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What are you working on (in March 2021)?


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Minka - Your photos are beautiful and your layout with the background colors complementing them is gorgeous.


Your story about your dad was wonderful.  It is great you got to do so much with him.  Though the end of your story with the disconnect smoke alarm has me worried.  I can see that happening to me!

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Karon - Earth Angel is the cutest! I like the spirals and circles.


I had not seen the 3 Mustacheers photo before.  Awesome.  I like how you did the red, white, and blue theme with it.

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LOL! I did have that rum (and one or two more) Karon and for reasons of which you are aware. I am such a woosie when it comes to letting go of these things and yet around the home I am not a hoarder ... go figure! I will keep working on it and keep ya posted. ;D
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Phew.  I am still deciding if hitting reply so you can see it in your inbox or just putting everyone down in one post is easier.  Still out for debate.  In the meantime, I took the Filter Forge master class and finally did something with it.  I made a treasure map.  Oddly enough it was the footprints that drove me the craziest.  This is some island off of Florida with no civilization on it.  I have to say, I had fun.
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Well I am right into this International day of business.  Today (21st March) is the International Day of Forests.  A Google search brought up loads of beautiful photos of forests and this one is of the Baobab forest in Madagascar.  Stark and beautiful.  We have baobab trees here in Australia and they have been know to save many a thirsty traveller who has ventured onto the wrong path.  This is actually classified as a forest and it is divided by the avenue for travel purposes.  The elements is the top right corner are balls tied up with ropes to the top of the page ... tutorial is Cassel's balls and bubbles ... a fabulous tutorial.  The flower element I misted and it is the national flower of Madagascar ... the poinciana.  The trees grow very well here in Australia ... seems to be a weird sort of connection between Australia and Madagascar.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  :)
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Val, you are too sweet and I love your treasure map! (I always put all my comments in one post. I think keeping the blog uncluttered makes it easier to look at. That's just my two cents.)


Annie, your boababs page is fabulous. The font fascinates me. You know I'm a font-a-holic.



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Ann S., wonderful layout and journaling. I am not good at that, but I think it makes the page special. I like how you used the diamond paper...  I'll remember this idea when using patterned paper.


Lynda, cute layout with the pastel colors. I love the background paper with the slats and the mask.


Val, you achieved a great result with the map. I think this was a clever idea from Carole to come up with this technique.


Annie, what a great layout about baobabs... I love this tree... I didn't know, before watching an Australian series that took place in the Outback, that they are also grown in Western Australia besides Africa... I also love the font/alpha you used for the title "Avenue of Baobabs."

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Val: Nicely done with the treasure map. And I think I agree with Michele about putting the replies all in one post. I have tried it both ways and have come back to this.


Annie: Loving your Avenue of Baobab trees layout. Very nice coloring and blending the trees, plants and animals that are in the vacinity into the background makes is all the more interesting. I always like reading the information you provide.

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Michele, Cristina and Karon, thank you very much my friends for your lovely comments on my work.  The information I provide is usually sourced from National Geographic or Australian Geographic.  I'm glad you appreciate it because I am learning from it too.  From a historical geographical perspective Africa, Australia and Madagascar were once part of Gondwanaland so this may account for the fact that baobabs are found in those 3 countries.  Of course it is way more convoluted than that but you get the drift.  Can you guess that I love history and geography!  LOL!

The alpha I used was a PTU from Pixelmarket. Like yourselves it fascinated me so I had to purchase ... as you do! ;D

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Hello Scrapbook Campus Friends.  March 22nd heralds World Water Day.  Today my page is centered around that ... water.  These are the Curracurrong Falls located south of Sydney.  All my own making.  The alpha used is Retro Grunge by Clikchic.


I doubt the falls would look like this at the moment as the floods from there and all along the coast up to and including The Sunshine Coast are devastating.  We are getting rain here currently and we have been warned that the rain will be heading further up our way over the next 24hrs.  There are tent cities popping up everywhere and it appears the military will be deployed for air lift rescues.  Australia - drought, fires, COVID and now floods - who would want to live here hey!  Just kidding, I love it and the regional areas were mostly spared the COVID debacle.  It will be what it is and human beings just have to go with the flow.


Thanks for takin a peek.  ;D

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After a long time without posting or creating anything, I have something to post. It feels good to be working with PSP again.


One layout was created using the "Around the World template" by Scrapping with Liz  -  Elements from "Hot Air Balloon mini kit" by Marisa Lerin  - Frames Pairs by Lynn Grieveson.


The other one I created to practice the Lab10-M10 tutorials (Cross pattern - Mushroom - Grossgrain arrows).


Papers: Shabby Princess-Promise paper sunshine - Creative Market Watercolor Forest Plants pattern2


Alpha-Beads-Baby freebie and Metallic-Rope12 picture tube by Cassel.

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Here is the March Bootcamp-Lesson 4: Carole’s “Friendship” page. I have 3 American robin photos from the photographer Izzy Martinez which were perfect for this exercise. I call it “Rockin’ Robins.” The font is Farmhouse and I created the plaid using the colors of the left photo. My PSP2021 choked on enlarging so using directions from Merlin at Corel Customer Care, I upgraded my Intel graphics software. Merlin was super efficient and helpful. Crossing my fingers that PSP will continue to behave.  I like to make plaids from photos so the colors match.
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I will show you what I have been working on for my daughter. She wanted a picture to be cropped and made into a 5X7 to put in a particular frame. Since a square will not fit in a rectangular frame, I used scrapbooking skills (and Cassel's corner punches) for the final product. As you can see from the original picture, after cropping to the main subjects against the white part of the background, I had to clone out the hand, bottle, etc. on the ledge in back of them. Oops! after that there was no top of the ledge to match the other side! So copy that side's ledge and put it on the other side as a mirror image. So the 2nd image shows what I ended up with.
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Wow Mary, great work and it shows you can use PSP for different purposes!


I made a card for Easter with the text in German for friends in Switserland and I will change the text to Dutch and English later on as e-cards. I have to thank Sue Thomas for the lace mask she gave us on Facebook. I made the background with eastereggs by using the blend mode set to screen because I only wanted a hint of them. I hope it is visible on this resized version. On the printed version it looks fine, just as I wanted it to be.

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Ann, another nice page for the Bootcamp Challenge...  It is interesting to revisit those layouts and create something totally different, with more knowledge, than the first time. At least, this is what I think when I see mine.


Mary, seeing the original, you sure did a great job.


Corrie, the layout is so cute.... the background paper came out perfectly, subtle but there.

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