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Ann Seeber

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Everything posted by Ann Seeber

  1. Re-posting from earlier: Happy Birthday, Carole!
  2. Thanks, Suz! The background paper is again from the SI-Stargazer kit that I also used for my eclipse layout. The "wreath" was a freebie from Cassel and the Earth Day Birthday design is from Beth Scannel. I used this design twice as April 22 is also my grandson, Will's birthday, too!
  3. Oh, I guess this means it's time to start with the birthday wishes. Happy Birthday, Carole!
  4. I couldn't resist doing a showcase for this woman's fabulous art. And here's a Gift Link to the article, no subscription needed.
  5. Wow, very nice, Sue. I do see Cooper's Hawks here by the condo and see the occasional pile of feathers, probably a mourning dove's remains. Everyone has to eat. I've been enjoying a series on the Public Broadcasting Station [PBS] coincidentally called "A Fistful of Daggers" which is all about raptors. Fascinating! I looked the show up on Google Images and put this on my desktop for now.
  6. Just sharing a chuckle posted by my Warwick library on Facebook.
  7. I've had quite a few pets: cats, dogs, tropical fish, guinea pigs, a de-scented skunk, ponies and horses. The most spectacular were the Irish Wolfhounds that we had starting around 1980 and for about 20 years, encompassing one female and after she passed away we acquired a pair, siblings, whom we named Mick and the female was already named "Annie." She was older and we got her to keep the male under control. As a 7-month-old pup, he was a handful. He was roughly the size of an Irish Setter and still had growing to do! I apologize for the photo, the only one I have of them. It was originally black and white, and I attempted to colorize it. The layout is from a Corel freebie template for Father's Day 2023. The background paper is from Melo Vrijhof, the font is Classic Barbershop and the celtic decor is from pngegg.
  8. Also, is the Photo Block technique from a script or tutorial?
  9. Hi Sue. What a charming layout! Can you tell me if the title "ROBINS" is a font or an alpha? It's very interesting.
  10. Later in life, my library in Warwick was updated and even won an award for Best Small Library in America in 2016. It is beautiful but I'm back at Thrall since I've moved to Middletown in my retirement. Here's Albert Wisner Library in Warwick and its award along with another shot of Middletown's Thrall Library.
  11. When I moved to New York State, I worked in Middletown at the local newspaper and used the Thrall Library. I was thrilled to find it was a big, converted train station with impressive architecture. The library in my own town was rather small and in need of expansion, but I used it weekends to take my grandchildren out to borrow a book, visit the local petting zoo and treat them to a Burger King. Here are photos of each. The first one is Warwick and the second Thrall in Middletown, NY
  12. When I was young, we lived in a commuter-friendly town in New Jersey since my Dad was chief night dispatcher on the Erie Railroad (now Amtrak) and had to be near the trains. We had a little library and once I got a bike I would ride there with books in my basket. I looked for photos of my old library but all I could find were vintage postcards! I guess I'm vintage, too! The town of Rutherford has since updated their library, so it doesn't look like this anymore.
  13. Week 15 - Ran across this photograph of a hunting Osprey on Bored Panda. The photographer is Chen Chengguang from Vietnam. He specializes in artistic shots of birds. The Osprey, like the Bald Eagle, hunts fish.
  14. Cornell Labs Merlin only identifies the birdsong and provides the photo. My information, as I documented, is from: Harpswell Heritage Land Trust-Maine-Nature Notes
  15. I was out feeding the birds and using the Merlin app on my phone to record birdsong which the app identifies. I have a new "lifer" bird- the Yellow-Rumped Warbler (Myrtle variety). Here are the details for my layout: Template-cass-corner-slip in background paper=PSBT First title font=Agency Photo=Cornell Labs Merlin Bird ID 2nd title font=Brave Hearted + Curlz MT Paint splash=treed-Have A Nice Day Journal Card sketch-cass-pencil sketch 2 Bird info: Harpswell Heritage Land Trust-Maine-Nature Notes Date stamp-cass #4 Since the text is reduced I'll post it separately, also.
  16. Sorry, it must be my old proofreader gene kicking in! 😁
  17. Well done, Corrie! Everything fits so well together. Interestingly cute little bloom! You might want to correct the spelling at the end there... widely available to gardeners... needs an "e".
  18. Oh, happy birthday, Corrie! And I wish you a safe flight and wonderful time here in the old US of A! Your previous travel tales have been very interesting and I can't wait for more!
  19. Thanks, Susan! I've had this kit for a long time but never used it. I also have the transfers; I think they came with the original kit. I was also pleased to use my Star Wars font 😉
  20. Crossposting from Chit Chat- I just cobbled together this layout using my template from the webinar's grid format. Photos by (daughter) Laurey Keller of 2024 Total Eclipse, Matamoras, PA SI-Star Gazer kit / Elements = Light (overlay @ 50% opacity) + Nebula-1 (Does anyone know who "SI" is?) Font=Distant Galaxy Outline (which was an offering by Star Wars creator Lucasfilm) / White Sand gradient
  21. I just cobbled together this layout using my template from the webinar's grid format. Photos by (daughter) Laurey Keller of 2024 Total Eclipse, Matamoras, PA SI-Star Gazer kit / Elements = Light (overlay @ 50% opacity) + Nebula-1 (Does anyone know who "SI" is?) Font=Distant Galaxy Outline (which was an offering by Star Wars creator Lucasfilm) / White Sand gradient
  22. First mention of this class for April for me. I did just sign up though I've done them in the past. Every little bit of motivation helps my mojo! 😉
  23. Though I posted this in the Flowers Challenge I'd like to show it here as it's inspired by the webinar and Sue Thomas' layouts. I also made templates. Here are Spring flowers in Warwick. The clipart lower right is from Jessica Dunn.
  24. Following Sue Thomas' lead, I did the grid challenge from the webinar and created two templates. This is the first, showcasing some spring flowers from Warwick. The lower right is just clipart from Jessica Dunn. Very plain, no shadows or overlapping embellishments.
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