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  1. I had forgotten all about this challenge until I saw Corrie's quote. I came up with this. The colours/ multicolours will depend on the background colours.
    6 points
  2. Has anyone done Paper cutting? Several weeks ago I bought a Paper cutting kit from Amazon. It is an ancient chinese art. I started out practicing on the butterfly, then I got a bit adventurous, and did the easter eggs. I have a long way to go before I'm competent at it. Especially when it comes to cutting out circles. At present I'm using cheap photo copying paper. Once I'm happy with what I can do, I'd like to do some cutting out on cards. It's a bit late now, as winter will soon be over. But I'm looking forward to spending more time on it next winter.
    4 points
  3. So far I could only come up with the quote in different colors on a spiral. I put it on a T-shirt just to see if it would work. It is not very original, but I have more pressing things on my mind at the moment. As no one else has posted something here yet I want to give it a start, maybe somebody else will follow. Depending on the outcome of eye tests tomorrow in hospital I'll try to come up with something else. Hopefully my eye only needs a laser treatment which will be the best option, otherwise there is something seriously wrong and my trip to my daughter is in 3 weeks...... Keep your fingers crossed for me!
    4 points
  4. How to make it your own! Great use of Carole's punches. I don't think I've ever used multiple different punches in a project.
    3 points
  5. Cooper on title, Hollywood Starfire on body. I'm a big fan of these simplistic, minimal layouts and I don't mind uniformity in albums, so I often use the same 3 or four layouts for one album. Mostly grids 😉 edit: I was a whole decade off and had to change this...
    3 points
  6. We all work with a graphic program and can create very interesting projects. How about creating a wordart from a fun quote related to PSP or scrapbooking? Who knows? Maybe we can turn them into frames, mugs, t-shirts, etc. The quote to use now is: "Life is like a digital scrapbook; sometimes you have to crop out the negativity." I will look for places where we can use those wordarts for merchandise!
    2 points
  7. I think it is just the difference between those who like to work alone and those who like to work with others. Both are right.
    2 points
  8. Wow! they look fabulous. I have in the past done cutting sort of like that, for a 3D element inside a Christmas card (in various years). Nothing as elaborate as this though. It must take a steady hand to do such tiny intricate details that the eggs have.
    2 points
  9. It's always nice to take part in the workshops, where everyone can interact with each other, over ideas, approaches to different techniques and such, whilst giving support and encouragement when needed. I will scroll through my challenge folders like I would the masterclasses and creative scrap/lab for ideas.
    2 points
  10. Oh no Corrie. I hope laser is the treatment you get to have. Sending you positive vibes (and a hug for good measure) for your appointment.
    2 points
  11. Exactly my thoughts, this is becoming uncanny!
    2 points
  12. I don't know about anyone else, but I will often use techniques, layouts, even get inspiration from previous workshops, when showcasing photos. As a diamond member you can access these workshops at any time for a refresher of any of the techniques etc used. Lovely photo of the brown rabbit, it resembles the little brown rabbits we get, and not a hare. The ears are the main giveaway.
    2 points
  13. I made the Simnel cake a month back, for Mother's Day on the 10th March. The date differs every year, as do Easter. Traditionally they are not as rich as Xmas fruit cakes. It has a layer of home made almond paste through the centre of the cake and on top. Not being relgious my mother and I carried the tradition on by having the cake for Mothering Sunday. As it does have significance for that day. The eleven balls is suposed to represent the 11 apostles. I decorated it purely for an Easter photo, them removed the eggs. Finally downloaded the psp template, to correctly participate in this challenge. The colours I took from the photo. Pinned element, scallops, ring is my own, the tag is one I made back in 2021. Carole's corner and page punches.
    2 points
  14. I bumped into this layout that I created last year when we were studying in a Text Workshop. I'd like to do that class again, as a refresher.
    2 points
  15. I used to do Decoupage with individual pieces cut and shaped to give a 3D effect. That was many moons ago. Now that I have a cutting machine, if I need to cut something, that is what I will use even though I still have my X-acto if I wanted to do some, by hand.
    1 point
  16. It's funny, I know I have access to the workshops and yet I still wait for them to come around. I guess I like doing it with a group. But I think after the Build A Kit it might be a good idea to have a go at the Text Workshop again.
    1 point
  17. Thank you my dear! Where as some creators will use mulitple patterened papers, on occassion I use multiple punches. I absolutley adore all of Carole's punches. Through her tutorials I have also learnt to utilize scallops, pinked edges, and more to subtly jass up my otherewise plain papers.
    1 point
  18. Like Chris we had a little bit of snow which had already almost melted when I went outside. I was just in time to make a photo with some snow on my little container with bulbs and I used that in the P52 challenge. Instead snow we had rain, rain and much more rain for the best part of December, Januari, February. It was quite depressing all those dark, gray days which at the same time had mild temperatures up to 5 or 6 degrees Celsius above average. Luckily March brought better weather with some sunshine and not so wet anymore but it still is changeable weather and Easter will bring more of the same. Due to the wet but mild weather spring is early with a lot of different trees and bulbs in flower. Over many shrubs and trees you can see a green haze coming and leaves appearing, but hay fever season is starting as well.
    1 point
  19. We are like to 2 peas in a pod, I won the Periodical script the other week, and you won the zig zag script. We have both showcased photos using our winnings within a day of each other. Not only that Carole has featured examples of our frames in this weeks blog. Coincidence or what!! 🙂
    1 point
  20. The cake looks delicious and I would love a slice for Easter 😋. I love the colors on this layout, very subtle but unmistakably Easter!
    1 point
  21. I have been working on this Easter page today and thought I would post it before I forgot to share it. All of the layers are from things I have saved over the years.
    1 point
  22. That should be fun. I hope not to find any that look like this. LOL Egg from C F.
    1 point
  23. Yeah, with my shaky hands at times, paper cutting like this is a big no for me. I do have an older cutting machine that I could use if I wanted to do something like this. My handwriting has also gotten worse in the last 10 years. My formally pretty cursive handwriting is no longer pretty. So I do very little of anything with my hands that need precision!
    0 points
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