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Ann Seeber

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Everything posted by Ann Seeber

  1. Here's the best I could do. Go to this site.
  2. @bina greene Yes, that is one of Carole's scripts in the store: cass-OpenBook. It is rather fun to play with... 😉
  3. Thank you, Rene and Cristina, 🙂 So easy when you know the trick!
  4. Hi Cristina: Can you explain how to "color-code" a layer? I can't find any way to do it. Thanks!
  5. Happy April. Here is my monthly Wild Cat Calendar for April 2024. I used the cass-open-book script for the top and a calendar from Gina Jones. The Snow Leopard photo was taken by my granddaughter, Jackie Thorpe, at her Claws 'N' Paws Wild Animal Park in Mt. Ariel, PA. The title font is Fredericka the Great, and the text font is Agency. The background gradient is labeled "Bondi." The "Say No" brad is mine. I will also post this on our Facebook page full size for anyone who would like to print it out at 8.5" x 11" which is what I do.
  6. I made this last year when I had Siamese Fighting Fish (Bettas). Wishing all a Happy Easter.
  7. Good going, Cindy! Happy Easter 🐰🌷
  8. All done and sent! Interesting articles I had not seen before. Thanks, Carole and Happy Easter! 🐰
  9. I looked in the Blog heading at the top of this page but can't find any eggs. Am I looking in the right place?
  10. Finishing up March with Week Thirteen - photo by William Panuska of The Hudson Valley in Pictures gallery. This is called "early sail downriver." The copper hues really grabbed me.
  11. New to me; I had to look it up.
  12. I bumped into this layout that I created last year when we were studying in a Text Workshop. I'd like to do that class again, as a refresher.
  13. We've had flood watches and high wind alerts. The cat cabin on my porch ended up out in the street. Luckily, no cats were involved. My little condo enclave here has been relatively lucky with the underground wiring keeping the power on and we're not near enough water to be impacted by the flooding shown in this photo from the newspaper. The watchword is "Turn around - Don't drown!" Some idiots insist on trying to drive through high water with deadly results.
  14. Objects may be closer than they appear...
  15. Not sure about the Rice Pudding reference. Do they eat it?
  16. This is so nice. I love the "O" sheep and leaving the windshield wipers in the photo is a great touch!
  17. Final Bootcamp project - featuring one of my new great-grandsons. He'll explain... Fonts used are Cooper Black and Century Gothic - old standbys... All elements are mine from my own kit...
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