
What file goes where in PaintShop Pro?

PaintShop Pro can handle a lot of files of different types, but do you know which ones? When you purchase or download supplies for various projects, online, where do you save all those files so you can use them correctly later? This is a question several users have asked me, in various ways. Let's have a look at all the files and file types you might encounter and where you should put them.

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Organizing your scrapbooking supplies

A large part of the projects in this Campus is about digital scrapbooking. Although you can learn how to create your own supplies, you might have already collected some, or might find great deals on ready-made papers, elements, templates, kits. You might not realize it, but those supplies you gather tend to add up very quickly. If you don't have a reasonable organization, you will waste a lot of time looking for the perfect paper, ribbon, button, etc. So, let's make it simpler and faster for you.

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How to sort your fonts

If you have been collecting a lot of fonts or purchasing bundles, you are likely to have hundreds if not thousands of fonts. Going through that many fonts when you are looking only for one or two is far from efficient. In a previous article, we looked at the suggested organization for your fonts, but in the end, HOW will you do that?

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10 minutes to scrap – Group it

One major advantage of digital scrapbooking over the traditional paper scrapbooking is the time needed to start and complete a project. Of course, one can still work hours and hours on one layout but you can also stop midway and get back to it later. However, some scrapbookers feel overwhelmed when they want to do scrapbooking because they see the whole project in front of them and they know they don't have 3 hours available before dinner. Not even one straight hour.

Let's have a look at ways you can organize your projects in small tasks, and it will seem more feasible in your busy life.

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