
Scrapbooking Theme – Siblings

Siblings play a big role in our lives. They taught you so many life lessons growing up, and most importantly, they showed you how to be the best possible friend you could be. Furthermore, they guide you and help you in different situations. Thanks to your siblings, you're receptive to the golden qualities you seek in a true friend. You learn to be more giving and not to be selfish. There are so many things to be thankful for having siblings. 

You and your siblings sure have unforgettable fights and great competitions for the attention of your parents. Despite this rivalry, your siblings are your greatest protectors and best supporters. They may bully you sometimes, or let’s say, most of the times where you start to get really annoyed and they will start to laugh at you. This act is one of their ways to show their affection towards you. No matter what ups and downs you may go through together, you know that you have someone who will truly love you no matter what the circumstances.

How fun is it to have siblings? Are you glad they came into your life? Knowing you have your partner-in-crime and forever best friends in the person of your siblings is such a great blessing from above. Showcase your most memorable photos with them and make your scrapbook pages as captivating as the sample layouts we have below! 

Half Siblings

Some parents don’t have a perfect relationship that lasts long. Either of them can mutually decide to start building a family with another. But what makes it pragmatic is the relationship that binds them together. Having half siblings with either of your parents can also be lovely and fun. What's more is that you’re most curious about them as they are with you. This will eventually lead to having both of you eager to understand each other. 

Layout by Motherload




Twins can be either identical or fraternal. It can be quite difficult to tell identical twins apart, as they often look very alike and may dress alike too. Many people are amazed by how similar they can be. However, identical twins also have their own individual traits and behaviors, just like any other siblings. It can be very exciting to have twins in the family! What does it feel like to have a twin?

Page by Lisa


Layout by Debby


Project by Lisa


Layout by Julie


Page by Sylvia


Layout by Pam




Brothers are family and some of the best friends you'll ever have. They are your protectors from bullies and always have your back - no matter what you're up to or where you are in your life. They can be annoying at times too, but when others try to hurt you, they make sure to get back at them. There's something comforting and truly wonderful about growing up with a brother.

Project by Sgoetter

Layout by Judy2408

Page by Nylene


Growing up with sisters means oversharing, endless laughing, and a whole lot of fighting. You enjoy their company, share common interests and teach you many things, especially about life. In addition, older sisters helped you develop some self-awareness by doing it first. There are days you feel like your older sister is the most amazing person ever, someone you look to in every way, and other days when you just can’t freaking stand her. Besides, can you imagine life without her annoying voice?

Layout by Sgoetter

Project by Sgoetter


How about creating a fun streamer with little boys and girls holding hands? You can customize this streamer with different papers or even paint on them. It is a great image to illustrate links between siblings.

Click HERE to get this fun layered streamer.


For Photos That Matter

2 thoughts on “Scrapbooking Theme – Siblings”

  1. I am an only child, so I have no siblings, per se. However, my two husbands had a total of four siblings. I also have two children and a step who have gifted me with 9 grandchildren (which includes one set of twins) and 3 great-grands, (so far). Therefore, my extended family will make up for my own lack of siblings, I guess. LOL

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