
Ways to use map papers

When creating your next scrapbook project, you will be using a variety of papers. You can use solid papers, ombre, patterned, or textured papers. But another type of paper that is a bit less common is maps. You can use map papers in different ways. Let's have a look at some of those.

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Theme – Continents

Conventionally regarded as collective regions, continents are the Earth’s main divisions of lands. Right now, we have a total of seven continents. These are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. However, according to theory, we used to have a supercontinent called Pangaea which geologists believed existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras and began to break apart about 175 million years ago.

Can you imagine how it would have been like if that supercontinent did not break apart? I’m imagining that traveling from one country to another would have been much easier! Now I’m getting curious. How many continents have you explored and which one would you like to visit again once you can finally travel without any worries?

I know some of you already missed going to your favorite places abroad so for this month’s theme, we decided to show you some cool layouts that represent the beauty of the different continents of the world as well as the countries they have.

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Theme – On The Road

Being on the road is one of the best activities where you can feel most alive. It provides a level of freedom and excitement that simply couldn’t be obtained in any other way. Although organizing a trip somewhere can be challenging, the benefits it brings outweighs those little inconveniences. That’s why we can’t blame some people who find it addicting.

With proper planning and preparation, you can easily achieve an enjoyable and worry-free time while on the road and heading to your destination. Just keep in mind that you have to be ready not just financially but also physically, mentally and emotionally so you can fully savor the trip itself and meet your requirements and expectations as well. Plus don’t forget to breathe in the fresh air from your car seat and wear a smile because after all, a trip away from home and work should all be about relaxation and fun experiences.

What does hitting the road feels like for you? Do you love being on the road? If yes, then we’re pretty sure you’ve taken lots of pictures while on a road trip with family or friends. Time to take them out and display them on a layout! Here are some projects you can take inspiration from.

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Theme – Sunset

A beautiful sunset is one of the most amazing sights you can enjoy without having to spend any penny. It is also among the most desirable subjects that photographers love to shoot. Well...aside from the fact that you can catch it wherever you may be, you can definitely achieve a great photo of it without having to put too much effort. Sunset possesses a charm that enchants the eye and it’s simply cannot be replicated.

We know the sunset is more than just a pretty view or a scientific phenomenon. Most people think of it as a sign that the day is finally over—it’s time to kick back and relax. Some see it as a moment for reflection while others refer it as a beautiful ending and another opportunity to be better and do better. Sunsets also bring a sense of completion, joy, hope, peace and an unexplainable satisfaction.

How about you, what does sunset mean to you? Do you like watching the sun go down? Are you one of those who love taking sunset pics? Here’s a fantastic theme that will help you show off those awesome sunset image collections you’ve got!

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