
Theme – Self-Care

People often stress about lots of things. Work, money, and family matters are just some of them. We tend to have a long, busy, yet productive day trying to solve

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Theme – Mail/Letters

Before the advancement in technology, we used to get overly excited whenever we receive letters via postal mail. Those days are long gone but anyone who had experienced that thing

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Theme – Reunions

The year 2020 is finally coming to an end and that means your list of events will surely be filled with some of the most anticipated reunions you’ve been hoping

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Theme – Snowman

The weather is getting colder, and sending some chilly winter vibes. And what better way to enjoy the snow than making our very own version of a snowman. Typically, a

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Theme – Drinks

For us to function well, we can’t just rely on food alone. We also have to drink in order to survive. The basic function of a drink is to satisfy

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Theme – Lights

Light is defined as electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. It occurs over an extremely wide range of wavelengths. As we all know, there are various

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Theme – Trees

Trees play an important part in our world. They are like the vacuum of our planet as trees absorb harmful pollutants and release oxygen for every living creature to breathe.

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Theme – Paper

People all over the globe use millions of metric tons of paper every year. Luckily, it is one of the most recyclable materials. It is said to be a sustainable

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Theme – Shoes

Shoes are intended to protect and comfort our feet. Sometimes people buy them for decoration and others use them for fashion purposes. While these items are mainly for keeping our

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Theme – Outer Space

Outer space, also known as ‘space’, is the area outside the Earth’s atmosphere where planets, stars, and other celestial bodies are situated. Scientists have said that this particular zone is

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