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  1. Didn’t go for the school theme but used the font for a quote layout. “If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough” is a quote from Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who was president of Liberia from 2006 to 2018. She was the first elected female head of state in Africa. The background is one of my photos of clouds.
    8 points
  2. Most current project. My wife is a Feng Shui Master (studied with Joseph Yu in Toronto) and at some point about 25 years ago, she commissioned an artist to design a logo for her. The artist came up with two and she chose and mostly has used one of them over the years. She is now into woodworking and is making kitchen cutting boards. She wanted to turn her logo into a branding iron (type "branding iron for wood" into amazon.c o m). I am turning her logo into a preset shape outline that can be used to make the branding iron. Obviously it won't have the yin/yang COLOR scheme but I can make the outline so it is definitely HER logo and can be turned into a "one-dimensional" (?) tool to "sign" her woodwork. Here is the logo I'm starting with.
    5 points
  3. Thank you, Susan. 🙂 Carole's technique is really amazing. Here is the original element from CCC (Crazy Cat Creation). I downloaded the kit "Trimming the Tree" a long time ago when I started scrapbooking. I had nothing, so I grabbed almost all the freebies I could see.
    5 points
  4. Week 34 I used the Balls and Bubbles effect, then selected them and did a cut out. added at blue background that I textured. Fonts are The Beautiful Night Italic and The Blowar from CF Slowly catching up...again. That will be the theme of 2024 for me it seems.
    5 points
  5. I usually do that. I didn't turn on grids to make the chess pieces all proportional to each other...I just put up a small canvas and put 'one each' of the shapes onto it. AND I did fix the anomaly. I had to delete the shape file then re-export it. After that everything synched up. Good thing because I had wanted to have the "default" width for the strokes a bit larger than I had when I originally exported/saved the file.
    4 points
  6. These pix are from a small natural area near where I live where I sometimes walk the dogs. We did today and I was impressed with the fall vibes there and actually had my phone with me (a rare occurrence on a walk). I should carry it with me more often, I suppose. I love autumn, and I wait patiently (?) all through our stifling, humid summers for the cooler, drier days which have made an appearance lately. Feels like coming alive again!
    3 points
  7. I love monoline fonts like this one. They look great with inner bevels. The elements are from my older stash so I can't give the proper credit.
    3 points
  8. That would also make a very cool tatoo! If one wanted such a thing 😉
    2 points
  9. Here is the cutting board and the finished preset shape (to send in to be made into a "branding iron"). This is her first one and she is sending it to a friend in Florida.
    2 points
  10. I hope we get to see the cutting boards with the logo in a layout. I used to work for my brother (when i lived in BC -Canada) who made Japanese shoji doors, step chests and custom japanese furniture. He retired to help his chef son who was changing careers and making italian cooking tools (gnochi boards and all things italian). check it out for ideas, on Etsy or at nonnaswoodshop.com . They keep asking my hubby and I to move back to BC and work for them but houses are 3x the price now...no thanks.
    2 points
  11. that knitted santa is really awesome. I can't believe how real it looks.
    2 points
  12. These are so cool. i hope you get them straightened out. The dog one is really touching.
    2 points
  13. Among other things, been playing around with creating pre-set shapes (vectors) a little bit. The last one was one that I converted from some I found that were listed as vectors (I think psd format?...for photoshop?) but really weren't so had to work on it in PSP. I'm hoping I saved the chess pieces as pspimage because I did something wrong...the shapes in the preset shape drop down do not match up to the shape that gets drawn . When I do the shape, the names are correct in the vector objects so not sure where I went awry on that.
    2 points
  14. I revised the template from the Lab and used a mini kit from Marisa Lerin called Field Notes 9
    2 points
  15. OK..this one was fun.... Note: the background is a combination of two papers from Merisa Lerin and the crayon border was from Janet Kemp. Got all three at digital scrapbook.com.
    2 points
  16. Week thirty five. I pass this old barn on a regualar basis, yet the other day it compelled me to take yet another shot of it. The sky, the golden grass, some of the tree leaves were starting to turn and the majestic barn was begging to be captured in a photo. So I did.
    2 points
  17. I am behind, as I've been away trail riding in the Grasslands. I've been back since Monday, but it has taken me a couple of days to get back into the swing of things. Macro shot of a tiny banded grasshopper. It has everything going for it, colour, textures, patterns, even gradients. There isn't anything that can surpass Morther Natures palette.
    2 points
  18. Julie, we all get inspired by someone or something we saw and liked, but the result expresses our own view. I like your style very much. 🙂 Thank you! I guess I am, and I do hope it stays for a while!
    1 point
  19. You're very welcome. I know we have an international campus and don't always have the same things. These were a treat when I was a kid.
    1 point
  20. Julie lovely and yes you should take your phone with you, you never know if there will be something interesting! I have my phone always with me and have taken a lot of photos this way, actually more so than when I go with the intention of taking photos.😉
    1 point
  21. Thanks for the show & tell! Wasn't sure what they are.
    1 point
  22. You go girl! You're on a streak of creativity..
    1 point
  23. Thanks Cristina, but the idea came from elsewhere. It was a fun one to work on.
    1 point
  24. LAB 11-Module 12 tutorials: Glittered Tree -- Knitting -- Party Hat When practicing the Lab tutorials, I look up photos in my folders that have something in common with the tutorials, like Christmas, Summer, School, etc. Sometimes, it is not easy to find something suitable. Credits Cassel: Template from the Lab10-M02. I tweaked the dimensions of the photos. I like this template very much and have used it a few times before. Fireworks1 Picture Tube Diamond Chain-02 Picture Tube Others: Santa by Crazy Cat Creations-CCC_THT ele (18). I added the knitting effect to it Background paper by DiHiller_Happy Snow Season paper4 Fonts: Galeforce BTN -- Middle Class Script Swash -- Arial Rounded MT Bold -- Curlz MT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With this layout, I’ve finished all modules from Lab 11. Now, it’s only missing Labs 12, 13, 14 😁
    1 point
  25. I am not sure where I will use this, but it is much more legible than most cursive fonts. Thanks
    1 point
  26. I was pleased with the grasshopper shot, it's wonderful when they cooperate and pose for me. Even the fine hairs running down the Prothorax are clearly visible. I'm going to try and catch up, especially the challenges, as I like to participate in those.
    1 point
  27. Sue I missed you here, but knew you would be outside probably riding. But these couple of photos are lovely and the grasshopper is fantastic, I can see all the details!
    1 point
  28. Only you could make a brown bird look so magical and arresting!
    1 point
  29. Yes I did - he's a sweetie. I seem to be having a year of insects putting in an appearance in my photos of flowers.
    1 point
  30. I think it's framed beautifully. The reeds only add to it. Did you notice the tiny fly on it?
    1 point
  31. I have a couple of waterlily flowers too and it is always difficult to get a good shot. It seems they are mostly in the middle of the water and never at a good spot to take the photo! Having said that yours is a lovely photo and will remind you of the walk you went on.
    1 point
  32. Thank you and I can try 😉 but I think he won't come.............🥲
    1 point
  33. Week 35 On a walk round Bolam Lake (in Northumberland, UK) my husband spotted this solitary water lily in the midst of a reed bed. I could only have got a better shot if I’d jumped in so this angle had to do.
    1 point
  34. Wow, what a transformation Corrie. Can you send him to my house too!
    1 point
  35. Week 35 is all about the renovation of our (indoor) stairs. We had to remove the old carpet parts and because there was glue on the steps, it was a bit of a problem to get up- or downstairs. We were told it wasn't necessary to remove all of the glue. The guy who came to install the new stairs is a master craftsman and did an awesome job. He came with a small van that was a complete workshop when he opened the doors. Except coffee he didn't want anything else and the stairs were finished in 2 days. We were lucky with the weather though, dry and not too hot; the frontdoor had to stay open and he could do most of the dirty work outside. Of course today we had to do some cleaning, sawdust turned up in the most unexpected places. Now everything is tidy and back where it belongs, and we are a bit tired but very happy how it all turned out.
    1 point
  36. Wonderful news Ann. She will have the best kitty life living with you. Glad to hear your cat girls are coming around to her. She looks very soft, I love that rust colored line down the middle of her face.
    1 point
  37. Thanks, Suz. I have officially adopted her into our household. My two senior cats have certainly perked up! They are now doing pretty good with accepting her. Only some growls and, at first, hissing. The tapeworm showed up in her poop, which was conveniently deposited on my bedroom rug, instead of the litter box. I might not have seen the worm if it was buried in cat litter. I'm sure the poor baby feels better and she's still eating "like a horse!" Here's a better photo to which I added a marisa lerin frame from a current mini kit. This shot was in full sun coming from behind Brandy, so I fiddled with my iPhone camera settings and was pleased with this result.
    1 point
  38. What a nice surprise for you. That's looks like a really fuzzy bee.
    1 point
  39. She is beautiful Ann. Will she go back outside or will she be rehomed? That's amazing that you put that much weight on her. 3 pounds seems very undernourished. I have to ask, how does the tape worm come out.
    1 point
  40. This is my Tortoiseshell cat, Brandy, who has been living in quarantine with us for 3 weeks until she had her final vaccination, microchip and de-wormer. I have kept her confined to my bedroom and Tuesday, Aug 20, Robyn Stuart from Dumped/Stray Animal Rescue came to the house, gave her the necessary treatments and said I could introduce Brandy to my other two cats on Friday Aug 23. Robyn said the vet estimated her age at about one year. I know she only weighs 5 pounds now and when she started here she was only 3 pounds so I've been stuffing her. Luckily, she's a good eater. She presented me with a large tapeworm so I know the treatment worked. She is rather exotic looking, with those intense yellow eyes and mottled coloring. I tell her she's ready for fall. She was one of the strays I was feeding so you can see her ear has been clipped for TNR when she was spayed but I wanted to keep her inside with me. She's not at all feral.
    1 point
  41. Week 34 I was lucky to see two herons on a recent walk. One flew down the stream, the other kindly stayed in place so I could take a photo.
    1 point
  42. I didn't have to think long which photo would be my photo of this week. This is an extremely lucky shot which I took last Sunday when I was staying with our son and daughter in law. It was taken during a walk in our National Park "Hoge Veluwe" where the heath is in bloom at the moment. I didn't even realize there was a bee in this much bigger photo, only at home when I looked at my photos of the weekend on the PC I noticed it. I was taking a photo of a nice clump of blue harebells (grasklokje) and found a little bee too.
    1 point
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