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What are you working on (in Nov 2022)?


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It is a new month and new projects.


Show off what you are working on in October, be it a scrapbook page, a collage, a tutorial, or anything else you want.


We are curious and want to see, learn, and get inspired.


These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!


Remember to size down your image to about 600x600 pixels and save in jpg format before posting it.


Here are a few guidelines for everyone:

when you post a project, give as much information on your sources or techniques used. It will help others who are curious and would like to do the same.

if someone uses something that you like on their page, ask where they got it. Sometimes, you can go get it too and it will be better quality than trying to extract it (as it would have been resized to post in the forum anyways).

if it is something that they did from scratch, ask how they did it. It would be so helpful to everyone!

if you like a photo and would like to “play with it”, ALWAYS ask permission. Sometimes, there are some limitations and the person is not allowed to let others use it. Don’t get them in trouble. Usually, people are happy to say yes (if they can) when you ask politely. And if you get permission, you might get a better quality image than the resized image anyways.

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Here's my November Big Cat Calendar featuring NIKO who is a Geoffroy's Cat, one of the smallest, but fiercest of the wild cats. They come in a variety of colors, including golden with spots and gray with stripes, but this dark, melanistic variety is common. Their scientific name is Leopardus geoffroyi and they are the size of a small domestic cat, weighing about 8-10 lbs. Nico was a resident of Big Cat Rescue in Tampa, Florida, until his death in 2007.
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Ann, great layouts.  I never heard of that wild cat.  It really looks like a domestic cat, funny how the smallest is the fiercest. I do know of the Big Cat Rescue, great organization.  This guy so cute I'd still want to pick him up and cuddle him.....not sure I'd survive it though.


Love the quote on the calendar.  I like that actress, she is good in anything she does.  Very cool use of the swirly part, works very well for the time period of the show.

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would like to say first up that I enjoyed viewing all the postings for the month of October and especially Marie-Claire's autumn memories page it is really beautiful. Ann  your calendars above are really nice also a great start to November.


I was so inspired by the layout style of Marie-Claire's page that decided to have a go at it myself... I have not used or downloaded a template from anywhere  as i wanted to create my own from scratch..... my hubby and i celebrated our 50th anniversary this year so thought it would be good idea to create a template for  an anniversary card to have on hand to send when needed.... have created my own template  over the past week and posting it below. . the font is raustila.. had to join a couple of the letters and also used a swirl brush and joined it to text frame.



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I HAD A DREAM, heard that before? well here are some of mine, I cut out the naughty bits, I know whats left is boring but it made up a scrapbook page.


The stone is the heal stone at Stonehenge. Then we have a forest scene followed be a country road to somewhere. The last is a spiky path to ????

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I think Carole asked for Halloween photos. Here's my Pennsylvania family being Mario Bros. video game characters and my daughter Deb and Aaron in California on the lower left. No great-grands, this time, just the older generations.


I used the Halloween template but without the foggy background, otherwise the photos did not show through. I selected the black design and promoted it to a new layer and deleted the original. I added some of Cassel's Picture Tube ghosties and a few clipart items.

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Love what everyone has been doing. That card, April, is beautiful. We've all been fascinated with that template, haven't we.


I have completed Lab 10 Mod 5 and used it for the next LO on the Chattanooga trip my daughter and I had in September. Lab 10 Mod 5 wanted us to make a photo cutout, but I decided that I didn't want to cutout a photo, so I made a paper (surprise, huh!) - the blue one in the LO, but I made several others also; a new triangle pattern which was interesting to make and I made several colors - played and played and played with making a brown toned one to put in the back of the pictures and finally settled on this one; make uneven arrows and I ended up with several arrows in different colors and even a ribbon of one in several colors (that was really a trip!). The train track I made, but the locomotive is from NicePng. I didn't even try to make that. All the other papers and the fall cluster are mine. The plaid was made from the main picture.

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Thank you Susan, Michele, Ann, Mary, Corrie and Marie-Claire for your kind greetings on getting to 5oth Anniversary with my husband and the card created. .... I would just like to add that our anniversary was in April but when deciding on the greeting for this style of card thought to make it a 5oth card as other folk  will be having their 50th anniversary  and this card will come in handy to send. Your kind thoughts were appreciated.


Corrie, congratulations on your 50th Anniversary last year.  it is indeed a milestone isn't it.. the years go by very quickly. I have been thinking of all the memories hubby and me  have created during these years and am so grateful we are still together... Hope you are improving in health since your operation and also now having covid as well.. I wish you a speedy recovery.


best wishes to you all,



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Marie-Claire, just want to say thank you for posting your Autumn memories page last month it certainly  gave me a light bulb moment to create my own and from viewing last months projects it did that for other folk as well. Yes it is a fun project to do.. I enjoyed creating my own template and have more ideas to try. I was happy to be able to incorporate brushes into the fonts as well.   it is amazing how we can all inspire each other here in the campus.


best wishes,



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April Dawn....that is lovely! I've been thinking of trying to do my own version too, but I'm feeling a bit intimidated by the process. Marie-Claire's inspiration really got us going!


In November each year, I work on Remembrance Day (Canada) projects to honour our veterans. I became involved in writing short biographies of individual ones for the local Legion Branch some years ago. The more I research and learn about their stories the more humbled I am by their lives.


This is simply a Facebook cover that I will add to my profile soon. I started with a simple design and then just threw everything at it (overlays, bevels, blending, etc.) until I got something I like.

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It's only now that I've had the chance to scroll through  all the wonderful work everyone has been doing over the past month or so.  Marie-Claire your page  is wonderful.  As are those that created their own versions.  It opens up so many possibilities.   I do a similar thing to make a boring frame more interesting.   I use vector shapes, and fonts for the embellishments.   The technique would be the same.
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I tried Marie-Claire's layout too.  I also dont remember how I got the selections made, but I did.  I turned them into masks (being thankful I took the mask class as I had to refer to my notes).  These photo's are just what was quick to find and it's actually sunrise and the moon above.  This was fun to work through and figure out.  My selections werent working when I realized the letters "r" and "i" werent connected.  Once I used the kerning on them and they touched it all worked out.  Colors arent great but it's late and I'm bagged, and pretty pleased that I pulled it off.
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Thank you Julie for your kind word on my page... i am sure you will enjoy doing a version of this layout.


Hello Susan happy to see you have a go at this kind of layout... you should be pleased with your result it does give a very pleasing effect.


Sue your page Come gentle Spring is lovely... very much admire your work with your bird photos they are always a joy to view.


best wishes,



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My daughter took this photo with her new Samsung cell phone camera while at work. The bird was tucked into a fall decoration of corn stalks right next to the front door of her school. I hunted Unsplash and found this cornfield from Jesse Gardner to use as a background and changed the hue to suit. The poem, from Stephanie Lenox, I found online. The fonts are all Arial except for the two signatures which are in Copperplate Gothic. I like simple designs like this with little embellishments; letting the photos and story speak for themselves.
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Lab 10 Mod 6. NicePng provided the Winnie the Pooh art; the tree on the 100 Acre Wood pic is from PS; the ribbon is a pattern in PSP; the rest is from my stash. Lab 10 Mod 6 requirements: honeycomb pattern (background of the 3 small pics); netting distorted; alphabet beads (I made a whole alphabet). The font at the bottom is Bomshel Script. I like Winnie!
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