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  1. It works thanks
  2. Here is what I got on the link click
  3. For my part, Affinity does not offer me a "Plus Value" and I will stay with PSP. On the other hand, there are aspects of Affinity that I would like to find in PSP such as "Place".I will probably continue to watch the presentations made by Carole but not do the exercises. When I take pictures, there are two important things for me: the identification of people in the photo and their geolocation. Corel has abandoned these two aspects but has kept the "Tags" of the photos (I still have the 2019 version for these features). So I use "Picasa 3" and an improved version of "AvPicFaceXmpTagger" for the identification and creation of "Tags" and "GeoSetter" for geolocation. I have also developed programs to synchronize the Picasa database with that of PSP. Thus, in PSP, it is easy for me to find the photos where a particular person is present. Good luck to Affinity users.
  4. @Cassel Mon anglais n'est pas super: Je voulais dire "Mettre en évidence" elles ne sont pas assez visibles
  5. A little better. I still need to figure out how to get the mice out. I added a small white border (cheating a little: I used PSP)
  6. My 3rd project, not perfect but I tried...
  7. @Cassel I replaced it by a new one: I forgot the 90 degree text
  8. My grandson often slept like this...
  9. @Cassel How did you create a 3600x3600, 300 DPI etc page template in the "creating a new document" section?
  10. My first try with Affinity...
  11. I managed to get some "likes" but it doesn't work all the time.
  12. Hello, I had some difficulties activating the software because I was not using the right "password" when activating the programs. I was using the one to access the site: do not do this. Use the activation password that you received with the link to download the 90-day trial version.
  13. I did the installation but the duration remains 7 days!!!
  14. How will we get access to this 90-day trial version?
  15. Ok pour moi
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