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Magazine Challenge 2021


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Well I decided to revise my cover page and make it a magazine size ... 2550 pixels wide x 3300 pixels in height.  Following in the footsteps of Corrie, Sue, and Gerry and added a little extra in the sky with the font Vivaldi ... tip came from Sue.  The overlay on the mauve background paper is aboriginal art.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.


P.S. Again such beautiful work by all and helpful tips coming from everywhere, what a Campus!

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Well I have made a right muck up of my Day 1 so will have to go back and redo it. Firstly thank you Lynda and Sue for assisting with the multi image merging. I managed to have images outside of the 'Photo' layer as well as separate layers inside but with your help I think I have got that right.


The grey background is not to my liking but I don't want white as a bit of a background helps. Being a bit afraid of making changes to the template I have not yet changed it. How can this be done?


Then when I entered my text I cannot get rid of the headings 'Title and story here' so clearly I have done something wrong there. I tried to change the layer to a raster as suggested but when I activated the text tool a new vector layer appeared for my Title text.


I have noticed an annoying thing that where I had the abbreviated word 'don't' at the end of a line, the wrap feature saw the apostrophe as a space and broke up the word. In the end I changed 'don't' to 'do not'.

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Fiona, to answer your questions:

for the grey background, it is just a placeholder. Look in the Layers palette and simply hide that layer and it will disappear

the layer for the title and story is also a placeholder. When you add your text, it adds its own layer and it is normal. Again, just find that layer in the Layers palette and hide it

the issue with the Text wrapping is a known limitation. I guess PSP can't spell correctly!

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Hi - Sorry to be running behind - that is one of the problems of being a procrastinator and not being able to decide on what/where/who to showcase.  I decided on the Goldfields of West Aust.  Lake Ballard is a huge salt lake and is home to the largest outdoor art gallery in the world with 51 steel statues spread out over 7 sq km.


Annie might visit me in her travels around Australia!


An amazing lot of creativity is being displayed in the magazines,  there is so much talent here and the suggestions/tips are always appreciated.


One thing I like to do when working with fonts is to rename the font layer with the font name and size I used.

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Here's my Day 3 - Page 3. I told you there'd be trouble with these two! ;-)


Same font (Berlin Kitchen) as the cover but used two different gradients this time and kept with the style of the cover by adding a light shadow.


Edit: I added the bird silhouettes to the top of the page and now it looks finished to me!

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Day 3. I have caught up and here is my design for page 3.


The heart layer (from Pixelscrapper) I duplicated so that the bottom part of the heart appeared on top of the green and the top part of the heart was on the other layer that covered the white.


My photo of beans I used Effects\plugins\pic to paint 'watercolour' and then bumped up the colour a bit with Adjust\Colour\fade correction.


On the print out of the file the lettering shows up fine but this miniature jpg not so well.

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Here is my day 3.   I also like the idea of a separate page for ads.  I hope it isn't going to create more work for you  though Carole.   I waved the text first, seeing as  it's a water  photo.  I also added a different style of advert using one my  photos. The seal photo is also my own, as over the years I  have been fortunate enough to  see them. The calling of the  ocean and the sea air, I love it, and miss it.  It's a fictitious advert, but one can dream!


Monique, I agree with Corrie, magazines are meant to be informative.  I am enjoying the theme you chose.  I would enjoy reading  about Appeltern in one of your magazine pages.

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Wow! what nice work you are all doing. Ann, your use of gradients in the title is a nice effect. Sue T, your split title is so eye catching.


I have kept my pages simple so far but very much I like the pages with some explanatory text. I think I will do some of that as well.

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Hi You guys,  All


So Beautiful   I love them all   I want to be like you guys I cant follow anything :(   I do try but cant do it once tried the  forgot challenge there so hard.  I cant do 95 percent of it all  going to go try for the first time to do my new button script I bought.   You guys are so smart and great.      Wished I could thought by now I could kind of do stuff like you guys      Your work is Awesome.  love you guys really

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Although the overlapping text wasn't going to work with this layout, I made notes on using it in the future. It should come in very handy.


I did, however, put text on a busy background. To help make it more readable, I experimented with using a drop shadow. It didn't take much, but it made a noticeable difference.


The idea of ads is great, adding to the authenticity of the magazine style.

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I do not understand anything anymore ; (3 times I put my message to give the credits of these graphics ???? and I still do not see this message !!! I try one last time: they are all fonts :)


alarm clock > (I just changed the time) https://www.dafont.com/fr/back-to-school-elements.font

growth chart > (uppercase L a little transformed) https://www.dafont.com/fr/toolbox.font

feather > https://www.dafont.com/fr/penmanship-feathers.font

doodles > Banitta Doodles by ©JunCreative sur le site CreativeFabrica


I cross my fingers for this message to pass

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No adverts for me as I am sharing my finished project pages with my friend that was here and watched the birds to begin with.  I do know how to make adverts as I have made them for many years in real life work ... but keeping my page clean to share with her.  Doesn't take much to make an inactive friend happy so that's what I am doing.  Besides, you folks know all about the animals in my shares.  I don't need to tell you about them ... now if they were Annie's T's beautiful and colorful birds that would be worth a story!  LOL  Love the different takes on one topic and always enjoyable to see where everyone goes with it.  Thanks for sharing them.
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Magazine challenge day 3-)First off I want to tell Cassel that she and everyone else are welcome to go on that vacation with me provided you can time travel back to when I went.) The background paper is one I created a long time ago. The photo is mine. I did enhance it and the selected the lava rock and made it even darker. I didn't try the over lapping text, I guess I could have made the lower ones larger and overlapped them but with this background I couldn't get them to show up like I wanted them to.
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Thank you Carole, I'm glad you like the theme.


Sorry I don't write much about your beautiful pages, but it's not easy for me to write in English, and Google helps me every time, and that's not the same as when you really speak the language. I understand everything in English, but writing and expressing myself in English is not so easy.

So sorry for that


This is my page for Day 3

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My day 3 page with an ad (thank you Sue for this challenge in a challenge)! As I used a font with an outline on the other pages I wanted to continue that and therefore only decreased the brightness to about  - 175% to keep the outline visable. The photo on the ad is one I took 2 weeks ago in a "real" garden centre where we often come, it has a nice coffeecorner too. I also put a QR-code on it because that is what is nowadays usual. I didn't make the QR cube, I have no idea how to do that and haven't found a tut for it either. Carole an idea perhaps?


There are made so many lovely magazines so far, it is a pleasure to browse here.

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