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What are you working on (in Oct 2022)?


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I played with Lab 8-9. I tried to make variations of the diamond shape - it turned out like this. I used the Eye Candy 7 glass effect, the PSP's own Pattern effect and Levels' Blend Mode. What do you like :)
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Sue very nice, you haven't lost your touch during your stay away from the campus. Are you back in Canada now? I hope the saying goodby wasn't all too difficult, although I know how that feels. Hopefully there will never be another travelban for visiting family. But I'm delighted to see a lot of your layouts to come.
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Because I was so busy in my kitchen, garden and guests I hadn't been here for a few days, what beautiful work you have put together. What a variety of subjects and elaborations. A real pleasure to watch. And I never heard of gotcha day either. I did some research on it on google but it seems that not everyone is happy with it. So many people, and so many opinions. Sorry no image of me this time. ?
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Hi Jannette: I looked up Gotcha Day on Google and here's what it gave me:


What is a Gotcha Day for cats?

A “Gotcha Day” is the anniversary of your pet's adoption day. So whether you're celebrating one week, one month, or annually, your pet's “Gotcha Day” is a great opportunity to acknowledge and thank our pets for the love and joy they bring into our lives every day.


That's exactly what I intended with my little celebration for my cat, Eve.

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Corrie, thank you, for the lovely comment on my page.  I'm still in the UK, with my son, daughter in law, and my two   wonderful granddaughters.  I fly back a week tomorrow.  I know it's going to be hard saying bye to them, but I will have  such memories to cherish, until I see them  all again.
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Lynda and Carole: I tried several times with various amounts of colors and kept getting little stubby bits of color with the Hex codes way down below it. The one I posted finally worked. I guess the image can't be too large. I had to reduce it to 600 pixels to get the correct color displays.
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Oh, this new Palette Maker 2 Script is FUN!  And addicting.  The results are art in itself.  I wasn't expecting it to be so easy and fast.  Here's my tests.  I did the default choice 8 colors and choose with the Hex.  Love that it's on a different layer so I can choose to use the photo/palette with or without the Hex.  Then, I tried 12 and 15, I love the look of more strokes.  BTW I really like the brush strokes.  Another cool thing is it makes a copy of the original photo then makes the palette/photo combo.  But the cool thing is the copied photo is really neat looking. It could also be something to use in a layout.  I didn't edit my photo's so they might look a little off colored, my monitor seems a bit on the warm side.  Hoping new monitors come into my life soon.


Thanks for the heads up Lynda.  I don't use Hex codes, I'd probably leave them off and use the dropper to pick the RGB anyway.  but I will get the un-glitched version because I might one day want to use them (Hex).

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WOW - everyone has been busy. I, too, bought that palette maker script even though I had the 1st one also. Haven't tried it yet. Like what you did Susan, Lynda, Pirkko, Jannette, Monique, Ann.

I've been messing around creating elements (not papers this time). This is Lab 10, Mod 3: Bracket Frame and label (used the label and gave it a wood pattern and inner bevelled it), Boot print and custom sign (actually made 2, but decided to use the dog park sign - may use the hiking trail sign later as I have some pics from Harpers Ferry, WV where the conservancy is for the Appalachian Trail); the leash is from Nice Png and the font is AR JULIAN. All the rest is mine.

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