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Masks Workshop 2022


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Hi,  I got a little behind.  Here is my pic from Mask 2.  I did struggle with the plaid as it overwhelmed the flowers, so I blended  few other pages to tone it down.  I used the bee from an old download called Bird & Bees elements by Holly Wood.  It was from a blog train.  I also used the tag from another blog train from January 2017 by Triple J Designs.  My font is Little Black Dress.
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Day 3 layout.  You are not kidding, kaleidoscope-ing (new word of the day!) is addicting.  I settled on this background to keep it clean and white-ish.  Photo is mine, from the Greater Vancouver Zoo.  On this day this peacock was guarding the pop vending machine and wouldn't let people near it.  Hilarious. I had previously downloaded masks from Digital Scrapbook but had no idea how to use them.  Loved this lesson.
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Day 3.   I used the Kaleidoscope on one of the  snake photos until I got the  colours I was looking for, I then  used other effects, and a blur. Due to the photos being to wide for the templates, I created my own  basic masks.  Negative effect, for the title, Garter Snakes, and  a simple round tag for the text.  Corner frame is a font.   I love snakes, especially the garter snakes, I go out early looking for them basking in the  sun to warm up.  I have learnt not to pick them up without wearing  gloves, as they will,  when  struggling to get away,  emit a fowl smell from their anal gland.  Which can take days to wash off my hands.  Even though they have striking colours, you try looking for  one, which can be right under your nose.  I have added the tag  to make reading more legible, due the original page being  resized to 600 pixels.
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Sue, your garter snakes are beautiful! Such striking colors! I had a few as captures when I was a teen; have always liked snakes but I'd turn them loose shortly after because I didn't know how to care for them. They always feel warm and smooth to touch, not slimy like earthworms! ;-)
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Day 3, I started with the mask and edited, painting black or white as I needed it.   The result was just to show the girls.   I air brushed the paper with colours from the picture and used different blend modes to get the paper I wanted.   I reduced the blend on the picture so it would blend into the paper.   Used a flower stamp and a quote from the internet.
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Ann, thank you so much. When I was a teen in Wales, I used to capture grass snakes, not as brightly coloured as the garter, but it's equivalent. I used to catch insects for them, especially grasshoppers. I too used to release them back into the wild after a day or so. They love water, as they like to dine on frogs, as well as mice and voles. Their eyes are memorizing, and as you say wonderful to the touch.
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Lesson 2


Ann, thank you for your tips on how I could achieve the colouring I was after for my blue plaid background and thank you for taking the time to make me a special plaid. So thoughtful and helpful. I have copied it and used it directly in a version 2 of my design. Later I will try the techniques that you suggest for making the plaid square in the first place. Here below for comparison.

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Lesson 3


I must admit that I don't find some of these techniques quick to do and like some others here have to go over the instructions/video a few times. However usually it works out and I hope practice improves it all. Thanks for all the help and the resources. I am continuing with my Devon theme from recent visits with friends.

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So many creative people posting beautiful pages!  Loved the kaleidoscope tutorial!  I see many hours ahead learning about these possibilities!  My goal in scrapbooking is to make photobooks of our family history and photos to pass down.  My first family photo is from 1876, so much work to do!
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I finally finished day 2.  I made lots of notes for myself on creating the masks and I think I can finally do that again.  I was able to make the plaid, but didn't make notes, so I will go back to try to get that figured out better.  This statue is at my church that was named after this saint.
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Day 3 with the Extra Mask. It is a bit the same color as the other 2 days but so far it are all trees that flower in early spring and they tend to have a lot of pink, lilac and white colors. What now is part of a frame was an open space in the mask through which you could see the background paper. But that made it a bit to bland so I turned it into a darker frame to give it a bit of pep.  The kaleidoskop background is very subtle otherwise it overpowers the delicate colors of the flowers.
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