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Posts posted by Michele

  1. I hear you, Cristina. You pick a paper or two, a few embellishments, then the layout seems to take on a life of it's own. I usually end up with a lot of layers before I decide which elements I'm going to keep. Then I start deleting.


    Today I wanted to make something for a friend of mine and I ended up using papers and elements from several different designers: Marisa Levin and Sheila Reid at Pixel Scrapper, and Marina at Magical Scaps Galore. I used Cassel's Lace 1 script to create the ribbons and the font is Phylactere.


    Just realized I forgot the shadows on all but one element. I tried it out on that one and I was planning on finishing it after I had finalized the design. Oh, well, there's always tonight. :)


    ~ Michele

  2. A big thank you to everyone for your lovely comments on my pics. This is a wonderfully supportive and safe place to share.


    Cristina, I have the Lifted Photo script, too. It's amazing what we can do with the use of scripts. It would take me forever just to figure out how to do it. How long it takes me to do my daily pic depends on the theme they choose and my inspiration or lack thereof. Sometimes I'm scrambling until the deadline and other times it all comes together relatively quickly. Unfortunately, it's usually the former LOL


    ~ Michele



  3. Thank you so much everybody. I was actually pretty proud of this one. I've used straight film strips before, but the curved ones always gave me trouble. I finally figured it out!


    Dawn, your card is lovely. What a great idea to use the overlay on the circles. And your knowledge of all the plugins is great. I need your memory. LOL


    ~ Michele

  4. The theme for my gaming group today was French Film Festival.  The blank film strip was free from kisspng. The original one had white in the frames so I used the magic wand to select and delete them. Using various pick tool modes and the mesh warp tool, I manipulated the individual movie posters into each of the frames, under the film strip. I erased any overlap. Hope you like it.


    ~ Michele

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