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  1. Quick page workshop using available image on my HD.
    7 points
  2. Flowers it is. Fonts. Butterline, Bell, Cornish Pastry, Selectric Advocate
    7 points
  3. The good news: It is supposed to pass directly over my home. The bad news: early weather reports indicate rain Monday. This will be my third eclipse in my lifetime. As a kid in the 60's one passed over my hometown in Pennsylvania. Then I was in Nebraska in 2017 when another took place. Attached is a photo showing the area one hour before the eclipse, during, and a few minutes after, Fascinating. When the eclipse took place, everything went so quiet. Dogs, birds, insects all went silent.
    6 points
  4. Quick page workshop lesson 2. My daughter and me on bike, Jess with boyfriend then later husband. Rosie nice and warm at Lake Louise BC
    6 points
  5. UK WIld Flowers. I have many favourites. The Campion which flourishes in hedgerows all over the country, can flower almost all year round in some areas. Wales and Cornwall, especially so. I used one of Carole's lace picture tubes, edge magic script on the flower elements, which I created myself, adding the flowers names on a curve, as the flowers are vectors. As for the tile, I went wild using many different fonts, and colours from the photos. Due to compression, some of the flowers names in the flowers may not be legible. Forget me nots, Primroses, Cowslips, Shepherds smock. The main photo is a macro shot of the Campion flower.
    3 points
  6. And here is a second project, about a place in Germany (say shtorkoh, meaning storks in English) Storkow about a 40 minutes drive east of Berlin and 20 minutes west from the Polish border. It is part of the outer, historic military ring around Berlin. Interesting place. Graphics JBS and Marisa Lerin, fonts are Qiara on title and Poppins on body.
    3 points
  7. Another one from the 1960. Some graphics JBS Designs, rest myself. Again 10x8 inches, fonts are Lato on body, Pacifico on title Rock Beach on location and Georgia on date.
    3 points
  8. Great calendar page @Ann Seeber, love the open book look. Is that a script as well? I was hoping to get into scripts on Easter Monday but life had different plans... It sure is on my list. Thank you for the lovely kit @Louyse Toupin!!! I have a little project going with photos from the sixties and seventies. Some are slides, all are scanned, except the one on this page 😉 Graphics JBD Design discontinued. 10x8 inches. Font is Lato on body and Nickson Four on title.
    3 points
  9. I will start with another version of these daffodils that I posted last month. I do play with flower pictures a lot an could really go crazy with this theme.
    3 points
  10. August 21, 2017...the eclipse was longest in SC. People flocked to the state. I live in VA but SC is home. I decided not to go down because of the crowds. These are friends of mine who live in SC...on their back deck...its great when you live at an event and don't have to travel.
    3 points
  11. I can sit in my front yard to see it. I'm in Ohio. My cousin that lives in southeast Ohio is bringing her 2 granddaughters up for the weekend and to see the eclipse on Monday. They are so excited about it. All the schools in the area built the day off into their school calendar. The buses would be on the roads during the time leading up to the actual almost 4 minutes of the eclipse. My town is also expecting up to 70,000 people coming to see it (traffic nightmares for a town of 9,000). Estimates for the county are up to 130,000. The county only has 45,000 in population. The reason my town is expected to be the place to be is because it is the hometown of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. We have a museum in town that is all things space and actually looks like a moon! The town is going all out with various events scheduled from Thursday to Monday. The city and county officials have put out lots of information about what to expect with the influx of people in town. They also suggest that we do all our grocery shopping, getting gas for the vehicles, prescriptions refilled etc before the weekend. Another thing they have talked about is the fact that the cell towers will be swamped with people trying to connect so service could be intermittent. They did say that if you can, we should connect our phones to wi-fi so that we would still have access in case of emergency. It really is interesting everything that the officials have been doing. They've been working on this for over 2 years to make sure they have everything covered. I can't wait!!! Here is a layout I did for a challenge at The Lily Pad in January that shows the path through Ohio.
    3 points
  12. One more thing...I just learned I could Group all my Vectors ...I saw it in a tutorial on the Campus and tried it. Makes life so much easier. I used a number groups, sometimes for short period while I did something to the whole group, then ungrouped. I linked a lot and also color coded. Just what we have talked about in prev post (another forum post though, I think).
    2 points
  13. There was a report on a news station out of Dayton last night on the cost of hotel rooms. This is what they found out about the 2 hotels in my town. "In Wapakoneta for the weekend of the Eclipse, Comfort Inn is priced at $632 while Holiday Inn Express is $1,243." A town about 45 minutes from us has these prices "In Bellefontaine, the prices range from $895 to $1,167 in total." Bellefontaine is in the path of totality but the duration will not be as long as ours since it is east of us. They are fully booked!
    2 points
  14. We live in Belton TX which is right next to Temple TX and in the path of the eclipse..My husband will watch it with his solar eclipse glasses. I am not able ti watch it due to the sensitivity and problems with my eyes and I do not want to take a chance even with the special glasses.The fur-kitties and I will be inside and I will calm them if they think it is too early to get that dark outside. Quite a few years ago we watched the eclipse in Germany when visiting my Mom. We watched it from her balcony. It was amazing. I will check if I have any pictures. I remember it got very dark and quiet in the city.
    2 points
  15. This layout was done for one of Carole's workshops...can't think of it right now. In 2008, December 2 I traveled to Nashville, Tennessee to meet with an internet friend and we spent a good bit of time at Oprayland Hotel which has indoor gardens open to the public.
    2 points
  16. This morning the chance of rain for me was up to 25% in the afternoon hours starting around 2 p.m with temps in the 50's. Totality is at 3:10 p.m. I just looked before hopping on here and it is down to 20%. Temp now listed at 63. So it is ever changing. If the weather isn't good, we'll just have a party anyways!
    2 points
  17. Thank you so much Corrie. I really enjoyed this one. I'm going to play more with the papers in that kit. I also thought I could have added a brick wall texture. So many possibilities. This P52 challenge is better than I expected. Because it's on a small canvas with less elements, I can try more things in a shorter time.
    1 point
  18. Yes I noticed your unusual color scheme 🙃, but why not if the flowers dictate it. Indeed I know all the flowers you used and I think I will have some of them in photos of my own.
    1 point
  19. Lately on a dry spell I came along a front garden in a street I normally pass by and saw a magnificent rather big Prunus in full bloom. The only problem was that I had to take my photo from the pavement and in that position it was impossible to get a good shot of the tree without getting the front window and door of that house on the photo too. Nowadays you have to be a bit careful when you do that, because most people don't like you doing so and I didn't want the house in the photo anyway. Therefore I took some close-ups and used one of them here. I like the work of Jessica Dunn and subscribed to her newsletter recently. She hosts a mask challenge on digitalscrapbook.com for this month and has a freebie mask and as a welcome gift I got the mini kit dandelion wishes part 2. And I used both the mask and the kit for this layout to make a background from 2 papers with a blendmode. Made a cluster with some elements, changed some colors to go better with my color scheme and made a text frame because the frame in the kit was way to overpowering for this photo. The font is Belinda, a freebie from CF. Just a whole layout using freebies!!!
    1 point
  20. A very colorful layout, but it does justice to the colors of the flowers!
    1 point
  21. P52 Week 13 Fun with blend modes! I used: Vintage Paper Textures - Apothecary -86766159 (Creative Fabrica...I think) and chose 3 papers with a blend mode on two of them. I am enclosing the results as that show the blend mode. All at 100% opacity. I made the 12x12 after the 600x900. For the 600x900 version I pasted the papers in and then squished them down, since I welcomed any distortion in this case. I have shown the two 600x900 and the 3600x3600 side by side so you can see how the distortion affects the smaller image. The font is Arissa Typeface (CF again). I took all the strokes/outlines from the vectors and turned them gray, rasterized and then gaussian blur. the fill in each of the Vectors done in black, rasterized then used a mask (Layers>new mask layer) on the rasterized version of both text layers and the frame layer, to add grungy scratches in the black. (side note: I channeled Sue T, remembering she once wrote that she likes to use a mask instead of the eraser tool - I FINALLY figured out how to do it!). Therefore, I need the make sure the outlines were on a separate layer (grouped actually) so they wouldn't be effected and I needed to have some definition to the frame and text. Are we 1/4 of the way through? Time is going too fast.
    1 point
  22. Thank you Susan and I have no hesitation the pictures will be on all the tv-networks and social media! I suppose I 'm considering it as a special gift for my birthday 🤩! Enjoy!
    1 point
  23. This is fascinating. So cool to see the differences. Thanks for sharing Bill.
    1 point
  24. Pre-Happy Birthday Corrie. How does one top a birthday gift like the universe is giving you. Too bad you wont be able to receive it. It's the thought that counts...that Universe, always thinking about us, eh?
    1 point
  25. I tried to look at the link...me and billion other people I think, as it errored out.
    1 point
  26. This is so exciting for you Rene. Your town sounds very on top of matters. Wish I lived there. My province probably calls it "fake news" and my city is probably finding some way to tax me on it. hahaha. kidding. You town sounds wonderful, very proactive. I can feel the excitement in your words, I'll be there in spirit. Beautiful layout.
    1 point
  27. I'm nowhere near the area of totality. Here's a special food item, just for the eclipse.
    1 point
  28. hopefully, it holds for you!
    1 point
  29. I was watching a report saying that eastern Canada will likely be in the clear for the eclipse, while most of the USA will be covered. Yay for me, but what a bummer for those who assumed that USA had better chances of viewing and are flying there! Nothing is 100% accurate when it comes to weather, but crossing fingers as it is looking good for us.
    1 point
  30. Hello, I have built a mini kit for : https://www.digitalscrapbook.com/forums/digital-scrapbooking/digitalscrapbookcom-blog-trains/apr-2024-blog-train-final-list here is my part, to download it just go on my blog: Digiscrap Angelhaze
    1 point
  31. Happy April. Here is my monthly Wild Cat Calendar for April 2024. I used the cass-open-book script for the top and a calendar from Gina Jones. The Snow Leopard photo was taken by my granddaughter, Jackie Thorpe, at her Claws 'N' Paws Wild Animal Park in Mt. Ariel, PA. The title font is Fredericka the Great, and the text font is Agency. The background gradient is labeled "Bondi." The "Say No" brad is mine. I will also post this on our Facebook page full size for anyone who would like to print it out at 8.5" x 11" which is what I do.
    1 point
  32. I have found a great site that can list all the cities in the path of totality, but also those who will experience partial eclipse. It shows what you will see in various cities: https://eclipse2024.org/eclipse_cities/index.php I found out that my hometown will see 99.56% totality, so we are just out of the full path, so we will drive to Miramichi, which will be close to the center of the path, where we can get 3.5 minutes of totality (weather permitting).
    1 point
  33. Hi James, we last had a total solar eclipse in Germany in August 1999, which we enjoyed with our neighbors on the terrace. The next total SF shouldn't be until 2081, on Lake Constance. However, there will be a partial SoFi in northern Germany in 2025. Wikipedia lists complete and partial SoFi's in the world from 2003 to 2097. I'll have to look for the photos and do a scrap with them. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_zentren_Sonnenfinsternisse_in_Europa_im_21._ Jahrhundert Edit 05.04 24: My SoFi-Scrap is here down👇
    1 point
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