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Posts posted by Michele

  1. I tried something new yesterday for my gaming group. I was inspired by a member of a PSP group I'm in. The photos are by Shannon Wild, an Australian wildlife photographer. I was lucky enough to have some extra time to work on this one so I could experiment. It was lots of fun. Hope you enjoy it.


    ~ Michele

  2. Marlene, isn't it fun when you can combine two current techniques for one cohesive page? You did a great job.


    Annie, you were very successful in giving your layout a wonderful Arthurian feel. The banner is awesome!


    Thanks so much for your kind words, ladies. It's amazing what you can do when you have a deadline. Then there are the many nights where I just say, "Good enough. It will only be on view for one day." <3 :) <3


    ~ Michele

  3. I'm a bit obsessed with Cassel's Slashes and Colors template at the moment. For this, I layered the "slashed" pic over an unedited copy of the pic. On the slashed layer, I added a bevel and a drop shadow. For the background, I used a brick texture on a solid color layer. Then I tried something I don't think I've done before. For the frame, I opened a new raster layer, used the selection tool to create a long rectangular shape, added a cutout, then repeated for the various edges. Since the cutouts are transparent, I erased the ends of a couple of them where they were overlapping so it would look like the vertical ones were laying on top of the horizontal ones. Does that make sense? I made use of the Setting Fires font Carol posted on the blog for this month's Book theme.


    Any constructive criticism is always welcome. I sometimes go the long way around to get a desired effect. :)


    ~ Michele

  4. Annie, that must have taken you forever! I love how you melded all the different kits together. So nicely colorful...how appropriate for a celebration. And those baby pigs are just adorable.


    Cristina, I love your layout. Everything came together beautifully. Your photo is really the star.



  5. Thanks so much for your positive comments, Cristina. I was really unsure throughout the process because I don't normally like green. However, I thought the paper fit well with the flowers. I used some colors from PSP 2019's Muted Greenery palette. Additionally, the bow was originally blue, I think, but the Change to Target tool is so useful.


    ~ Michele

  6. Love your layouts, ladies.


    I decided to use a pic I had taken a number of years ago. The background is from Free Design Resources, the bow from marisa lerin at PixelScrapper, and the font I used is Springtime Daydream from Creative Fabrica. So basically, everything on my page was free!


    ~ Michele

  7. Dan, I don't always do flowery layouts. If you look in the showroom at the monthly "What Are You Working On" sections, you'll see the diverse styles people have.


    I think your page is great; you featured your pics in a wonderful way. And I agree with Cassel...using a photo for the background really made it special.


    ~ Michele

  8. There is so much in the campus that I just haven't gotten to yet, Annie. There's not enough time in the day to do everything I want.


    The pics on your day 5 are perfect together. I didn't realize they were from different photogs until I read your comments. You have a great eye.


    ~ Michele



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