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Magazine Challenge 2021


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Here is my Day 1 - Magazine Cover - I'm going with bird photos as I do not have wedding photos... yet.


These will all be from The Hudson Valley in Pictures on Facebook. I devised a gradient to match the Blue Jay's coloring. Blue Jays are corvids which means they are related to Crows and Grackles and are feisty and entertaining. My information comes from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology here in New York. The font for the title is Berlin Kitchen 2 and the font for the date is (appropriately enough) Birdy. The background is filled on the right with a red/orange gradient reduced to 70% opacity.


Edit: I added a fine line between the photo and the right panel.

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I'm in too :)


The last challenge (travel tale?) I couldn't participate even though I wanted to due to my mum moving house and the enormous amount of paperwork that came along with it. My head was a bit too full :)


But anyway, I hope I will keep up with this challenge and love to see all your projects :)




I love Cristina's lay out, but I only did what was asked in the tutorial. Will change things later. Love the code at the bottom and the Special edition text,Cristina :)




My challenge subject will be Appeltern, a garden inspiration park in the Netherlands my husband and I love to go to. It's so nice to walk there, even when you don't need inspiration for your garden.




Well anyway, here is the first page :)



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Hi everyone and thank you Carole for an interesting challenge. I have not done one of these before so am getting prepared. My subject will be Garden to Kitchen as I have lots of photos of my garden and of the produce. Might be a lot of photos of marrows though!
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Hi everyone,


Love all the interesting ideas that are showing up already. it is always great to get ideas from your work.


Cassell, thanks for the 'custom wood text' you gave out a while ago. My theme on this challenge is an excellent place to use it.


The baskets here are store bought, but the stand was built in my shop. It now gives easy access to our gloves, hats and scarves.

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Here's my Day 1 cover and like Lynda have focused on the garden. My cover photo is of peppers that I have grown and then visited the kitchen.


The font I have used is called Candara and I have used the dropper tool to select colours selected from the photo for use on the text.


To have more than one photo as Lynda has done, do you just keep adding to that photo layer?

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I see there are already lots of lovely pages posted, well done!  Some of you will already know that I  will use a magazine  cover layout to showcase my insects, mammals and landscape photos.  I got a bit carried away with this layout I'm afraid.  I will keep to the  layouts for the  next pages.  I thought I'd showcase some photos I take when I go home, of my  beautiful  homeland, Wales. I'll share my  little tip with you.  When I select a photo for a cover, I choose one which has  a relevantly plain area like the sky in this photo, to use  for the text.  That way,   the photo isn't  obstructed  to much by the text. After all, it is the photo that I'm showcasing.  Wales is renowned for it's outstanding coastlines, and  it's marine habitat.
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Fiona, not to the main photo layer because it's a mask.  You can either merge the mask group,  or click  the  top layer of the  mask, and then  paste as a new layer your  image.   Because they will be on  their own layer, you can move them around and resize them to your liking.
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Hello everyone!  I recently had company for a few weeks that required oxygen 24/7 and not much movement ... so I kept her entertained with the view from the front window.  My pictures will be the wildlife we lured in ... with food, seeds and water.  We ended up with all the little's (rodents) ... birds ... bigger birds ... and toward the end, unfortunately, birds of prey.  So that's what I will be using as we go along.  Same view ... taken through the window ... but different animals.  You will see, too, we had a little fun with them along the way.  The animals are very clever!  Kept this first one pretty simple -- made a few because of the simplicity ... so sending them all.
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It is always a pleasure to see everyone's work. The participants are a diverse bunch with interesting perspectives and ideas.


This week is devoted to my furry and feathered friends. All have unique and often quirky personalities.


The picture is from Pixabay and the font is Odin Rounded from DaFont.com.



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What a very nice and very different "magazines" are to be seen here! Wow, I like them all.


I have used a 8,5x11 format because I find that more a magazine instead of a scrapbook layout. A gradient under the title and I added a barcode; the colors I took from my photo and the font is Philosopher with an outline to gave it a little more body.


Looking forward to tomorrow.

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Well I decided to stick with the 3600x3600 format ... not that you see a lot of 'square' magazines but why not be different.  I have sourced some beautiful photos of Australian holiday destinations so I thought I would go with touring Australia.  I liked the idea of a bar code so thanks to Cristina, Sue and Corrie for putting that idea into my head.  Fonts used are Magazine 2 and Times New Roman.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
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MoniqueN and  Ann, thank you very much for commenting on my layout.


I am in awe!  Look at all those wonderful and unique magazine covers... This challenge has started at a high level.


There are already too many to mention individually, so...


Congratulations, .... ! (read your name here) :)

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As you can all see, you don't need to be exact in using the template. I kept the outer "frame" and didn't use the smaller one. Also, remember that Page 1 is not necessarily finished. You are likely to come back to it later in the challenge (or even after!).


Cristina, I can see that you added more elements like the barcode and the text elements. I am sure others will finish with that too.


Ann S., the idea of a gradient is great with that photo. I know I have been very picky about shadows, but in this case, it is probably not necessary. Did you try the same thing without shadows?


Monique, since your text is mostly one main word, have you tried rotating it on its side? Not saying it is better, but just curious if you tried.


Anne L., what an interesting way to use a narrow vertical area to write your word!


Art, unlike for other pages, since you used that particular alphabet, you are probably going to consider adding shadows to those letters. Typically, in a magazine, titles would not have shadows, but those letters have an automatic idea of thickness that has to come with shadows. But only add that to the letters! I am looking forward to your other projects!!!


Lynda, in the end, you might want to keep both pages! You will just have more pages to your magazine! I love how you rotated the template for the "Garden" page.


Fiona, it is great to see those three colors in the title. It really matches well with the photo!


Sue, good tip for adding text on an image!


Minka, with so many options, you might transform some of those pages into different ones (different placement, different text) for the inside of the magazine!


Gerry, using a "negative" for the text is very interesting! Looking forward to your furry and feathered friends. And yes, if you prefer a different format, why not? It is a personal choice and might also depend if you want to print it later on.


Corrie, that will be interesting to see a  magazine in a different format. Looking forward to that!


Paul, welcome to the Campus. This is a great start for this challenge. I have never been to Arizona (not been to the US much at all). Remember that all the pages are saved in .pspimage format, and you are likely to add more details or change things around later. That is expected!


Marie-Claire, I think your page is likely the first magazine page about street art. Very interesting.


Val, do you have a particular theme in mind so far? Like I mentioned for Art, above, if you use rope for the frame, you will likely have to add a shadow. If you use just colors (like in a magazine), you will be able to skip the shadows completely. Either way, make sure you are consistent with the following pages!


Annie, I am also delightfully surprised to see that many participants. It is still strange for me, to think of August as a winter month! :)


If you have not posted yet, don't be shy. We all love to see everyone's projects and they always inspire others in one way or another.

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