots. Different strokes....as they say. I would be like Jannette and digging so fast, but that's just me (and Jannette).
  21. I also noticed on CF a couple of days ago, a free course on DRAWING gnomes. You can really get your fix that way!
  22. Oh Jannette, write your stories! Some day they will be a source of inspiration and delight to someone, even the sad stories. History of any kind has many sad stories, but they need to be told. How else will we ever know about "those days"? For years, I've done research into old stuff (for my own family and now for other purposes), and the stories I've been able to write keep that part of the past alive.
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