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What are you working on (in February 2021)?


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Annie T ... I am always fascinated by your colorful birds. Yes, we have some colorful birds here, but I must say they seem "mildly colorful" compared to yours! If I ever get out there I am going to have to just plunk myself down somewhere and spend a lot of time just gawking at birds! Love your bird posts.
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I've had company for the past three/four days. They've gone home now but I am too tired to make anything. I sure have enjoyed looking at all your works though. Always something inspiring to gander at! Think it's an early night for me! zzzzzzz
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I was messing around with the watercolor background in the creative scrap area and one of the backgrounds that I came up with was this. While I liked it, it's very dark and it took me a few minutes to figure out where I could use it. Dawned on me that the Renaissance Faire uses a lot of dark colors so this is what came of it.
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I couldn't come up with something for my FB gaming group's theme the other day until I found this illustration of  wine being poured into a glass. For the background I resized the original pic to a square and applied a seamless tiling effect. Then I decided to try the Displacement Map which I'd never used before. It has a setting called Under Ice and I liked the way it looked. The font is Frisha. As our friend Annie would say, thanks for taking a peek!
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Lynda: love what you did with the watercolor background. My oldest son use to the a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. In fact, he and his wife held a medieval wedding, which was very interesting. The picture of the hawk and his handler (in full costume) is great.
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I haven't been here for a while and it is treat to look at all the different pages that are made and read about birds etcetera! I was busy on the Love Story Challenge and have posted my work there and on Facebook. After a challenge I always have to clean up the (computer-)mesh I make with bits and pieces everywhere. It is just as scrapbooking with paper without the actual mesh on the floor! But I love it.
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I have been playing around with cutouts following Carole's tut.  I love it, they are such fun.  I have also discovered how to trace using the same principle ... a little fiddling here and there, as you do!  Never realised how much I would come to love the Edit Selection tool.  Anyway, this is the Mary River Turtle which is endangered and being closely monitored now to ensure it's survival.  Isn't it a quirky little fella?  It is also known as the Green Haired Turtle and, ... for obvious reasons ... the Punk Rock Turtle.  Thanks for takin a peek.  ;)
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Annie T - This Fishy layout is great. I love tea but most of my teapots are cow related. Very pretty.  I love your bird layouts and this one is so much fun. Your use of arrows for the labeling is awesome. Your green haired turtle made me laugh. I am now interesting in the cutouts/tracing... I will get there I hope. On lab 7-12!!! Only 36+ to go.
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