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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2024 in all areas

  1. I'm two days early posting week 15. I read that Susan is waiting for the Robins to return to her area. Several arrived over this past weekened, along with several small flocks of Juncos, a Male Northern Flicker, and a handful of Song Sparrows. The long awaited songs of birds has once again begun, breaking the long silence of winter out in the trees. Shot taken on Monday afternoon. On their arrival, I promptly put out blueberry jam, and berries.
    6 points
  2. I'm a bit early too but the "highlight" of my week was my birthday. I have no photos of the occasion that I can use here. Just some of family and friends that I will have to blur and I don't like that at all. It are all people that matter to me but for here not very interesting. So I made myself a birthday cake with sprinkles on top (tubes made by me and Carole). The 75 is cream piping, freebie by Carole; just as the doily and greenery with extra roses. The candles are from Marissa Lerin and the rest comes from my stock. The rest of the weeks in April and the first week in May will come as I'm back from California after I have recovered from the jetlag; I don't take my laptop with me. I will leave here coming Tuesday, so bye for now and see you in May. I will check in on the Campus when I have some moments when everybody is at work/school and it is just me and the dogs. In the weekends we will take trips.
    5 points
  3. Fonts: Quimby Gubernatorial and OCR-A, scanned slide
    4 points
  4. Fonts: Selectric Advocate, Slimlines. Graphics Gina Jones and myself.
    4 points
  5. I see that Ann has posted a photo of Great horned Owlets, taken by her friend. This is a page I created and posted back in the summer of 2019, showcasing one of the two Owlets that I documented and observed at a friend's hay barn not to far away. The Owls have nested there for over 10 years. Many of you won't have seen this page.
    4 points
  6. I was playing with screenshots from an Explore live cam. Today's rainy sunrise and a pretty one from another day. Used the blend mode to come up with this. The Text is the freeby from C F It is called Pastels but has that drippy look.
    3 points
  7. @Sue Thomas Thanks for showing this layout again. So great! These owls seem to have known for a while that they've hit it off big time in that barn.šŸ’— And you and your friend as well with them owls. Good on ya! Such an awesome photo op at your residence. Brilliant. Does your friend have a camera installed? Birds in general are lovely subjects to photograph and some are not that hard to get in front of the lens with food. But owls? So rare. Congrats. Such great shots!!!
    3 points
  8. Oh, thank you for this! I just love Robins. And this is a beautiful photo. I will keep a look out for them. We have a new Merlin who's taken over the tree beside my garage (in my neighbours yard). He/She sits up there calling away. I don't know if it's one of last years babies from the pair down the road of if it's one of the pair and it's lost it's partner. Anyway, it means less birdy activity in my yard. šŸ˜„ Or maybe they are busy building nests right now.
    3 points
  9. Beautiful shot! Chaffinches are one of the most widespread birds in the UK. This one is a handsome male.
    2 points
  10. Its my pleasure! I have a pair of great horned Owls out in the trees, which I have showcased and posted on numerous occassions They don't nest here, they come to dine most nights on the many small mammals. Asfor my friend, well she didn't know what species of owl they were until I educated her.
    1 point
  11. I also have a Merlin which arrived 8 days ago, a female. Much to my delight she is picking off the house sparrows. The bird baths are out and being used. Yesterday I brought out the leaf cutter bee logs. Although they won't emerge for a while yet.
    1 point
  12. That is my plan to have new additional supplies for the DIAMOND members.
    1 point
  13. Lovely page, @MicheleI am interested in the title font. I found about 30 called Spring, lol. Do you have some info on it like where it is from or who made it?
    1 point
  14. I have a flower bed full of daffodils, one of my favorite flowers. The daffodil picture was taken yesterday and the dandelion field is behind my house. The green paper is from my kit, and the fold is from a scrap tutorial. I have been totally unsucessful in using the cass folded edge script, but by accident managed to fold the daffodil picture. I filled the fold with white like the back of a photograph. The mossy wood is from a picture my daughter sent me, and the preset wheel is filled with another wood photo from Beth. The no trespassing sign fill is from a photo of tree bark that I took some time ago. I used a brush to make the edges uneven. The yellow is a gradient, and the greenery was made in Procreate. The font is Kristin ITC cut out of the bark photo.
    1 point
  15. It does and is surprisingly loud for a little one!
    1 point
  16. I'm glad you mentioned the kit. I would have never seen that site. The font it nice isn't it. I just went and found it. I have a family member who loves Star Wars.
    1 point
  17. Wow Sharla, what a beautiful bird. I love that color. it is close to a robin, which should be making an appearance in my area soon...I hope. Does this bird have a nice song. Looks like some beautiful blossoms in the background.
    1 point
  18. Crossposting from Chit Chat- I just cobbled together this layout using my template from the webinar's grid format. Photos by (daughter) Laurey Keller of 2024 Total Eclipse, Matamoras, PA SI-Star Gazer kit / Elements = Light (overlay @ 50% opacity) + Nebula-1 (Does anyone know who "SI" is?) Font=Distant Galaxy Outline (which was an offering by Star Wars creator Lucasfilm) / White Sand gradient
    1 point
  19. Week 14 Sorry, Iā€™m so late. My photo shows one of the delightful chaffinches that visit my garden.
    1 point
  20. I just cobbled together this layout using my template from the webinar's grid format. Photos by (daughter) Laurey Keller of 2024 Total Eclipse, Matamoras, PA SI-Star Gazer kit / Elements = Light (overlay @ 50% opacity) + Nebula-1 (Does anyone know who "SI" is?) Font=Distant Galaxy Outline (which was an offering by Star Wars creator Lucasfilm) / White Sand gradient
    1 point
  21. The last UK Solar Eclipse on 11th August 1999 occured whilst I was a Cub Scout Leader. I had set the Cub Scouts a challenge to write a " newspaper report" of the Eclipse and their experience of it. The main memory they had of it was of the sudden drop in temperature ( 8 - 10 degrees if I remember correctly) , and we where located over 200 miles away from the totality zone and only saw a partial eclipse. I remember the changes of the wind as it went darker and then lightened up again. I also wrote a report but cannot find it or the pictures from a weather satalite showing the shadow on the earth.
    1 point
  22. Week Fourteen - 04/07/24 - Baby great horned owls well camouflaged in a tree and trying to look fierce. šŸ˜† Photo by my buddy Michael Turek. Font is Valentina.
    1 point
  23. Beautiful photo of that Robin. Over here the birdsong has started now in full force after we had a couple of nice sunny and much warmer days. I can see them busy with little branches and some moss or grass to build nests. It is a pity I can't come near enough to take a good shot of the nests. The crows are in turmoil, the trees they have been nesting in are taken down, because that little area is turning into a building site for new houses. So far it has been a nice hidden gem with a little pool and a lot of overgrowth among the tall trees amidst a populated area. That's called "progress"šŸ˜¢................!
    0 points
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