This month, we meet with a fellow Canadian member of the Campus. She has been a member for quite a while and loves to participate in our forum activities.
Featured resource – Image Composite Editor
Some photographers, amateur and professional, like the idea of taking panoramic photos for some events. Panoramas help include everyone in the frame or showcase breath-taking landscapes. However, not all cameras have the ability to take panoramic photos, so what can you do? Although users have asked for that feature, it is a function that is not used enough to be needed inside PaintShop Pro. However, some standalone programs can do just that, and one is the Image Composite Editor (ICE).
Theme – Toys
Toys are part of every child's life, and every adult's childhood memory. Toys have evolved a lot over time, and what you played with is somewhat different than what your kids play with now, and also different than what your parents played with. Toys are the tools for the kids to learn, explore and entertain themselves. They are everywhere (including under your foot!), and we have so many photos of children playing quietly with their favorite toys, children discovering their new toys, or just showcasing what they have. Let's see some scrapbook ideas to showcase some toy photos.
When to transition to digital scrapbooking?
Traditional scrapbooking has many adepts, and there is so much available as far as tools, products, and ideas to create wonderful scrapbook projects. In addition, a lot of traditional scrapbookers enjoy the manual tasks, the tangible goods, and the various textures that their pages have. Not everyone would enjoy digital scrapbooking and it is ok, however, for some, transitioning to digital might be an option to continue enjoying their favorite hobby.
Digital Scrapbooking; Environmental Friendly
April is the month of Earth Day, which is celebrated on the 22nd. This has been an official "day" since 1970. Yes, THAT long! This is a day that has been dedicated to bring awareness to the importance of being nice to the Earth. If you are a digital scrapbooker, you are probably environmentally friendly. If scrapbooking is something you would like to get into, consider doing it digitally. Let's see how this format is helpful to the Earth.
Gold Star – Marlene
This month, our Gold Star shares her story from the Southern hemisphere. That shows how our community is really all around the world, and everyone can and do enjoy creative project using Paintshop Pro. I can tell you that Marlene has been a loooong time member of the Campus.
Theme – Time
For this month, I can say that we’ve got a very interesting theme and that is time. Why interesting you say? Because you can have so many layouts with time as our theme.
The old ways of using PaintShop Pro
PaintShop Pro has gone through many versions. If you are a long-time user, you probably used more than one version yourself. With each new release, come some new features, new settings, and sometimes, new ways of using the program. At times, those new elements are great. At other times, we miss "the old ways". If that is how you feel about newer versions of PaintShop Pro, maybe there is hope for you. Some "old ways" are still available, if you know where to look!
Gold Star – Paige
This month's Gold star is a fairly recent student of the Campus, and although she enjoys what is in the Campus, is not specifically a scrapbooker. I guess she is another great example of the power of Paintshop Pro when it comes to graphic projects in a wider context.