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Posts posted by Michele

  1. I incorporated some of the things we learned at the bootcamp to make the daily pic for my gaming group. I'm so glad I finally know how to use the Selections: Modify: Select Selection Borders properly. In the past, I wouldn't always know that I wanted borders on the individual pics until after I started my layout. I do these daily pics on the fly most days and my workarounds took so much time. Knowing how to use the tool properly saves me a lot of time, effort, and frustration.


    ~ Michele

  2. Thanks, Teri. To be perfectly honest, I think the tutorial might have used a horse. I'm glad you liked it.


    Your layouts are wonderful. I think I mentioned on the FB page that I love the way you displayed your family history. The pics of the butte are wonderful.


    Love your cog wheel, Anna. It's very creative.


    ~ Michele

  3. I just want to say again that I'm very impressed with everyone's work. It's wonderful to see so many different interpretations of the same tutorials. We can be inspired by each other's layouts and incorporate some ideas into our own.


    Cassel, this bootcamp was wonderful, not just for newbies, but for the rest of us, too. I always learn something from you. Thank you for doing this.


    ~ Michele

  4. Great job on your projects, ladies!


    Now that the bootcamp is over, I found time to experiment. Here are two birthday cards I made using new (for me) techniques. I hope they don't lose too much detail after resizing them down.


    The one I made for Ute uses a mask I made and effects: artistic: halftone lines. I was inspired by someone who used Filter Forge to make something that looked like the same gradient was used for the picture and the frame. I wanted to replicate the effect without using any plugins. It wasn't the same, but I was pleased with the results.


    The second one was a bit tedious, but I liked what I ended up with. I learned to do a "flower twirl effect" in a PSP group on Facebook. The background was made using the floral image with radial blurs, distortion effect twirls, many layers, opacity levels, mergings...rinse, lather, repeat.


    If anyone wants details on how I did anything, please feel free to ask. I just didn't want to bore anyone with too much information.


    ~ Michele

  5. Day 7


    I had no idea what to do for this layout. As I looked through my scrapbooking folders, I was inspired by these papers from Sparkles by MdW. Then I hunted around for other elements to go with the papers. The flower is from OklahomaDawn, the brad from MarisaL at pixelscrapper, and the frame from Gonda Klees-Mueller also at pixelscrapper.


    Even though I'm a Diamond Member here at the campus and I've read both of Cassel's books, I still learned so much from the bootcamp. I plan on watching the tutorials again to reinforce all the new things.


    ~ Michele

  6. My cousins and I went to the dog park in Florida several years ago and I was finally able to use the pics I took!


    I used the Tranquility kit that Cassel suggested. The dandelions were a bit too transparent for my taste once I tried the drop shadow. I ended up duplicating them, merging the duplicates down, then adding the shadow with a reduced opacity. The two little dogs I used are from Marisa Lerin at PixelScrapper. I know my layouts are almost carbon copies of the tutorials, but that's how I learn. You guys are so darn creative.


    ~ Michele

  7. Day 5 ~ This was a very special day in my family. It was my Aunt's 90th birthday.


    I used the Family Traditions kit from AMB Designz. It pays to follow blog trains! The fonts I used are No. Seven Regular and Riviera Signature.


    ~ Michele

  8. Very nice curls, ladies.


    DeLoris, I like how you made it into a stamp.


    I think I watched a PSP tutorial a while back and I created the pic with that gorgeous black stallion. Then about a year later, I used that technique for my gaming group. I'm definitely going to check out Carole's tut on the blog as I'm sure it will be easier (plus I've learned so much from the campus since then).


    ~ Michele

  9. Hi, everybody. It's great hearing from all the new members in the Campus. For those who don't know me, my name is Michele and I live on Long Island in New York, U.S.


    I'm a visual learner so instead of simply describing my settings, I thought it would be easier to show you. The only palettes I keep open are the Tool Options, Material, and Layers because I use them all the time. When I started out, I had the Learning Center palette docked, too. If you look all the way to the right, you'll see some floating palettes that I use infrequently, but I like having them at my fingertips. I've also customized my standard toolbar by adding some tools that I use often.


    Looking forward to Day 2!


    ~ Michele

  10. Used Carole's 2018 year in review template (with a little update to 2019) for my gaming group's theme today. As usual, I only had a couple of hours to come up with and execute the concept so there are several things I would have liked to do differently. But all in all, it served it's purpose. I think it has a fun feel to it.


    ~ Michele

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