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    • I learned how to make pizzelles at a young age, using the cast iron pizzelle iron that my grandfather brought from Italy. In my family, pizzelles HAD to be anise flavored! Anything else was not a pizzelle! I still only make them with anise....anything else just doesn't seem right 😉  
    • Lab 12 Mod 10 (October - must be Halloween) - requirements: multi star pattern (background paper), bat vector item to be exported as a preset shape - did both preset shape and a brush. Tried doing the bat shape using the exploded cutout tut.
    • For day 4 I used the template from day 3; for day 3 I used the extra template for the diamond members. For a long time sports didn't play a big role in my life, my whole family had no interest in sports at all. Most of them, including my parents didn't have a car in those days and we all lived in Rotterdam, so we walked, used a bike or a ride on the tram. Maybe that is why I like to walk and I still use my bike almost every day, just to go get the groceries, go to the pool etc. I started swimming every week almost 25 years ago when there started aquafit and fiftyfit classes in our pool and I intend to keep doing that as long as I can. With a friend I go for a walk each week, although the weather is not playing along this year.  For this page I made the title with 2 papers as was explained on day 3, where I didn't use that technique. The papers are from Wintermorning by DB Magnolia and the rest of the embellishments come from my stash. The title font is Bauhaus and the text is Bahnschrift.
    • I'm sorry in the end it didn't work when I tried to correct a typo that I had specially made because I wanted to test it. We have to hope that Corel will fix it!
    • Day 4 Momma was the sports star in the family. She's the one in the center of the front row. My sister tried to follow in the tradition but failed miserably. She swung at a pitch and almost hit the pitcher with the bat that flew out of her hand. That was her last game.
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