
Theme – Covid-19

Covid-19 is a respiratory illness caused by the new type of coronavirus. It was called Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or SARS‑CoV‑2. The virus appeare in Wuhan, China in 2019 and was said to originate from bats. Since its emergence, it has impacted the lives of millions of people on every continent. From the way we dress up, to the way we go to work or do our school stuff, there was definitely a massive change.

But despite it all, the government officials, the medical frontliners, and our other modern-day heroes worked hand-in-hand to find solutions and make things better for us. The pandemic may not be over yet, but looking back over the past years, we did a great job. Everyone tried their best to follow the rules imposed and help fight the spread of the life-threatening disease. A lot of people showed compassion towards each other by going above and beyond their call of duty.

In honor of the progress we have made so far while battling this global epidemic, we decided to make Covid-19 our theme for this month. Here are some inspiring layouts that hopefully will make all of us appreciate our journey more during these times.

Life during Covid

In the early phase of the Covid-19 crisis, people ended up worrying. Travel restrictions and mandatory lockdowns were introduced as a method for preventing individuals from moving freely. Panic buying arose due to everyone’s fear of shortages in supplies and possible price increases. Mass gatherings were prohibited, many establishments closed, and numerous people resorted to working, studying, or communicating through online platforms.

It’s a good thing that we no longer have to deal with most of these things now since the world is slowly improving. We now have a better understanding of what is going on around us and how we should respond to it.

Page by Christelle

Layout by Karen

Page by Angie

Covid Cases and Exposures

Way back in 2019, the number of people infected by Covid-19 was extremely high. This resulted in hospitals running out of beds and other medical supplies. It also pushed healthcare staff to their limits. Many believed that no matter how cautious they were, there was still a great chance of contracting the disease because they still had to go out, make a living, and mingle with other people. Luckily, with everyone’s efforts and cooperation, we’re already seeing a decline in the total number of Covid cases and exposures. Spreading the right information on how to combat the deadly disease and following the guidelines really helped.

Layout by Jill

Prevention and Health Protocols

The old saying “Prevention is better than cure” is definitely a golden rule. And as part of the campaigns to help stop the coronavirus outbreak, authorities asked the population to adhere to certain health protocols. Some examples include wearing a face mask in public places, regularly washing or sanitizing our hands, practicing social distancing, avoiding crowds, and prohibiting or limiting mass gatherings. These arrangements may not be pleasant at all, but our safety should come first.

Layout by Joyce

Page by Francine

Layout by Joyce


Many health experts, scientists, and companies have worked together to formulate vaccines that can protect us against the deadly Covid-19 virus. In fact, WHO or World Health Organization approved a total of 10 vaccines. These are the following: Novavax (NVX-CoV2373), Serum Institute of India COVOVAX (Novavax formulation), Moderna (mRNA-1273), Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2), Janssen / Johnson & Johnson (Ad26.COV2.S), Oxford/AstraZeneca (AZD1222), Serum Institute of India Covishield (Oxford/AstraZeneca formulation), Bharat Biotech (Covaxin), Sinopharm (Beijing) - BBIBP-CorV (Vero Cells, and Sinovac CoronaVac. And in preparation for the emerging new variants of the virus, Covid-19 booster shots are also being rolled out as fast as possible on every continent.

Layout by Courtney

Page by Linda

Layout by Linda

Since masks have become the new daily accessory, why not have some masked digits? With these digits, you can write any year, or anniversary (celebrated during these challenging years) or even counting days, weeks, months, tests, etc.

Click HERE to get these ten masked digits.


For Photos That Matter

1 thought on “Theme – Covid-19”

  1. I’m glad we’re addressing the pandemic. From the beginning in early 2020 to now, early 2022, things have changed. The first instinct was to horde toilet paper! Then some resisted following government instructions and refused to wear face masks or get vaccinated. Since the first outbreak a new variant took hold, named Delta, which caused more suffering and hospitalizations. As that eased, along came the newest variant, Omicron, which has proved to be much easier to catch but not as deadly. My family, like many, has members who are vaccine hold-outs for various reasons. For myself, I am fully vaccinated, including one booster. There may be more boosters needed as we fight whatever variant comes next. Experts are now warning that scarves and cloth masks are not much help with Omicron and advise using the disposable surgical masks or the KN95 professional masks to protect ourselves and others. I have already posted two layouts about these events: one featuring my granddaughter fighting on the hospital Front Lines and one, humorously about the hording. Looking forward to seeing what we all come up with on this vital topic.

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