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What are you working on (in March 2021)?


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Shirley: Beautiful layout. Using the photo background as a pattern paper and the kilt pattern to make the buttons and frames ties everything together so well. This will definitely be something she will cherish. Day 10 is so cute. Interesting perspective on the photos.


Ann: Fabulous is what came to mind when I saw your flower mandala.


Lynda: Great job with the Lab 11-03 lessons. Love the face on your sun. Using other vector shapes made for some really interesting results. Fantastic shadowing on your happy day flags. They do look like they are blowing in the wind.


Michele: Your pages are awesome and the sketches are perfect with the titles. Glam Glitters is stunning. I like how you used bokeh for the background.


Minka: Lovely layout. And Michele is right, if it works for you, then you should continue.

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I am working on the first lesson in Basic Scrap Course. I applied what I learned in the first lesson of the Basic Course, and what I learned in the Love Challenge to create this image. My paper and WordArt were downloaded from Pixel scrapper. We love going to the beach! I think we have gone almost every year since of grandkids were really little. Now the oldest is almost 17!
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Karon ...what a gorgeous post. I have to admit, I didn't know the song so went to listen at YouTube. :o) Everything about that works ... the colors, the sentiment, it's really nice.


Laurie ... whatever you learned is sure working for you as that's a wonderful page!! Glad you shared.

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Here is my Design from the Basic Scrap course and how I tweaked it a little in a second design. In the original, I loved the layout, but the colors of the kit were so different than the colors in my images. in the second design, I changed the color of the letters and some of the stripe to reflect more of the colors in my photos.  Are there any other simple changes that would possibly tweak the background paper color to a different hue?
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Finally got a mandala finished.  I used Carole's script for this one ... fabulous script Carole, thank you.  So many options for design.  I used the paint brush and I also used the pen tool which had to be converted to a raster layer and merged with the paint brush layer so that the script worked to it's full potential.  I had discovered a colour palette for Australian Summer and wanted to used all eight colours of it which I managed to do!  Thanks for takin a peek mah friends!
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Karon, can we assume that is your lovely daughter? The layout is a wonderful way to showcase her. And thanks so much for your kind words.


Love your page, Laurie. I grew up in Brooklyn and live on Long Island, NY so I've always been near the ocean. Your pics bring me back to my childhood days spent at the beach.

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Lynda, I like very much how you added the shadows to the flag banner. They look great.


Sheila, another lovely layout of your daughter. Well done.


Minka, the photo, colors, the layout all convey peace. Nicely done.


Karon, this is really a lovely layout. I love to see your Lab pages showcasing what you created with the tutorials and the experiments. Great job.


Laurie, I love both of your pages...great color. To answer your question, I think you could go to Adjust>Hue and Saturation>Hue/Saturation/Lightness or Adjust>Hue, and Saturation>Colorize... Maybe Carole and others here have other options.


Annie, as you were not posting anything in the last few days, I was thinking to myself, "What's she up to?" : D ... I knew we were going to see another great work...Beautiful mandala, and I like the bright colors very much.


Bonnie, very nice layout. Did you also create the Word Art?



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Holy dooley!  I have been busy for the first few days of March and when I finally log into the campus I am overwhelmed.  Beautiful work everyone, I am impressed.


I found an Australian winter colour palette so decided to have another go at the mandala script.  I used the same techniques as before.  I do love them but they are a tad time consuming!  Anyway my friends, thanks for takin a peek.  ;D

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Cristina, the white in the center is a photo. I selected the P in Pickleballers with the magic wand, promoted it to a layer and linked it to the photo. Then I moved the photo under the P but it is still above the white photo.


Good morning, Everyone! Beautiful work. The Study Group is producing amazing projects. Have a lovely day/night/evening.

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Laurie: You're beach layout is gorgeous. The pictures are perfect and the colors of the background set the scene. Love the quote. I live less than five miles from the beach and it has been 20+ years since I have gone. Awesome "Summer Fun" layouts. Both are wonderful. To change the background you can use the colorize (under adjust>hue and saturation) or the flood fill color changer.


Minka: Thank you so much. I love listening to Roger Whittaker, my favorite song being "Darcy the Dragon."


Annie: What great mandalas. Australian Summer has such a Native Indian look. Awesome colors that are bright and vibrant. Australian Winter has lovely muted colors and I really like the addition of the hearts.


Bonnie: Great layout and I really like how the colors in the background are so similar to Michelle's shirt. Your title is perfect with the pickleball in the "P". It looks like she had a lovely time on her birthday.


Michele: Thank you and yes, that is my daughter. It's hard to believe that she will be 41 in a couple of weeks, LOL. And she still looks the same.


Cristina: Thank you. Your comments always make my day.

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After seeing the e-mail yesterday about the Balls & Bubbles effect, I got to playing around with it,  I started with a photo I had taken of stained glass windows reflecting on the floor and went from there.  I added a background layer and and angel to get this ornament that I will probably add a hanger to later.
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Almost forgot to post my work from the Basic Study Group in here. Here is Module 1 – the photos are from The Hudson Valley in Pictures – I was so impressed with these photos that I had to showcase them somehow. The Shakespeare quote was generously shared by Sue Thomas in our Facebook group – I couldn’t find an alpha that looked good so I used the Impact font with a plaid pattern I made from the colors of the Red-wing Blackbird’s wing. I also used it to color the arrow element. The dark background paper is a plaid I made using the old Pearl Noir gray with a metallic gray. The sepia music sheet background was from Cassel. I made the frames using the dark paper as a pattern and applied various 3-D effects. The dark musical notes I had from my Rhapsody in Blue design and the silvery brad was in my stash.


Edit: Of course I had to come back and make adjustments. I re-did the plaid for the title with a white backing and I added more musical notes between the two photos.

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Shirley - I love your Day 8 and Day 10 of Johann. Your use of filter forge intrigues me and for your day 8 I think the little tartan buttons really set it off. The funky frame you used on Day 10 us fun and adorable, well done my friend. <3

Ann - your flower mandala is so very pretty. It has a real Victorian era look to it. You really are coming ahead in leaps and bounds, well done Hon. <3

Lynda - your play with Lab 11 mod 3 has produced some amazing results. My favourite is the star flower, truly delightful. Well done my friend. <3

Michele - your fabulous diva creations are very lovely and cute too. That is one of the best bokeh background papers I have seen. Seeing as you inherited the FB Fabulous Divas page do you have to come up with the daily theme? That would take some doing my friend. I love your work. <3

Minka - a simple and effective page my friend and the bubble worked to perfection. A bubble of relaxation and restfulness would be sublime. May I borrow yours once in a while? <3

Karon - a beautiful photo and you have done your granddaughter proud. Is this in advance of St Paddy's day or do you have a strong Irish background? I think we Tobins could rival Ireland for Irish genes, lol! Love your work my friend. <3

Laurie - a perfect photo to showcase a seaside theme. Sandy toes are a seaside delight. For a Rookie you are doing very well ... I think I shall have to pick up my game! <3

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Ah BonBon ... just cannot get away from that pickleball can ya? You know there is a thing called addiction right but I don't remember seeing or hearing anything about pickleballers anonymous ... if I find a link I'll let ya know ... ROTFL! Love your work my friend, you keep it simple and you make it fun. You Go Girl! <3
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