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What are you working on (in March 2021)?


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Michele, it began with Poppy, the tabbyco. She loves grass and will do anything to get some. That was her motivation. She is a smart kitty but it's the treat and especially grass. Fresh, soft blades of grass. Penny spent the first several years on her own pretty much. She was very thin when she was rescued. She will do anything for food...and grass. She watched Poppy earning treats and taught herself the tricks. In fact, she is often faster than Poppy to perform and receive a treat.
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I FINALLY had my first Covid shot yesterday. I planned on not doing anything today ... just in case. But happy to say not a darn thing happened. My arm isn't even sore. Happy camper with that! I was fooling around with some of the "freebies" Carole offers on her blog and one of them was the Projections. She kindly did not merge them ... and the summer one sang to me as the blue was the "Grabber Blue" of Mustang fame. If you have ever owned a Mustang, you will always be sorry you parted with it. I've had other sporty cars, but that Mustang lives on in my heart. If only I knew how I would miss it. I love her word frame round script, too. Mindless playing and remembering the old days. :)
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Not that these are as great and complicated as Michele's background she created, But I wanted to show a sample of some of the stuff that can be done with the pic to painting plug in on a more or less plain background.  For some reason it didn't do much when using the original blue color.  I was just having fun playing around a while back.
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Thanks so much for your kind words, Lynda and Annie. They mean so much.


Lynda, you are tempting me with that mandala script. It looks like so much fun.


Anne, playing is the best way to learn, after Cassel's classes, of course. I have had more happy accidents than I can remember.


I LOVED my mustang, Minka. Ford might just want to use your page!

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Snagged another Corel freebie; a template called Colorful Cubes. I inserted some of Debbie Lennox's black and white linocuts. (Deb is my oldest daughter). I couldn't see adding any further embellishment. The templates are 2400 x 1800 but I reduced it to 900 x 600 to post here.


Right now Deb is showing in a gallery in Los Angeles, the first outside her home county of Mendocino, CA.

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Lynda - Those were all utterly fascinating! I was transfixed with wonder at the skill there! I am sure it displays from some very specialized programming, but the whole idea of thinking them up and the skill necessary in bringing them to fruition is awesome. It might not have been PSP related, but thank you for sharing! Loved it!
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