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What are you working on (in July 2023)?


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5 hours ago, Suzy said:

Rene, we are talking about general topics of what you learn in the classes,  ideas, labs, workshops, masterclasses and blog posts, newsletters, and misc. here in the forums. ***Because even if we check it off, it doesn’t mean we remember it! ROTFL!!!***  That little flower video Carole made spur of the moment is a hidden gem.

So, making that leaf in class 3 of the vector workshop, gets its own line item, but the heading is vector, and also leaf? Preset shape? Well, some other stuff. 
and then it has “where to find it again” which is “Class 3 Vector workshop”. Yay me, I got the first one!

or maybe we do it the opposite way. We have “Vector Workshop” and under it all the stuff we learn in sub headings. Some of which might also go under different headings, like labels or preset shapes. I’m not sure, for right now I’m using the search engine, but it doesn’t help for newsletters and workshops. Er, I don’t think does. I just wanted a little list of my own, but I think it would be a big, long, unwieldy list truth be told. 

Dorothy, you *have* been a maniac! Good for you! 
Michele, yes, that overlay was inspired!


Vectors will definitely be a heading. I would put all things Vector in the heading, maybe even Fonts.  that way if you know it's a vector you are looking for then there is one place to look.  Other ones could be:

Extracting or something dealing with all the Selection Tools

Blend Modes

Frames and Borders

Actually in the tutorial section it's grouped, we could look at that, but mostly do we want to have headings that deal with tool use? Argh, this is really hard.  Maybe it hasnt been done, because it too complicated to be done.  We need an AI computer we can tell it what we want and it just pops up.  eg... all lesson involving Vectors, selections etc etc.


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Yes, AI would be wonderful for this!

As I said though, I have a feeling a spreadsheet could have 500 lines, easy. This is hard for me personally to navigate, though I know it also has a search option. plus with so many lines, the text seems too small to read sometimes. But if you ever want a soldier to help you input data, I’m your (wo)man!

Maybe I should just wish for a better memory! And better eyesight!


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49 minutes ago, Suzy said:

Yes, AI would be wonderful for this!

As I said though, I have a feeling a spreadsheet could have 500 lines, easy. This is hard for me personally to navigate, though I know it also has a search option. plus with so many lines, the text seems too small to read sometimes. But if you ever want a soldier to help you input data, I’m your (wo)man!

Maybe I should just wish for a better memory! And better eyesight!


Yup on all accounts.  It sounds like a mountain we dont want to climb.  

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11 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

Michele I love your building blocks! What gave you the idea to use this script for it, it is striking.

Thanks, Corrie. Sometimes I just go through the scripts list and try them out on the project I've selected. That's how I came up with using the script for this one.

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On 7/20/2023 at 12:08 AM, Suzy said:

Yes, AI would be wonderful for this!

As I said though, I have a feeling a spreadsheet could have 500 lines, easy. This is hard for me personally to navigate, though I know it also has a search option. plus with so many lines, the text seems too small to read sometimes. But if you ever want a soldier to help you input data, I’m your (wo)man!

Maybe I should just wish for a better memory! And better eyesight!


I will say that my Scrapbook Campus spreadsheets is one of the smallest ones I have! I'm working on a project of extracting membership information from the official book for my church. Just for the baptisms I'm up to 1792 lines of baptisms and am only up to the year 1958! The Marriage spreadsheet has 1220 lines of info but the biggie will be the actual membership rolls.

As for the text size, I do change my spreadsheet fonts to a larger size when I'm working on them. Yeah, I may have to scroll to the right if I have a lot of columns with some fields needing to be longer but it is much easier on the eyes! And, the filter option... best thing I ever learned!

That project is why I haven't been scrapping much lately and since May I've had multiple doctor appointments to figure out what I am coughing all the time. And, now I'm facing surgery sometime in the next 2 months so my time with working in PSP is on the back burner. I do enjoy looking at the forum and seeing what everyone is up to so keep up the good work!

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1 hour ago, Rene Marker said:

I will say that my Scrapbook Campus spreadsheets is one of the smallest ones I have! I'm working on a project of extracting membership information from the official book for my church. Just for the baptisms I'm up to 1792 lines of baptisms and am only up to the year 1958! The Marriage spreadsheet has 1220 lines of info but the biggie will be the actual membership rolls.

As for the text size, I do change my spreadsheet fonts to a larger size when I'm working on them. Yeah, I may have to scroll to the right if I have a lot of columns with some fields needing to be longer but it is much easier on the eyes! And, the filter option... best thing I ever learned!

That project is why I haven't been scrapping much lately and since May I've had multiple doctor appointments to figure out what I am coughing all the time. And, now I'm facing surgery sometime in the next 2 months so my time with working in PSP is on the back burner. I do enjoy looking at the forum and seeing what everyone is up to so keep up the good work!

I hope you find out why you are coughing.  It's exhausting to cough a lot.  I hope your surgery goes well and wish you a speedy recovery (when it happens).  You are very busy.  My husband deals with those types of spreadsheets daily, 1000's of lines and various long macros and scripts and whatever else he needs for ways of sorting.  I can do a very basic spreadsheet.   

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2 hours ago, Rene Marker said:

I will say that my Scrapbook Campus spreadsheets is one of the smallest ones I have! I'm working on a project of extracting membership information from the official book for my church. Just for the baptisms I'm up to 1792 lines of baptisms and am only up to the year 1958! The Marriage spreadsheet has 1220 lines of info but the biggie will be the actual membership rolls.

As for the text size, I do change my spreadsheet fonts to a larger size when I'm working on them. Yeah, I may have to scroll to the right if I have a lot of columns with some fields needing to be longer but it is much easier on the eyes! And, the filter option... best thing I ever learned!

That project is why I haven't been scrapping much lately and since May I've had multiple doctor appointments to figure out what I am coughing all the time. And, now I'm facing surgery sometime in the next 2 months so my time with working in PSP is on the back burner. I do enjoy looking at the forum and seeing what everyone is up to so keep up the good work!

Rene, very sorry to hear of your health problems and I hope your upcoming surgery goes to plan. All the best for a speedy recovery, so we can enjoy your work again.

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9 hours ago, Rene Marker said:

That project is why I haven't been scrapping much lately and since May I've had multiple doctor appointments to figure out what I am coughing all the time. And, now I'm facing surgery sometime in the next 2 months so my time with working in PSP is on the back burner. I do enjoy looking at the forum and seeing what everyone is up to so keep up the good work!

Rene, I am also sending your my best wishes for your surgery when it happens... I do hope you have a speedy recovery so that you can share your work and tips with us.

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On 7/21/2023 at 3:20 PM, Rene Marker said:

That project is why I haven't been scrapping much lately and since May I've had multiple doctor appointments to figure out what I am coughing all the time. And, now I'm facing surgery sometime in the next 2 months so my time with working in PSP is on the back burner. I do enjoy looking at the forum and seeing what everyone is up to so keep up the good work!

Hoping for a quick diagnosis and an even quicker recovery. ❤️

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Rene, I can’t imagine working on a spreadsheet with more than, mmmm, 200 line items? I’m not even sure, but 1700 is absolutely out of the question! But good for you, because in genealogy, pouring through those old books and reading every entry is super time-consuming! Having it on a database is sooo very fast and helpful! 

I hope you’re cleared for surgery, they have figured out exactly what’s going on, and all goes well and according to plan!

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I was working on this about a week ago (before the Vector Workshop) as an album cover for contests we hold in my group. After the workshop, I'll be able to do so much more! The font is Digital Tech, free from dafont. The "winner" is my avatar from the game.



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6 minutes ago, Michele said:

I was working on this about a week ago (before the Vector Workshop) as an album cover for contests we hold in my group. After the workshop, I'll be able to do so much more! The font is Digital Tech, free from dafont. The "winner" is my avatar from the game.



Beautiful, Michele! I especially like the podium you created with, I assume, vectors. This layout is the winner!

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It's sometimes challenging to make a layout that fits FB's parameters. Hence, the sideways text; the font is SchwabachDeko, free from fontspace. The background is a solid layer to match the sepia effect applied to the pic. On top of it is a lovely overlay paper from Digital Scrapbook, formerly Pixel Scrapper, by Janet Kemp. The "border" around the pic was made using the Magic Wand on the outside, changing the size of the selection and adding a cutout on a separate layer. To finish it off I used the 3D buttonize effect on top of it all.



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5 minutes ago, Ann Seeber said:

Beautiful, Michele! I especially like the podium you created with, I assume, vectors. This layout is the winner!

Thanks, Ann, but I cheated and used a pic of a podium on Google, removed the background, and changed the color (it was originally purple). I can't imagine how long it would take me to create it from scratch. Maybe I'll try that challenge!

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This is an updated version of a theme they first gave us back in 2016 (see 2nd pic for the original). If I want to reuse an idea from then, I have to modify the dimensions for FB. The background was made using the Balls & Bubbles effect over a black layer. Before you give me credit for that lovely text, on a rare occasion back then I used Flaming Text logo designer. I updated it for today's layout. I imagine I could have created it myself, but I didn't have enough time.



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You challenged me to use my newly-learned vector skills from the workshop in my gaming group, @Cassel. Challenge accepted! I added the cup from Lesson 4 to my original pic from 2016. I even used lesson 7 to add some decorations where I wanted them. The font is Parisienne, free from I don't remember where. Thanks again for a wonderful workshop.



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On 7/25/2023 at 12:55 AM, Suzy said:

Rene, I can’t imagine working on a spreadsheet with more than, mmmm, 200 line items? I’m not even sure, but 1700 is absolutely out of the question! But good for you, because in genealogy, pouring through those old books and reading every entry is super time-consuming! Having it on a database is sooo very fast and helpful! 

I hope you’re cleared for surgery, they have figured out exactly what’s going on, and all goes well and according to plan!

Well, I was an accountant so spreadsheets were a mainstay of my job, some with more than 20 pages! But I use them for so much in my daily life besides financial stuff. I set one up 15 years ago to track what digi supplies I used on my layouts and include a small image of the layout when I'm done. Each year is its own page and yes some pages have over 200 line items ?  And, the thing is I was self-taught on using spreadsheets, had my first experience with one in 1979. 

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Who was interested in doing a planner/journal/record of life happenings? 
I would have sworn it was Corrie, Marie-Claire, and another person, but I can’t find it. We showed a pic of Maria’s Lerrin’s Journal,  but hers is an actual planner, with things like nap time, and field trips. (Not that we don’t have nap time and field trips here, too, ROTFL!, but we don’t schedule them.)

not a planner, like “dr. Appt 11:00”, but more like what happened at the doctor’s, maybe the name of an assistant you want to remember, or a vitamin/supplement they recommended. Or if your grandkids came over, a pic, or a short blurb on what happened.  Power went out. You went on a bike ride.  A weekend away.  You helped somebody. Just little stuff. I’m finding my perception on how long ago certain things occurred is really bad, and I’m also finding I need to know when something happened if I don’t write it down. When I had COVID, we couldn’t even remember exactly when it started! (Not that I was able to journal THAT on the day it happened, LOL!)

in addition to that, there are habit trackers, where you color in a circle for drinking water, time walking,  number of steps, whatever is important to you. Maybe doing Campus Labs!

then there are just reference pages. All the doctors and their phone numbers + receptionist/nurse/PA names and numbers. maybe a List 10 minute tasks if you need a push, also see “pomodoro method”. A page of speech bubbles so you can record things your husband won’t remember he said, along with    /   /   place for the date he said it!


 Dinner planning/meal prep/grocery list/changes (this is reusable)

Family measurements, birthdays, whatever.  Quote of the week.
Weekly goal, e.g. catch up with an old friend, put something up on EBay to sell. 

I would want to use regular home copy/print size, not 12 x 12.  Maybe rectangular.  Some days, no text, just a pic. 





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1 hour ago, Rene Marker said:

Well, I was an accountant so spreadsheets were a mainstay of my job, some with more than 20 pages! But I use them for so much in my daily life besides financial stuff. I set one up 15 years ago to track what digi supplies I used on my layouts and include a small image of the layout when I'm done. Each year is its own page and yes some pages have over 200 line items ?  And, the thing is I was self-taught on using spreadsheets, had my first experience with one in 1979. 

Sorry Rene, looks like I took so long with that post I overlapped you.

I don’t think I knew you were an accountant.  I have never used a spreadsheet as a spreadsheet with numbers…I have no idea how to even add columns, but my daughter is an ace at it. Tracking stuff, now that I can do, but as soon as I add pictures, it gets messed up.  We all have our daffodils on a spread sheet…that is about 900 lines for me. And maybe 20 columns.  But it’s ok because it’s not numbers, LOL!

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2 hours ago, Rene Marker said:

Well, I was an accountant so spreadsheets were a mainstay of my job, some with more than 20 pages! But I use them for so much in my daily life besides financial stuff. I set one up 15 years ago to track what digi supplies I used on my layouts and include a small image of the layout when I'm done. Each year is its own page and yes some pages have over 200 line items ?  And, the thing is I was self-taught on using spreadsheets, had my first experience with one in 1979. 

I remember you telling about your digi scrap spreadsheets.  How cool to have all the info at a glance.  I always think I will remember, or I write info on a piece of paper when I'm doing a layout.  then of course I lose it, or recycle it.  and it takes me right back to thinking, why didnt I set up one like you did.  Originally I thought it would be an onerous task to go back and figure out what I used/did.  But now I realize I should start from now and go on and not worry about what I did before.  If at all possible, would I be able to see a little snip of part of a spreadsheet to get an idea of what info I want to collect and how to set it up.  but not when you are so busy right now, when you are back to scrapping again.  thanks

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