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Ann Seeber

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Everything posted by Ann Seeber

  1. Just checked in with Jackie & Corey who now live just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. They had a lot of rain Thursday into Friday, but it has eased off now and she said they never lost power. They are very lucky! πŸ€
  2. @Doska St. This is a very nice layout! I only have one question: what is that on the left side that seems to have some text?
  3. I use your painted frames all the time to showcase what I'm watching today on tv. I got a new 36" monitor for Christmas with lots of space for displays! For example, here's what I had for Friday 9/27 - @Corrie Kinkel This is set in Amsterdam. The actor's name is Marc Warren and I first saw him on The Good Wife so I thought I'd try this show, also.
  4. I take that back, as shown in my P52 WEEK 38 that I posted a little earlier today...
  5. Week 38 for Sun Sept 29. Finally seeing some fall colors!
  6. @Michele Yes, a common occurrence for me when working inside a bounding box. It may have something to do with conversions of PS files to PSPIMAGE. I find if I duplicate and rasterize the text it behaves better. @Cassel I fixed the shadowing on the squares and replaced the font on the journaling with Forte which seems more readable than Curlz.
  7. I open any new frames in my PSP workspace and then import them to PSP frames. It's a choice under the Files menu. The program knows where to put them.
  8. Clarine, go to the top toolbar, click Image, choose Picture Frame. There's an entire, free PSP library for your use.
  9. I decided to use this format to finish Lucy's birthday layout. I couldn't work in a button or flower in the title.
  10. Unfortunately, the pattern this year is for the leaves to turn brown and fall off the trees without the usual color display.
  11. I downloaded the latest Corel Freebie but really had a problem finding places that illustrate Fall. The colors are not coming in well this year. This is the best I could find...
  12. Project #6-Busy Bees format. I used the kit Carole offered from True Heart Digitals/DSS Oct 22. The lotus flower is from png.tree. The fonts are Copperplate Gothic and Curlz MT. I changed the colors of most papers, and the embellishments are from my stash.
  13. Our weather here in the Mid-Hudson Valley on the East Coast of the US has been similar to Cristina. I don't know where she's located though. One thing different this year is the fall colors are not coming in like previous years. We're almost at the end of September and Applefest is the first Sunday in October when the tourist deluge is at its peak. Our area is a tourist trap for "leaf-peepers," and they'll be disappointed if they come now. I do love the Fall colors and this year it's rather dull. Today, 9/25/2024, at 5am the temperature is 55F/14C and is projected to reach 67F/19C and be cloudy all day. We had a lot of rain on Monday and my outside cat, Batman, refused to leave my porch all day! 🐈
  14. Beautiful concept, Julie. I really love your design choices. That blue works very well. btw, my proofreader persona tells me there is no "t" in relics. πŸ˜‰ (Thank goodness with digital work corrections are easy-peasy!)
  15. Happy Birthday, Bonnie, and welcome to the Excellent Eighties Club! I, too, celebrate the whole month of February, as birthdays were always super special in my family.
  16. Very nice, Leslie. I do like the colors. If I may make a suggestion, and it just may be my opinion, but I'd put the larger photo in the center with the two smaller ones on either side to balance the layout. What do you think?
  17. Wishing I had photos to use for a squirrel vs dog layout: My husband's hunting beagles were kept in a kennel which was a wire enclosure tucked under the trees along the property line. The RED squirrel would get up in the tree and drop acorns on the dogs! Beagles howling all day was not entertaining! 🐢😡
  18. Yes, and initially, the shop put the wrong date on it, but mama Ilana declared she was going back to get a correct one because it's a "keepsake!" πŸ˜„
  19. AND Week 37 for Sept 22 - our Mid-Hudson Bridge in the recent fog. It is VERY foggy here most mornings lately.
  20. Running a bit behind here. This is Week 36 which for me was Sunday Sept 15. The apple season is in full swing here and Applefest will happen here on Oct 6. It's a one day affair in the Village of Warwick and I steer clear while 30,000 tourists clog the streets. 😡
  21. This time it's JJ's turn for a haircut. He ended up getting his photoshoot in the car as he was so BAD in the barbershop! πŸ˜­πŸ˜˜πŸ˜„
  22. Template is from Cassel "Artsy" - The frame has been inner beveled. I used the Kaleidoscope treatment and then used Blur/Radial/Twirl on the photo in the background. This is my granddaughter-in-law Lucy Lu, mother of Magic and Raja in California. Her 35th birthday is coming up on the 30th so I'll be adding more to this for her birthday.
  23. Thanks, Corrie. I know it's not as effective as individual elements, but I wanted to showcase the baby turtles heading out to sea after their hatch, showing they're on dry land, not in the water. It's an evolving thing... πŸ˜‰
  24. Here is my Project 4 - Adventure Park - I downloaded the kit Carole offered: By the Stream so I chose a photo taken by my grandson Tyler-John on his trip to Bali, Indonesia in July. The title font is Harrington; the frame is from Jessica Dunn's Nana's Kitchen kit, the background paper and the stamp format from By the Stream. EDIT: @Corrie Kinkel I added a sand texture to the brown paper and found some baby turtle clipart to replace the original.
  25. Beautiful, @CarolynRye. Do you have the name of that alpha or font you used for Bundy's name?
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