You might have seen the check box for Anti-Alias when you are activating a selection tool in PaintShop Pro. Do you know what it is, really? Why would you need to check that box? How will it affect your selection? Let's have a look at this function.
Theme – Candies
This month, we have a very interesting theme that everyone loves. Our theme is about candies! I myself have a sweet tooth and I love everything from cakes, pastries, chocolates and all sorts of candies. Even grandma and grandpa enjoy these sugary treats every now and then. But it’s the children above all else who enjoy it more than anything.
I need to reinstall PaintShop Pro
We all have experienced the pain of reinstalling our programs, whether it is after a reformat of our existing computer, when upgrading to a new one or just when we need to reinstall a specific program that started misbehaving. It is long and tedious and something nobody really is looking forward to going through. If PaintShop Pro is among the programs you have to reinstall, here are a few tips to help you before you reformat, or before you change computer.
Gold Star – Wendy
This month, we'll meet another student of the Campus, and although she has made some scrapbook pages, that she shared in the forum, she also uses her Paintshop Pro for other types of projects.
What are those layers anyways?
Various graphic programs will use layers to give users a lot of flexibility, but all layers are not the same. In fact, there are various types of layers and PaintShop Pro has them. Let's have a look at them.
Theme – Snow
Winter is one of the best season that comes every year. Snow is beautiful in night and day and snow is actually fun! There’s so many fun activities that we can do with the snow. Kids love snow, and we do too! As fun as it is, it can be a fun and beautiful layout for your next project.
Featured Resource – Wooden window script
Whether you are creating digital scrapbook layouts or other graphic projects, many resources can help you. The Campus has an associated store, the Creation Cassel store. The store preceded the opening of the Campus. It includes resources specific to PaintShop Pro, namely scripts and picture tubes. This week, we'll look at various creative uses for the Wooden Window script.
Do you know what scraplifting is?
If you are a beginner scrapbooker, or a more seasoned scrapbooker with time limitation or you just want a new challenge, scraplifting might be the answer to your need. In short, scraplifting means to get inspired by other completed scrapbook pages.
Gold Star – Sue
Let's meet a very active member of the Campus. Although she is NOT a scrapbooker, she does seem very happy in our community.
How to paint wordart elements
It is common that you will find some great wordart and they are only in black. Of course, you can use them like that, or you can adjust the brightness to make them white or grey. But what if you want them in a different color altogether? What if you want them green or blue, or yellow? There are some simple ways to do that, but many people will go the long, tedious route. What will it be for you?