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The BIG 10 Showoff


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I did one as part of the basic scrap course but not sure which one but around ?2016.  I would have used my own background papers, glitter scatter, extracted flower image and photo. I can't identify whose font or brush I'm sorry to say but they would have been connected to an older PC and PSP. TFL.
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My cousin's daughter shared her engagement photo on FB and I had to snag it to do a layout over the weekend.  In this layout I used a technique that is found on the blog: How to use a paperclip | Scrapbook Campus


And, in a MasterClass: Cutting the ribbon | Scrapbook Campus


Several elements had parts selected then promoted so I could get them above other elements yet leave the main part of the element lower in the layer palette. Much easier than using the eraser tool which is how I used to do it!





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What better way then use the month of September to show the calenderpage I did last year! It was the Up-To-Date Challenge and it was a big one too, we made pages for all the 12 month of 2021 and a frontcover. I printed it and gave it to a longtime friend as she had to listen to me rambling about making scrapbook things! She loves it and every time I am at her place I see my calender there on the wall. It makes a very nice gift! As usual all the photos are by me and for every month I choose some appropiate to that time of the year. I hope we get a new one to make later this year.


Scrapbook Campus: Up-To-Date Challenge

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My cover of this years Up to date challenge. I wanted to print the whole calender , one for us, one for my sister in law, but shortly after I finished it, I broke my upper right arm and couldn't do anything at the computer.


So I hope there will be another Up to dat challenge and otherwise I have to find the lesson about changing the days/dates and use this one again:)

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Here is my posting for Day 7 - Lab 5 Module 12: cogwheels; arrows, QR code (didn't do that).  Experiment 1: Title on a curve; Experiment 3: color/pattern/texture (plaids); Experiment 4: sketch/template (I used a sketch with some modification.  The papers are all mine (the textured cream color and blue color papers don't show the texture so much at 600), the arrows I shortened the one made in the lab (and I recolored them too); I used one of the cogwheels to make a picture tube which I scattered on the layout.  The frames are from the PSP picture frame folder.  The masks for the photos where made with brush strokes.  Finished this last night and posted it on What Are You Working on in September 2021.


Lovely layouts Anita.

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More entries for today:


Mary Solaas (2), those chevrons can be so versatile when you change colors and dimensions. So many techniques in that last project!!!


Wanda (Sue) McGuire (3), I love those string designs so much. It is too bad they are not as popular as they were in the 70's!


Shirley (2), was it the colored focus technique, leaving everything but the subject, in black and white (or sepia)? I had forgotten about the Scrapper's Dozen! In a way, the tutorials this weekend will be a bit like that.


Nadine, those shadows are very good!!!


Lyn Lou (3), isn't it fun to be able to add maps to a project? It is readily available to anyone and can illustrate any region of the world.


Sue Thomas (2), beautiful snow globes, and that is so versatile! Thanks for pointing out the tutorial for the word tree.


Susan Ewart, I am soooooo happy to finally see one of those sandwiches! I was wondering who would be the first one to post it. It is a great exercise and reading the stories during the Bootcamp always makes me smile.


Bonnie Ballentine (3), subway art can be used for so many different topics and occasions. Whether it is names, phrases, or even house rules!


Ann Seeber, bubbles are always fun to use as they add a voice the subject, and it is often funny or cute.


Sheila Hogg, interesting how you already used a lifted shadow for that project!


Rene Marker, the overlapping technique (essential for paperclips) is so useful in other arrangements


Corrie Kinkel, I'll have to look if I can create new templates for another Up-to-date challenge, but why not?


MoniqueN, there might be another such challenge. Maybe in October?


Anita Wyatt, yes, rotating text is a simple yet effective way to add notes, dates, etc. You could make matching pages for a whole series of animals then turn it into a kids' book!


Keep them coming. This thread is a gold mine of ideas!

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Your welcome MoniqueN


Thank you Susan Ewart, my mother will be 90 next year and up until a few years ago she was still very active, but due to a few falls, the doctor told her to slow down and take it easy, especially in the hot summers we were having. Since the pandemic we were all in lockdowns, and she was in our bubble so we were her main carers, for the past few years, and my sisters were not able to visit her, because of the lockdown rules, until June/July this this year. She still loves her garden and spends most days out in her garden tending her plants, or doing her other crafting hobbies.

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I love the title Big 10 'Show-off' Thread although always hesitant to show my creations when you see such competence from others. I have used my PSP skills learned mainly from Carole's Scrapbook Campus to create a lot of greetings cards for my family and friends throughout the year. The extra advantage of creating your own means you can create both a hard copy to post as well as sending via whatsapp or such like. With my family living 6000 miles away from me, this has been so successful.  To join in with tentatively 'showing off' I am posting a selection of my cards.
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Something I did for basic scrap 2017. I have spent so much time this week going through discs trying to find past works. I always try and burn to disc because I have learnt how annoying it can be when PCs stop working and become defunct and you lose precious work. I do have a lot of discs though and 2 external hard drives. Anyway, I found this one, saved with correct save details, something I was a bit remiss about in earlier PSP days. I love the way this one used the rings as taught by Carole, something very effective and something that would not have entered my brain to devise. TFL.
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Here is my entry #4.


This is from an old challenge called Mystery Challenge; the Scavenger Hunt Challenge kind of replaced it.


The year was 2017, and we had to add 10 elements to a layout... I struggled because usually, I only have a few elements on a page... Would I do it differently today? Sure, but it was fun, anyhow.


There are so many tutorials on this page that I can only refer to the Classes>Intermediate>Creative Scrap

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Another page from the bootcamp.  Using the cutout (pinking shear edges) and learning how to change colors on the fonts.  I also learned about the size of the photo's on the page.  Originally they were very small and it looked odd.  I like that we get the feed back from Cassel and from other members.  Design isnt natural for me so I like the critiques to help me "see" what I'm not paying attention to.  The bootcamp project that Cassel was demonstrating was Bees so I added the word in the layout even though boats and bees are only related by the letter 'B' .  side note: when I was a kid we lived at a lake and we'd swim out to this old wooden boat.  One summer we jumped in and to our surprise there was a bees nest and we all got swarmed and stung.  We jumped in to the water and swam back home crying...for me bees and boats go hand in hand.


Ann, I love the skunk. You are so lucky to get to see so many critters.



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