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Ann Seeber

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Everything posted by Ann Seeber

  1. Yeah, me, too. atm I'm feeding 3 feral "community" cats outside on my porch. I have an application in for the local shelter to come for Trap/Neuter/Release [TNR] which means they'll be back for me to feed. I put up a cat cabin on the porch for their shelter. Meanwhile, my indoor brats are jonesing after the ferals food which is different than theirs. I've tried them on the canned pate and all they do is get sick on it. The indoor crew hangs out by the open sliding glass door in good weather; which is their version of a "catio!"
  2. Thanks, Gerry. I now have the Powertoys and the highlighted (and animated) cursor!
  3. You remind me, #Susan Ewart. During the Vectors class you posted a photo of a cat with a waving tail with the label "I'm too sexy for my tail. I'm too sexy for my tail. Imagine that!" My question, is that your cat? If so, what's it's name? I was so impressed I printed it out and it's on my office wall... 😽
  4. Sounds like something I could use in PSP because I use the precise cursor which I find hard to see, sometimes.
  5. Finally got to finish Lesson 7. Here is daughter, Deb's, Big River Farm that she has turned into an Airbnb. It seems folks want to get away to a rustic environment! Who knew? It does have all the mod cons so there's that. It has about 5 cabins on the property, but the largest one is the rental. The title font is "Things We Said." The text font is "Witch Mystery." (Because the title font is a bit quirky, I tried to follow up with the text font in the same vein.) The redwood tree illustration is from pngtree.
  6. Outstanding linoleum, Carolyn. When I did mine, I liked it so much I started saving just the linos as papers in my stash and went on to create it in various colors. Is Tracy the person or the pup?
  7. Thank you, Corrie! My granddaughter, Jackie, took me out to dinner on Friday evening and daughter, Laurey, took me out for dinner again on Saturday. I'm over-dinner-ed! 😊
  8. Ann Seeber


    All projects not included in workshops, etc.
  9. From the album: ANN SEEBER - MISCELLANEOUS

    ANNA & TJs wedding reception. Hard to believe it's been almost 12 years! I played with brushes and ended up using corner punches and the wedding bell is also a punch. (in the mask) The text font is Tempus Sans. The frame is called Transparent01 in the PSP frame collection.
  10. ANNA & TJs wedding reception. Hard to believe it's been almost 12 years! I played with brushes and ended up using corner punches and the wedding bell is also a punch. (in the mask) The text font is Tempus Sans. The frame is called Transparent01 in the PSP frame collection.
  11. ANNA & TJs wedding reception. (I will also post this in our masks workshop.) Hard to believe it's been almost 12 years! I played with brushes and ended up using corner punches and the wedding bell is also a punch. (in the mask) The text font is Tempus Sans. The frame is called Transparent01 in the PSP frame collection.
  12. LESSON 6 - ANNA & TJs wedding reception. (I will also post this in our wedding forum this month.) Hard to believe it's been almost 12 years! I played with brushes and ended up using corner punches and the wedding bell is also a punch. (in the mask) The text font is Tempus Sans. The frame is called Transparent01 in the PSP frame collection.
  13. according to wikipedia.com "The origin of the name is not entirely clear, but there are reports that it originated in Britain with a fancied resemblance of the wrench's jaws to that of a monkey's face, and that the many convoluted folk etymologies that later developed were baseless."
  14. I do love this poem: Trees BY JOYCE KILMER I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in Summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree.
  15. Susan, this is really eye-catching! I don't see where you used a mask. Is this posted in the right forum? Is it part of your Build-A-Kit?
  16. That poet, Joyce Kilmer, was sort-of local to me when I lived in New Jersey. He became so famous they named a rest-stop off the NJ Turnpike for him. 😉
  17. Wow, this is great! I think we call that big guy a Monkey Wrench?
  18. Not to my knowledge. To me it's just a local roadside historical marker.
  19. Really nice! Is that some sort of tracker that Poncho is wearing?
  20. The font for the title at the bottom is Broadway and yes, it is my birthday today.
  21. Here is my Lesson Five - Lady in White (A local tall-tale) The title font is Horror Story and the other is Imprint MT Shadow.
  22. Corrie: Forgive me for changing the subject but I wanted to show you what I found in a Marisa Lerin "For the Love of Cats" bundle that I just purchased. An entire folder of Dutch word art.
  23. I guess I'll post this one here, too, as it fits the theme. I already posted it in the Mask Workshop. Since I'm an only child, I don't have any siblings though I did wish I had some when I was young.
  24. Yes, Suncoast features Woody Harrelson and Laura Linney. Blue Bloods has Tom Selleck and Donnie Wahlberg.
  25. A small project I've been working on to populate my new 32" monitor. I'm using the cass-painted-frames and I've made one for Cable or Streaming TV shows and a separate one for Streaming Movies. For the Movie one I went and found a film strip and duplicated it all over the place on top of the color painted frame strips. Here is one I did for my Friday Blue Bloods TV show and another for the film, Suncoast, which I will watch tonight on Hulu.
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