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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2023 in all areas
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Been out hunting for the supposedly new font that came with '23 Ultimate but I do not have them anywhere. But, meanwhile, I remembered I could import lots of stuff from previous versions using File/Import/from Previous Versions so I did that. Then I remembered there were some free stuff offered on the Welcome screen under the Store heading so I went there and ticked the Free box and got 5 different downloads: 2 Creative Content, 1 purple script, Holiday Picture Tubes, and a brush set which includes a tutorial and more free brushes to download and I spy a Particle Shop intro video that I'm sure I need. (I saw the plugin when looking for fonts). Bonanza! (but no fonts, I really wanted that Broadway Engraved).2 points
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Back to the Labs. Lab 11 Mod 3. Make a banner, 4-petal flower, Sun element. All 3. Doubled up the 4-petal flower to make one with 8 petals. I needed practice to make that delightful border, 2 words, paper above (and below if you want otherwise you can have a different pattern/color below), and middle to display what the layout is about. Although I had written the instructions to make that, I found that I had to add some instructions for how to select with the magic wand. More practice needed, so I may use this again. All elements and papers are mine; the picture is one I took at the Botanic Gardens and the tag is one from the brochure. The font is Better Caramel.2 points
It is looking like a lottery! I only had to move 2 bound scripts to their place. And the Haze removal and snap to object ?1 point
had ik ook niet gedaan René maar alles stond redelijk op zijn plek allemaal. Maar er staat wel beschreven wat ze veranderd / verbeterd hebben. Gewoon kijken bij 'wat is er nieuw.' Sommige dingen lukte helemaal niet in de '23 dan nam ik de '20 of '21 maar weer. Maar vanavond ging het reuze goed. IK hoop dat het zo blijft. langzaam komt het plezier in psp weer terug bij mij.1 point
And thankfully you are. Or we wouldnt know we are missing things we paid for. Or rather in my case, I'd know I did something wrong on the install.1 point
Nee daar ben ik maar nooit aan begonnen, dat leek me zo ingewikkeld. Maar ik kan me vergissen. Ik heb vanavond wat in elkaar gezet gewoon maar gaan proberen om te werken erin en dan zie ik het wel. Dat doe ik meestal met de nieuwste. Wat ik mis is de tool om kleur van ernaast over te nemen. als je iets niet zo netjes gedaan hebt of wil repareren. Ik ben de naam weer eens vergeten. Misschien is het er wel maar onder een andere naam of op een andere plaats. Volgens mij zijn er inderdaad bugs uit want ik werd er voor de update zo snel uit gegooid dat het gewoon vervelend werd. En vanavond is die niet een keer afgesloten. Volgens mij zijn we allemaal proefkonijnen om het uit te proberen. het is time to sleep ?.1 point
That didn't work for me even after restarting the program. I had to add it through the View/Customize. Are there any other things that I should be looking for as being new in the update?1 point
Me, too, Rene. Going on a font hunt!1 point
@Susan Ewart I don't have some of those either. I don't have the folder that Carole listed above either so who knows where those fonts are! My PSP 2023 says I have the Ultimate version. Definitely confused here.1 point
Some of the thicker fonts I have not on Carole's list (and can probably be found on font websites) are: BD Cartoon Shout Big Truck Regular Cafe Rojo Regular Impuls BT Regular Influx Normal Revenue Normal Yard Sale Regular1 point
I dont have a bunch of these. I have often thought my original 2023 download didnt go properly, there was some issues, had to uninstall and reinstall, and never thought it was quite right. I will have to install from fresh onto the in-progress build on the new (to me)computer and hope I have better success. 2023 has some things I like so i'd like to stick with it. If I had any problems with 2022 I dont remember so it's still good to have that to fall back on. Thanks for showing me what I'm missing, I do love fonts.1 point
Those fonts are DOWNLOADED with the Ultimate but they are not INSTALLED. You can find them here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Corel\Corel PaintShop Pro 2023 Setup Files\PSP2023_Fonts And you can then choose which ones you want to install. As far as I know, you need to install them one by one.1 point
Sorry, it is PSP 2023 Ultimate https://www.paintshoppro.com/en/products/paintshop-pro/standard/?currency=en-US&sourceid=PSP2023-xx-ppc_pla&x-vehicle=ppc_pla&skuId=UG&trial=big&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=psp-dd-all-adwordsppc&utm_content=&utm_term=&utm_id=19617155216&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwuNemBhCBARIsADp74QTyp0PAzza5OI3Ie7fi2PNzO3guQolLTHSz9ugdek3VpNq9kZCIvEYaAnK-EALw_wcB scroll to the bottom and then go up 2 sections. or search for NEW 50 free modern fonts1 point
You would have to uninstall them, one at a time. I found a detailed step-by-step tutorial for that: https://www.creativefabrica.com/the-ultimate-font-guide/how-to-uninstall-and-remove-fonts-in-windows Interestingly, you can "view" the fonts so you don't have to rely only on the name. And as they mention, when they are gone, they are gone.1 point
Go to View > Customize and while the dialog window is open, right-click on that descriptor and you should get the option to choose the icon only. If that does not work, all the bound scripts SHOULD be still in the Scripts tab. Move them where you wanted them, and pull the descriptor into the main part of the workspace to make it disappear.1 point
did the patch - restart my PSP - reload my workspace - have PRO No Haze Removel add it from the Customize menu saved my workspace it works !1 point
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I installed the '23 patch but have yet to really test it out. '23 was giving me big problems with vectors so I look forward to re-trying that workshop. Meanwhile, a nice crew from a local cat rescue org. is helping with capturing my "friendly feral's" kittens and Mama also, to be TNR'd and returned. The kittens are shipped off to waiting foster homes to be socialized and adopted out. Here's one of the babies, just nabbed last night. ♥️1 point
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