
Theme – Shopping

Shopping has always been a part of our day-to-day activities. From buying foods and other necessities, to picking new outfits for ourselves, to purchasing gifts for our friends and loved ones, we had to do this kind of thing. While there are people who see it as a common practice, some find it as an excellent way to relieve some tension and stress. They believe it has therapeutic effects as they find themselves constantly entertained, excited and happy whenever they go shopping.

Typically, people visit some stores to buy the goods they need or want. But after so many years, a lot of things have changed and that includes the way we shop. Now that technology has become more advanced, sellers have gained the power to reach out to their potential customers in an easier way through online marketplaces and platforms. So aside from their physical stores, they can offer buyers another hassle-free shopping experience that does not require them to go out of their homes or offices.

Are you one of those people who loves to shop? Do you prefer to go shopping alone or with somebody else? Are you a fan of purchasing products over the internet? Why not tell your shopaholic stories by creating a scrapbook layout just for them!

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Theme – Health Awareness

Health awareness is very important now more than ever. While we’re living in a world full of noise and constant activity, we should never neglect the fact that taking a moment to breathe, relax, and look after ourselves is a necessary thing to do. After all, each of us only has one body and we should treat it with utmost care, love and respect. Abusing it would only lead us to bigger troubles that may affect not just ourselves but also the people around us.

The government, as well as many health organizations and medical professionals, are very much aware that there are people who have less knowledge about certain illnesses and how they can avoid or cope with them. This is why we have several celebrations and events that focus on some diseases to spread awareness, give inspiration, and show some support. Have you ever joined any health awareness campaign before? Have you witnessed or heard amazing stories of survivors and how they fought and won over their disorders?

Maybe this is the perfect time to share and scrap about them!

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Theme – Cakes

Whenever there’s something we’d like to celebrate, we usually think of buying or making some delectable cakes. This sweet, heavenly stuff is a symbol of happiness and celebration after all! It may come in many colors, designs, flavors, or sizes, but the joy it brings, especially to the people who have a sweet tooth, never disappoints. There are individuals who even find eating this dessert as a great way to melt all their worries away.

Do you love cakes? Whether you like them because you enjoy sweets or just because you feel like getting festive now and then, we’ve got you covered! Let’s boost your excitement and keep your creativity flowing by checking out these beautiful and inspiring layouts that focus on cakes.. and cakes…and cakes!

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Theme – Hobbies

People say we should work hard and play harder. We shouldn’t be just working all week long. And we definitely agree to that! There must also be time allocated for some activities that we enjoy and to make that happen, first we need to have a good work and life balance. This will give us the opportunity to relax, explore more, learn new hobbies, and live our lives to the fullest!

We believe making time for your favorite hobbies is a form of self-care. Some people find it entertaining and stress-reducing. Others think of it as a way to improve themselves in another field that they are passionate about. Whichever group you may belong to, all we can say is do more of the things that make you happy and take you closer to your goals.

What kind of hobbies and interests do you have? Are they activities that enhance your skills? Or do you do them just for entertainment and relaxation? Whatever your answers to these questions, we hope that you will get inspired by these fun layouts that we will be sharing in this post which give focus on the different types of hobbies most people love.

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Theme – Shells

Can you feel the heat? Yes, summer is finally here! And what better way to enjoy this season than to visit a nearby sea, play with the sand, and have a splash of refreshing ocean water. But aside from that, there are still a couple of interesting things you can do by the beach and some of it includes shells!

Seashells, also known simply as shells, are the exoskeletons of mollusks such as snails, clams, oysters and many others. They are typically composed of calcium carbonate or chitin. Most shells that are found on beaches are the shells of marine mollusks, partly because they are usually made of calcium carbonate, which can endure better than shells made of chitin. A lot of people collect them for souvenirs, decoration purposes, or simply for fun.

Do you find shells beautiful? Do you search for some shells whenever you go to the beach? Or maybe you have some shell collection! Why not make them as your subject for your next project! Here are several layout ideas you can take inspiration from.

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Theme – Continents

Conventionally regarded as collective regions, continents are the Earth’s main divisions of lands. Right now, we have a total of seven continents. These are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. However, according to theory, we used to have a supercontinent called Pangaea which geologists believed existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras and began to break apart about 175 million years ago.

Can you imagine how it would have been like if that supercontinent did not break apart? I’m imagining that traveling from one country to another would have been much easier! Now I’m getting curious. How many continents have you explored and which one would you like to visit again once you can finally travel without any worries?

I know some of you already missed going to your favorite places abroad so for this month’s theme, we decided to show you some cool layouts that represent the beauty of the different continents of the world as well as the countries they have.

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Theme – Picture Frames

Picture frames are commonly used to display beautiful pieces of art, photography, documents, and treasured mementos. Using them is a nice option if you wish to personalize and fill any empty space. They can add character and a sense of style, making any room look more unique and interesting. What’s even cooler about this popular home accessory is that it comes in many forms, colors, styles, shapes, and textures.

Do you like putting your photos and keepsakes in a picture frame? Do you enjoy collecting picture frames? Or do you include frames on your layouts? If your answer is YES, then these sets of lovely layouts may give you more ideas for your next project.

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Theme – Zoo

Looking for a fun, magical experience that both adults and kids can enjoy? Well, going to the zoo could be a great choice! It’s not only amusing but you’ll surely find it educational too. Imagine seeing animals you don’t usually encounter in your daily life, and even getting a chance to be up close and personal with them.

Do you still remember the first time you went to a zoo? Did you find it awesome? Or have you brought your kids to a zoo before? If your answer is yes, then these layouts will give you some inspiration on how to showcase your cute and awesome zoo photos.

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Theme – Self-Care

People often stress about lots of things. Work, money, and family matters are just some of them. We tend to have a long, busy, yet productive day trying to solve every issue that’s coming our way. While these kinds of stuff are essential and have to be handled properly, there is also one thing that we should never forget to add to our list and that is taking care of ourselves.

There’s a saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. Have you heard of that? This may sound simple but it really has a deep meaning. It’s a great reminder that self-care is a must and that we need to be kind to ourselves in order to truly take care of the people and things that are important to us.

In this month’s theme, we will be presenting some cool layouts that give focus on the different ways to do self-care.

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Theme – Reunions

The year 2020 is finally coming to an end and that means your list of events will surely be filled with some of the most anticipated reunions you’ve been hoping for. Although 2020 must have been a very tough year for most of us, some people are still finding ways to be able to meet up or reconnect with their families and old-time buddies. There are people who decide to just hit the road and visit the people they’ve been missing a lot while others prefer to do their reunions virtually. Zoom, Skype, Google Meet are just some of the best apps they use for a safe, ‘social distanced’ get-together. 

When was the last time you had a reunion with your family or colleagues? We’re pretty sure you have stored a number of precious pictures from your previous gatherings. So to give you some inspiration, we’ve collected these wonderful layouts so you’ll have more ideas for your next fun scrapbook project.

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