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The BIG 10 Showoff


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A major part of the Scrapbook Campus is and has always been teaching. Since the very beginning, 10 years ago, we have offered tutorials and classes to help our members learn more about PaintShop Pro and digital scrapbooking.


As part of our celebration, you are encouraged to show off what you have learned.


In this thread (and this thread only), post projects you have completed, following at least one tutorial or class in the Campus.


Here are the rules:

ONE entry per post (don't post two or three images in a single post)

you need to LINK to the class, tutorial, or blog post that you learned from

you can post as many projects as you want but you can get a maximum of 10 entries

the random draw will take place on September 13th, live, on FB (the exact time will be updated later)


make sure you resize your project images to 600 pixels before posting in the forum

if you can avoid posting all 10 entries at once, it will make us discover your work little by little; it is not necessary, but might be fun if you space your post a bit (you have 13 days after all)

Now, let's have fun. Let's show off what has happened in the last 10 years.


Since adding links MIGHT trigger the spam filter, if your post does not appear, it might be caught. If this happens, just drop me an email and I will pull it from the spam filter.

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Happy Anniversary, Carole! Congratulations on the 10th Anniversary of the Campus!


Your talent, expertise, and high-quality tutorials/material are what kept me here for all those years and hopefully for many more.


Also very important are the people, the friends I made on the Campus... Everyone cheers for each other, shares tips and their knowledge, which makes me want to return to the site.


I will show one of my very first layouts from 2016... Boy,  was I proud of my achievement! LOL


It includes cass-Water-Alpha Tags" freebie, and the technique is Interlacing.







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Congratulations Carole!  There isn't anything that I can add to what Cristina hasn't  already said.   We are a  wonderful,  international,  like minded family.  I have been a member for almost 7 yrs now.  I will show  one of  Carole's more recent  tutorials  to be found  in the blog, under tips and tricks.



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Not sure if this answers the rules, but Love Challenge was a great learning experience for me.  This is the result of Day 2 of the Love Challenge in 2020.  I learned how to make a plaid background from a picture, masking, adding a white layer under the background and lowering the opacity, using framing techniques on the background, using an element from the template.  Probably utilizing other things I had learned from the basic scrap course also.
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this is a project I did with our Teachers help  #60760 July 22, 2021 at 1:02 am in reply to: Bootcamp – July 2021


right now quarteered my grandson 10 is sick since 26 its very scary and were all Praying ad the family I dont get it.   Please Pray for all the People and Children having this.  One thing it does is zap your body of energy its a fight.  We have lost 4 Family members since this monster moved into our lives. Grandpa, a 30ish Uncle, 65 Aunt, cousin. :(


Scrapbook Campus has saved me 2 times and many more in keeping my kind busy and staying happy.

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Congratulations on the 10th Anniversary of the Campus :) Hope there will be many years to come, love the companionship here and on FB and of course your help with all you may have to ask abut PSP :)




I'm so glad I found this site! :)


This is one of the projects I made during the Love story challenge:





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Congratulations Cassel and Scrapbook Campus on this momentous anniversary.  I am very new to any scrapbooking or graphics programs.  I have being a member since May 2021 where I lucked out when I received an email from Corel about the Scrapbook Bootcamp.  That was a game changer for me and PSP, which I'd been buying for 3 years and never used.  I just became a Diamond member (side note: the amount of tutorials is mind blowing!) and  I am working through some tutorials.  This one below is from Lab 10-7 https://scrapbookcampus.com/the-lab/lab-11-module-07/ called Negative Effects.  This was made yesterday and I'm using this one because it's the first one I made without having to follow along with the video or reading the handout.  Sorry for the crazy colors, I just wanted to use colors that would have a lot of contrast for learning purposes.
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I have learned so much over the last year and a half. My first adventure in the Scrapbook world was in February of 2020, when I participated in the Love Challenge. Prior to joining the Campus, every time I opened up PSP, I closed it again in utter frustration, because I didn't know what I was doing. After I worked through the Love Challenge, I bought the Basic Scrap Course, so that I could further my education. Below is my favorite design from the Basic Scrap Course. Here is my take on Model 3.
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Wow! Super projects, Everyone. I agree with Sue...Cristina I said it all so well! Congratulations, Carole. I wish I had found you back when I started with PSP 8...that was more than 10 years ago. Sue, the out of bounds technique is one of my favorites. It always catches the eye. This project is from the January 2018 Bootcamp. Isn't it fun to look back and then realize how much we have learned! Thank you, Carole!
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In the first place many congratulations with 10 years scrapbook campus!!! I'm part of it since March 2020 and have learned so much and I like it even more.


This entry is from the Double Take challenge and I learned to use masks and to make them myself, make a background with the Kaleidoskop and make double pages.



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I am so happy to have found this group and Carole's awesome tutorials. This community is so supportive. Thank you!  Carole Congrats on 10 years!  You have helped a lot of people. I am eternally grateful that you have helped me learn PSP.


I love Scrapbooking and participating in the Challenges. I also like to Blog and share my RV Adventures. Learning PSP techniques through the Campus and using those techniques on scrapbook pages, has helped me to also apply those techniques to projects outside of scrapbooking. Recently, I participated in the Travel Challenge. One of the tasks in that Challenge was to create a date stamp. I created the date stamp for the Challenge. After completing my stamp, I got the idea that I could create a Logo for my Blog page using the same technique.


I wish more people (those not necessarily interested in scrapbooking) understood that Carole is teaching Graphic Design concepts and skills in her Scrapbook Tutorials.


Postmark | Scrapbook Campus

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Thank you


I want to live past this covid  And Epically Grandson hes the Sweetest funniest lil loving boy.  this Campus and our Teachers helped me so much since all this covid has started


I got my first layout in for the Big 10   I hope to win the membership in Campus or money in store I love our Campus store.. here's some of my buys and one a couple to


Caroles Scripts are the Bomb



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Hi friends and special Hi 5 to Carole on your special birthday. This is one of Carole's templates from a bootcamp.  I can't remember the title, but I know it had a lot of template work and I found it so difficult at the time. I live in a fruit growing district in lower new Zealand and we used to get very severe frosts in the winter.  We used to burn oil in pots to  save new buds but now a cleaner method is used with water sprays.  And just a bit of trivia, My grandad, a horticulturist went to America  in 1937 to learn more about this area of frost protection and it was he who introduced the frost pots to our community
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