
Remember when…? – Box

As I was preparing for the Christmas gift wrapping and exchanging, one statement my mom used to say, came back to my mind: "Never rely on the box". This statement was repeated at every Christmas simply because she would reuse the same boxes year after year.

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Remember when…? – Santa money

Yes, it is that time of year when many kids will make a long list of presents they want to get from Santa. This can also become a tough situation when families can't afford items on that list, and parents have to find a plausible explanation for why Santa won't or didn't bring in what the kids asked for.

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Remember when…? – Taller

When I was in elementary grades, we had desks that were attached to the chair. It was all one big, heavy desk. I guess they were convenient to prevent moving the chairs, making noise, or even tipping the chairs backward (and risking a fall). Since those desks were "one size fits all", they all needed to be adjusted, one by one at the beginning of the class.

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Remember when…? – Early Halloween

Halloween has always been a fun time, with enjoyment in the trick or treating part, and the costumes. Going out at night, in the dark, was also a treat in itself, however, it was more fun when Halloween was on the weekend, because we had more hours to go around and gather goodies.

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