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Up-to-Date Challenge 2021


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First of all, come and say HI once you register for this challenge.


We want to know who else will be there, on our side to challenge us.


Every page we will be making, will be different, based on each others' photos, stories, and preferences but we can all get inspired by everyone's projects.


Once the Challenge is started, on October 19th, you can post your pages in here.


Remember to resize your image to about 600 pixels before uploading it so it won't slow down the site when we have lots of your masterpieces.


Now, let's get ready and stay ... up-to-date!


(if you missed the registration link or if you found this thread before I announce it, HERE it is)

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Hello all you gals up above ^^^^ I, too, have registered and have never done this one before so will be fun to see what the pro's do. They are always fun anyway. The contributions are always so diverse. :) Sue, what do we look for in photo's ... is there a clue we should know beforehand? LOL We'll figure it out, I guess.
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Minka, you just have to find photos that you would want to showcase in a gift. Each page will display between 2 and 4 photos, so if you find some sets of photos that you can use together, it is great. If you want, you CAN look for 4 photos that will represent each month of a year, but you don't have to.
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Hello all. I have registered and enjoy all Carole's challenges.  As usual I haven't sorted my photos, until I know what the theme of the challenge will be, but I think I will theme the months by using photos of of family who have birthdays for the month I am working.  Maybe garden and pets on the off months, not that there will be many blank months. My issue is that I may not be able to keep up as last month I took on a big challenge of making a 24 page scrapbook of my elder daughter for her 60th birthday next month.  I am on page 18, what a massive job.



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Hi, everyone. I completed an earlier Up-To-Date challenge, and it introduced a new way of learning for me. I have participated in several other challenges since then, because this process works well. It's great to be able to watch the lessons as many times as I need, to use the Forum for questions and advice, and to share everyone's creativity. Looking forward to 2021, after the craziness that is 2020, so focusing on next year's calendar will be a jot.
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Hi everyone. I've never done a calendar before so this will be something new and different for me. I have a ton of photos of my now 4+ month-old great-grand in California that I didn't know what to do with so I think this will use up quite a few.


Carole/Cassel: Will we be posting our work in here as we go along?



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If you want to post as you go, it is ok as we can see the changes from one lesson to the next but it is not a requirement like in other challenges since even the first page will still be tweaked every lesson you get.


Remember to resize the page if you want to post in the forum :)

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As you can see I've done this before.  I used to  use Vista Print, not any more, I  get great pleasure in  creating my own calendars. I round the edges, or use a  corner punch.  For the background paper I took colours from the photos,  blur, radial blur, twirl, and  a few other tools, including opacity.  One hint I'd  like to  give to you, especially newbies,  go lighter with your papers, as  they will always print darker than what you see on the  screen.   These are photos my daughter took.  This calendar is  going to be for her and  Tom.  They live in Haverfordwest, Wales.
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Cristina and Sue, I hope you will enjoy the different layouts this time around.


Bonnie, the first parts don't need to much creativity so getting started with the tasks of putting photos might start your mojo.


Corrie, I am glad that you discovered digital scrapbooking. And now, you can plan a Christmas present with those skills.


James, once you print the calendar, I hope you will show us a picture of it hanging on a wall, or somewhere like that.


Linda, unlike other challenges, you don't need (or are expected) to complete a page per day. In fact, it is only to complete a TASK per day since you are likely to go back to the previous months to apply those same tasks. But it should not be a grueling exercise (and you still have time until the end of the year!). And yes, the background will come in a future lesson. This challenge is "one layer at the time" instead of "one page at the time" :)


Shirley, making 24 pages of scrapbook can be a challenge until you use some shortcuts. Hopefully, you will still find some time for this one.


Alicia, I am glad that this format suits you and you are learning well with it. That is my goal all along.


Marie-Claire, that first day was not too hard I hope?


Gerry, let's try to align your skill and creativity together!


Ann, that is a great start and I look forward to see more of those beautiful photos.


Sue, I hope those calendar examples will encourage the participants by seeing how simple yet elegant a calendar can be in this challenge.

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Carole.   I am enjoying the different layouts, thank you.  I did debate whether or not to post finished pages, but I agree with you, I'm sure they will inspire, and  encourage some to see how simple it is to create a page. I'm looking forward to seeing completed pages by participants.
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