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  1. More flower pictures from my garden. May & June are the best months (here) for fresh-looking plants. By July, it's all starting to look a bit tired and dry. And by then, I'm tired of pulling the same weeds over and over. I used a layout from Katie Pertiet's site as a scraplift.
    6 points
  2. A photo of a fully open campanula flower looking for the sun which is nowhere to be seen.
    5 points
  3. Since this is about our current gardens, I'll repost my pictures of the flowers in our gardens in May. Three of our azalea bushes are pictured: the white, rose and pink which are in our back and side gardens.
    5 points
  4. I love this topic. At last count, my Amazon Kindle has over 900 books in my cloud. I do like that I can accumulate books without taking up space here in my small condo. I might even have some old layouts to display while I come up with something new. Here's one from the topic Hobbies back in 2021.
    5 points
  5. I had a doctor's appointment in the hospital and on the busy street before the building there was a family of geese crossing the road to go from one piece of grass to the another. They walked very calmly and the parents had some trouble to keep the youngsters in line. There is a bus stop and 2 busses had to halt to let them all pass. I wasn't the only onlooker that made some photos that day. The geese are the "Grote Canadese Gans" - Branta canadensis and are some time ago more or less imported from abroad and are now very often a pain in the ass for farmers because they are eating and damaging the crops. But it was a lovely sight!
    5 points
  6. I forgot to post this while waiting for the Campus to stop having a nervous breakdown! j/k My Chippy is quite photogenic. Now he wants to come in a play with the cats. (I don't think so; Eve would dispatch him handily 😞 )
    4 points
  7. I love how you blended the pictures with the text being the divider. Very creative.
    4 points
  8. Great to be back to posting. This was the post I tried to post on June 6th. so glad is stayed on the Editor...and good thing it didnt post because I forgot to add a shadow the Weel Done and the frame. I had looked on "professor" Google to see what do Scottish people say for "congratulations" and it came up with a slang term, "Weel Done". I have no idea if this is legit or not. Just a quickie I did tonight...because I left it to the last moment. My friends moved to Scotland on the Moray Firth (Moray Coast?) in Nairn (close to Inverness). Tomorrow (from my point of view - Today from theirs) they get the keys to the new house and their new adventure. I had originally thought I'd be doing something with the text and the outer frame, but it seems to look better in black. I found the highland cow on Unsplash (Sasha Matic is the photographer) and since it was on a snowy white background I used the Darken blend mode to made the background disappear into the garage door. I found the highland cow in the circle frame on Creative Fabrica and used text on a path as shown in the last master class. I see that I didnt get the bottom word as far away. I'll fix that later, I need to send it now as they should be just about getting up for the day...as I'm about to be going to sleep. I am showing it in black (as it came), on the layout I turned it to white so it would show up.
    4 points
  9. Wow, I'm able to post! Here is a photo of a "Japanse Kornoelje" or Japanese Dogwood that is flowering in a garden around the corner where I live. It is a European cousin of the Mountain or Pacific Dogwood which I saw in Yosemite a couple of weeks ago. Most of our spring flowering trees or bushes like the magnolia, cherry, apple and pear are over now and the rhododendrons have suffered from all the rain we got. I didn't have had the time to make a layout with this photo, I'm just glad my pc is up and running again. The problems started when we got a lot of updates from different sources almost at once. Our Network provider installed a new connection point, then we got a modem update, a windows update, an update for the drivers of the pc. My pc is an Acer and that got an update as well. Somehow there went something wrong, but I think and hope that everything here is up and running again!
    4 points
  10. Canada geese are very common in Europe. In the UK they were introduced hundreds of years ago and you can find them in most places where there is inland water like ponds and lakes. In the winter the numbers increase as some migrate here but even without them we have many thousands. To us they are a common sight - its other types of geese that are interesting!
    3 points
  11. I love this layout. The quote and the images backing it up are so fitting. 90 books would take up a lot of room if they were physical. My hubby watches techy shows on Youtube and I happen to be in the same room one day while he was watch one. I had always wondered about "The Cloud". what is it? Is it floating around in the cyber sky, on a fluffy white cyber-cloud? Then the host of the show he was watching says: :There is no cloud, only your files on the someone else's computer." hahahaha, I never thought of it that way. I liked the mystery of my info happily floating along on a fluffy cloud (the cloud is smiling of course).
    3 points
  12. On a visit to Warwick, I spotted these Queen of the Prairie flowers, and so I made a little layout using a Rachael Martin template.
    3 points
  13. I am not sure what bush this is, but it was taken the end of April at my Church like a lot of my flower pictures are.
    3 points
  14. Here's my week 22 from Sun June 2 - An unusual lunch invitation 😉
    3 points
  15. I didn't have layouts of this topic, so I made one and used a photo of a library and one of a bookshop, which I both found on the internet. I used cass-letterpress freebie for the title and the rest of the text is Arial rounded. The books are from antiques library clipart and the open book is by Sheila Reed and the bookbanner is from Marissa Lerin. I have been reading from the moment I could read and I put that all in the text.
    2 points
  16. I just found an alphabet series that I started using book covers back in February of 2022. I only did A, B & C, by the looks of it as the rest of the series isn't books. These are all books I owned at the time.
    2 points
  17. Thanks everyone for the upvotes and comments. I decided the frame was too overpowering and now have it as my P C background minus the border and I like it better for that purpose.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. In 2012 I got my first Kindle, so I now collect books on it. My reading tastes have changed as well. I'm more into cozy mysteries and biographies. I find a lot of new authors to me through a copy of daily email lists with books offered at extremely low prices or even free. I have also gotten the Kindle version of my favorite series shown in the above layout by John Jakes. I got a new, smaller Kindle before my surgery last fall and took it with me in case I felt like reading post surgery. I did use it before my 3rd surgery when I got a blood transfusion the day before. It took about 4 hours so my cousin and I sat there and read... me with my Kindle, her with a hard back book from her library! She still likes the feel of a book in her hands. I do have a wish list on the Ohio E-book website through my local library so every so often I will get books through there instead of buying them. A couple books were so popular that it took over 6 months to get them even with the depository having 6 to 8 copies! One of them was so good, I couldn't put it down and finished it in one day. I highly recommend the book "Saved: A War Reporter's Mission to Make it Home" by Benjamin Hall. Several years ago, some of the scrapbooking readers on another forum chose to do layouts from their Goodreads list. (I do track what I read on there and a spreadsheet so I know what books I still need in a series since I read a lot of series). I was still working in 2017 so not as much time for reading (although I haven't been reading lately, I go in spurts). Here is mine:
    2 points
  20. I've got several old layouts about books. The first one shows all the hard back books I had at one time. I had joined The Literary Guild in my 20's so collected books that way. Also have books that my mom had collected over the years. I have donated quite a few of them to a local organization that sells used books to raise money for scholarships for girls (AAUW). But there are some that I will not give up. These bookcases look different since I've gotten rid of books but the larger one is still full of books! The smaller one no longer has books on the top shelf and the books in it are not as tightly packed in.
    2 points
  21. I have used the library in the past. Right now, I've put a hold on buying or adding any more, at least until I've read them all!
    2 points
  22. For years I bought my books; then I used the library b/c it got expensive to own them. Then, during the lockdowns, I downloaded them to my device (iPad or Kindle) from the library cloud service. I found that so convenient and easy, that I continue to do that now. The only downside is that they sometimes will have some books from a series and not others.
    2 points
  23. Hate to tell you but I forgot a zero on that number of books. It should have been 900. I've corrected it now. Thank goodness the "cloud" is roomy! 😉
    2 points
  24. Thank you so much Michele. I wish I could take credit for the design but I saw it on a website somewhere. The trick was to kern the letters to make sure they all touched. I like the look. It's great for things like; Happy Birthday, Congratulations etc and I made the the upper and lower layers mask groups.
    2 points
  25. They are not beaten yet. So far, things are working while I have my caching/security service on pause. I will keep it like that for a few more hours and re-enable it tonight or tomorrow and see. At least, it won't affect the Q&A for tomorrow!
    2 points
  26. I know I might sound like a broken record, but online backup can be a life-saver. I can't imagine how i would do if I lost everything about the Campus, the store, and all my supplies and photos. That peace of mind is definitely worth that $100/year. I wrote about it in here.
    2 points
  27. I had to drive around this very scene yesterday returning home from an appointment. Usually, the geese hang out around my condo complex, but they've been missing lately so now I realize they're off raising families. I do have one male goose (gander?) who sits alone outside my kitchen window. He appears to be waiting for his mate, who is among the missing this season. She (and he) came around a lot the last two years. She was noticeable because she limped and had a band around the affected leg. Last fall I named them George and Gracie and then, suddenly, she was gone. I hope I didn't jinx the fine couple. 😔
    2 points
  28. Testing 1-2-3-4
    2 points
  29. Congratulations to you on this special event.
    2 points
  30. Nice layouts and I see quite a lot books that I have read as well!
    1 point
  31. What a sweet fellow, he is curious what is happening inside and he probably knows there must be food!
    1 point
  32. An example of image manipulation that I am admiring...
    1 point
  33. This is just perfect! Love the image of the girl.
    1 point
  34. What a lovely layout you created, Anne, to commemorate this important event. Congratulations!
    1 point
  35. Great pic! Years ago I had to drive by a pond that was a few blocks from my office. There were many mornings I was late because I had to wait for the geese to finish crossing the road.
    1 point
  36. Beautiful, Julie. I'm in New York's Mid-Hudson Valley; where are you located? Just wondering if the flowers would be similar there.
    1 point
  37. Peace of mind at a good price! I love online backup and don't mind paying for it.
    1 point
  38. That's not a plant I'm familiar with. Our soil wouldn't allow it to thrive I don't think. But it is so pretty.
    1 point
  39. Is that bridalwreath spirea by any chance? Those bushes are always covered in small white flowers. (oops, just realized that Mary gave it the correct name)
    1 point
  40. Yah I know, but I have a separate SSD (solid state drive) for all my scrapbook supplies and a 2nd SSD as backup. The best part of my photos is in the iCloud as well as on the pc. Only PSP itself is on my C-drive. I'll have to think about an online backup; you on the other hand run the campus and the store, so that's something on a much bigger scale.
    1 point
  41. Corrie, your experience with your pc sort of mirrors our problems here with the Campus and, additionally, when on the internet today, every one of my usual sites is asking for credentials and additional third factor ID. It is annoying, to say the least.
    1 point
  42. Nice to see clematis doing so well! In the house we lived over 40 years before moving to the one we are living now, we tried to grow clematis many times with different varieties but due to the rather wet soil conditions we had, this never was a great succes.
    1 point
  43. We called it Bridal Spirea
    1 point
  44. I just posted my flower layout I've been holding through the gremlin attack. I put it on Carole's Chit Chat for June 4 page. She was calling for flowers at that point.
    1 point
  45. Oh yeah, books! They have been a large part of my life since forever. I'll be getting on this one as soon as I can!
    1 point
  46. It's wonderful! I am able to react to others' posts and comment on layouts. The gremlins seem to have been beaten back! I prepared this a while ago and couldn't put it here, but it might work now. (I actually tried to post it just when the Forum went wonky.) Just a general layout featuring one of my favourite plants in the garden. Purple is not a colour choice I use very often, but it works here, I think. Some elements from Katie Pertiet Designs.
    1 point
  47. Today is my husband and my 55 anniversary and I have just completed this.
    1 point
  48. I know i didn't turn the bolt heads again. lol
    1 point
  49. Things are moving along pretty well. The book is "done", although I am still waiting on proofreaders to catch all my typos and odd grammar syntax (remember that English is not my first language!). Then, I have to finalize a cover for it. If everything goes according to plans, it should be released this summer. Stay tuned!
    1 point
  50. I was happy to find a chipmunk took up residence under my patio and my cat, Eve, is also fascinated. He keeps her entertained since she can't go outside, herself. I snagged some templates from the mailer this morning from Digitalscrapbook.com. This one is from Rachel Martin. The title font is Agency, and the text is Arial. Meet Chip!
    1 point
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