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  On 2/20/2025 at 7:02 PM, Kathy Trush said:

Cassel, I have PSP 2021 but recently bought the upgrade to latest version 2023, which I would like to use for the rest of this workshop.  I do have several scripts installed now that I bought from you but I would no longer want to use 2021.  Should I uninstall 2021 first before installing 2023 version?  Or uninstall 2021 it after upgrade?


You don't have to uninstall anything. You can keep both versions as they are working independantly. In fact, it is a good idea to keep that version in case you want to do something in 2023 that is not working correctly (there are some bugs in all versions).

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  On 2/20/2025 at 7:02 PM, Kathy Trush said:

Cassel, I have PSP 2021 but recently bought the upgrade to latest version 2023, which I would like to use for the rest of this workshop.  I do have several scripts installed now that I bought from you but I would no longer want to use 2021.  Should I uninstall 2021 first before installing 2023 version?  Or uninstall 2021 it after upgrade?


Highly recommend you keep 2021. Personally, I have problems with 2023 with text so end up using 2021 or even X8 when I have large amounts of text. Just today, 2023 shut down on me when I was entering text. There is no problem having multiple versions of the program on the computer. 

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Day 4: PSP layouts. For the first layout, I had a lot of text and didn't want to have it as 2 colors. While typing the 1st paragraph, PSP shut down on me. Hate when that happens (which is a lot!). After I started over I would click to save text and then save the layout, every couple of lines then go back and edit to add more text so I could finish it. The second layout, I pretty much used it as is, putting photos where indicated.


2024 1009 D-600.jpg

2024 1009 E-600.jpg

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Day 4: Affinity layouts. I was rebel on these layouts and didn't follow the templates at all! My photos just didn't work with them as they were designed. So I used these 2 layouts to just work with Affinity and get more comfortable with the various tools. I do not like the fact that the font defaults to Arial with black text when switching to another layout. I wish it would keep the settings used. In order to get the same color font each time, I have written down the color settings and enter them in the color drop down every time. Annoying but that is what seems to work for me since I'm using the same color throughout the series of layouts. 

For the 2nd layout, it was quite empty with just the photos and journaling so I made a rectangle selection, inverted it, then pulled in a paper and hit delete.

20190714 D-600.jpg

20190714 E-600.jpg

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Day 4 - David and Rachel visited the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary, and the first thing I noticed was that the elephants had no tusks. It was the first time I realized that that the African and Asian elephants were different. David told me a really sad sorry about how the elephants are treated in Thailand, a small portion of which I included in my story. I have decided to change all my template to letter size so that I could get the magazine uploaded into Canva for printing. The first page elephants are from Adobe Express. The background is my own. The photos are from David.



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  On 2/20/2025 at 3:19 PM, Cristina said:

Hi Julie

I wasn't familiar with this author. I quickly researched and found that there are also movies based on his books. It is something for me to check out in the future. 🙂 


I have read most of his books and seen some of those movies were on the telly as well!

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Posted (edited)
  On 2/20/2025 at 1:07 AM, DianeM said:

you're brave @Jeni Simpson! I could never jump out of a plane and barely like flying.


I was young, and daring back then, in my 20s. We didn't go tandem in those days, a static line was attached to our chutes and we didn't have to do anything, except relax and roll when the grass jumped up at us! It is a beautiful, and peaceful experience, Diane.

Edited by Jeni Simpson
sticky keys again misbehaving
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Posted (edited)
  On 2/20/2025 at 7:54 PM, Donna Sillia said:

I feel like I am getting a world tour from my computer chair!❤️❤️❤️


Me, too, Donna, I was just thinking that when your comment came around.

Edited by Jeni Simpson
sticky keys refusing to add some letters
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Day 3
Many cottages in Central Otago are made from schist, a stone quarried in the area over the years.
Early settlers and miners used schist to build their homes.
Central Otago is renowned for gold mining and was settled by miners who travelled from China and California. The ramshackle hut in this photograph is now used for mustering.
Schist is a beautiful stone, and weathers well. Roofs, don't weather so well, as shown in my cover image where the roof is missing in action.

I added an outline around both words and the outline around 'stoney' was so pixelated, I erased it.
This doesn't seem to show in the yellow lettering.


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In her new swimsuit, her daddy took her down to the water.  At this point in time, she did not like her bath.  So the lake was not her favorite.

She preferred to sit with her momma and just watch the commotion her big brothers made splashing and giggling. 


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  On 2/20/2025 at 7:54 PM, Rene Marker said:

Day 4: PSP layouts. For the first layout, I had a lot of text and didn't want to have it as 2 colors. While typing the 1st paragraph, PSP shut down on me. Hate when that happens (which is a lot!). After I started over I would click to save text and then save the layout, every couple of lines then go back and edit to add more text so I could finish it. The second layout, I pretty much used it as is, putting photos where indicated.


2024 1009 D-600.jpg

2024 1009 E-600.jpg


Rene I feel I would like to go to that museum and see for myself. I love glass and whenever I was in a situation I could visit a glass museum or glass blower's workshop  I went to take a look. 

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  On 2/20/2025 at 10:23 PM, Clarine said:

In her new swimsuit, her daddy took her down to the water.  At this point in time, she did not like her bath.  So the lake was not her favorite.

She preferred to sit with her momma and just watch the commotion her big brothers made splashing and giggling. 



So sweet!

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Day 4 and more waterfall photos, but they are so impressive in the spring. At the site of the Breidalveil fall we were soaked and it was impossible to take photos at the highest lookout platform. Even on the big overview photos you can see the mist around the fall, the wind blows it even further away. Maybe I will make the text bold for better readability. I couldn't help myself and put a little umbrella in.🙂



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  On 2/20/2025 at 10:25 PM, Corrie Kinkel said:

Rene I feel I would like to go to that museum and see for myself. I love glass and whenever I was in a situation I could visit a glass museum or glass blower's workshop  I went to take a look. 


When we got the itinerary for the bus trip, I was thinking it would be nice to see but I was more excited about a stop later that day at the JFK Museum in Hyannis. But I was pleasantly surprised with it. The first thing in the museum is a short movie on glass blowing and a glass blower doing it live. I can't do the movies due to my hearing issues, so I just started walking through the exhibits. I was able to get so many photos because there were no other people around! I ended up with 78 photos. I loved the JFK Museum but they ask that you do not take photos. I complied with that so only have a couple pictures of the building and entrance outside. But there were people taking photos anyways. I was only 8 when JFK died but I have vivid memories of that day even now 61 years later. I learned some things that I didn't know while in there. Ironically, the day we were there was the day that it was announced that his sister-in-law, Ethel had suffered a stroke. She died the next day.

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Day 4. Using PSP for pages 3 and 4.  Once again Bundy is my feature.  This time he is out walking, one of his favorite pastimes.  He loved to meet all the local people and of course, their very loved fur babies.  They all would have so much fun together.  One of his favorite friends was Mister TedE, my girlfriend's dog.

Just an update on my husband.  He came home from hospital this morning, and we are all very happy that he is back home again.  He is still in pain but that is expected.  Now is the time for him to recover.

Day4Page3 600.jpg

Day4Page4 600.jpg

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@Jean Naumann A split color title can be difficult to read. Sometimes, it might require a super simple font to get a good effect. Another way you can go is to split the title in two lines and have only a full line in white.

@Carolyn Rye You know, not-so-perfect photos are just more "natural" photos in my opinion. That often tells the story even better than others.

@Jenny MacKay I am sure you will catch up quite easily as the pages are often very quick to complete.

@Anja Pelzer Interesting how you used the chain link fence picture tube. I had to look twice to realize that they were different than the photo. Great idea.

@Jacques I see you also had to change the orientation of the "photo area" to match your photos. That is perfect!

@Ann Seeber That is a great way to showcase many photos at once.

@Jen Brown Maybe I should do that with my fabric stash! I actually have made Christmas stockings, with strips of fabric by colors. A couple of years ago, I had to make 12 stockings; it was not easy to find 12 different "colors" and enough scraps in each of them. Orange was quite limited!

@Cristina A great way to practice some more. I still have to go through the tutorials to repeat the steps!

@DianeM Those pages with the horse are so "clean" and inviting. Will you keep the rectangle blue or will you change it?

@Anne Lamp You added a great looking frame!

@Art KuiperThose templates are very well suited for your vertical photos!!

@Connie Collier That gradient on the frame gives a great result. I agree with removing the small frame. The large one does a good job of showcasing your photo.

@Rene Marker I so wish I had an explanation (and a solution) for your 2023 issues with the Text tool. Although I have some issues, I don't remember it crashing on me while using that tool. How frustrating that could be!!! As for Affinity, I also hate the fact that it always default to whatever THEY decided. Not only the font, but other settings too and on different tools too. Although I might not have much weight in any decision, I did report that as a suggestion: keep the last used setting for any tool!

@Donna Sillia The font on the title is quite interesting. Did you mention what font it is? I don't remember seeing that before!

@Jeni Simpson The yellow of the word "Wall" looks great on the photo and is the perfect match for the flower!

@ClarineJust out of curiosity, did you try to get the text in half with a different color? It is not a requirement, but just an opportunity to practice, even if you don't end up using it.

@Corrie Kinkel It is amazing how the yellow you picked for the rectangles make the photos stand out!

@Harmony Birch That is such a good idea to add a frame that goes around both pages in a continous shape!


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