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Ann Seeber

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Everything posted by Ann Seeber

  1. Don't forget, ladies, I started with "bumbershoot," explaining it was from my dad who was born in 1892! He would be the oldster here. 😉
  2. Where in NJ, Mary? I was born in St. Mary's Hospital in Hoboken, though my parents lived in Weehauken. Then we moved to Rutherford, which was on the rail line and convenient for my Dad to get to work.
  3. I was taught on the inside; like "bumbershoot." But those rules vary by country and change over time so don't "quote" me! 😁
  4. I got the impression he thought it was a comical name. He probably heard it used in NYC when he worked as a runner on Wall Street or on the railroad where he worked for 40 years, ending up as a chief night dispatcher for the Erie out of Hoboken, NJ
  5. I've had this Christmas/Hanukkah cartoon for a while and don't know where it came from other than on the internet. The background is from the greenery in the art. Added a selection frame with inner bevel.
  6. S = Stocking - we hang empty stockings for Santa or his helpers to fill on Christmas Eve. And if you find one filled with coal instead of gifts you know that person has been deemed "naughty."
  7. Michele: you work is stunning, as always! You really ARE a Fab Diva!! 😉
  8. My 2nd favorite part of Christmas; after the gifts, of course!🤩
  9. My Dad, born in 1892, called it a Bumbershoot! 😉 I know that "brolly" is used in Great Britain, Canada and Australia but not here in the States, usually.
  10. I added a back page with all 13 images reduced plus I corrected the grid on December and now had those two pages printed at Staples. They were so nice and refused to charge me anything! They had printed my original 13-page calendar and added a coil at the top. Now these two extra pages are punched for the coil also. I ❤️ Staples!
  11. My husband and I stayed at the Las Brisas resort in Acapulco only once. We went to Acapulco every January for a week's vacation when our business was on winter hiatus but usually used a high-rise hotel on the beach. Las Brisas was located at the far end of the resort area and up on the hill instead of right on the beach. Everyone got their own little "casita" (small cabin) with its own or shared private pool. The terrain was extremely steep so we were encouraged to rent one of their vehicles, which were open-top pink Jeeps! Inside the casita was a bed, table, chairs and small bathroom area. Built into a wall was a small hatch which opened from inside and outside so the workers could deliver fresh, hot coffee and pastries early each morning, ready for us when we woke up. This was my definition of LUXURY! The images are from my very first Travel Time class back in 2020. It was my first when I joined The Campus and wouldn't you know I started immediately with double layouts!
  12. Actually, Nexusfont displays all my fonts in two groups. Installed via Windows and Other Fonts, which I've added myself.
  13. I always use guides. The background is treated to Luminesence.
  14. I corrected the December page and created a Back Page for my calendar. Just sent them to Staples to be printed; ready tomorrow. Here's my Back Page...
  15. Welcome to December. Here is the December calendar featuring the Amur Leopard this time. Enjoy. I even used a little Out of Bounds on this one. I have posted a full size version on Facebook that will print 11"x8.5" I feature mine on my desktop. The leopard information is from the Beardsley Zoo in Connecticut, where they have successfully bred some new members of this endangered species. Edit: forgot to name the Amur Jaguar font - Sedalia and the journaling is Arial Narrow.
  16. @Cassel ok, I got it and corrected my files. Now to figure out how to get Staples to print one page for me. Luckily, it's at the end so it won't make a big difference. I may just throw it in the package and explain to the kids that it's just for December and can wait until the rest of the year is finished.
  17. @Cassel Nov/Dec were on Day 6 but the file still has Sat as Dec 1. Did you put it somewhere else?
  18. Hoping your local Staples is close-by. That was a big plus for me, and I found the price to be reasonable, especially since they had to ditch the first print run because of MY error. Nice people here - is Staples a Canadian company? 😉
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