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Posts posted by Michele

  1. Here's one from me. I found the original pic on Unsplash a while back; I fell in love with it so I'm happy to finally use it for something. The way I lined them up was to use the object align and distribute commands. I find that to be fairly straightforward if I don't have too many objects on my page and they're all the same size. When it gets more complicated, I definitely have to use the snap-to guides. They're like magic!


    ~ Michele

  2. Sorry I've been MIA this month, everyone. I'm so inspired by all the projects that have been posted. Great work, all.


    August hasn't been great for me, but I managed to make a few birthday cards. I used a couple of kits and I also tried out Carole's new flower punches on two of them. Several times I've said I love her punches, and these are no exception. They're beautiful. I plan on having lots of fun with them.

  3. Great papers, Trish!


    Made this pic for my gaming group yesterday; the daily theme should be obvious. :) I had previously made the balloon using a tutorial; finally got the chance to use it. All I did was duplicate the original, resize, and use the Hue Up/Down tool. The figures are characters from the game. Hope you like it!


    ~ Michele

  4. Thank you, LiberaSharon, and Annie.


    Trish, I love those bows! Some look like flowers; some like the sun.


    Annie, you did a wonderful job on the art gallery. I like how you added the extra light on the top of each canvas.


    I love your sense of whimsy, Sharon. You make me smile.



  5. Cristina, Annie, Dawn, and Libera: Thanks, ladies. You don't know how much I appreciate your kindness and support. :)


    Libera, I don't remember where I originally found this background. I downloaded it a few years ago before I started documenting my sources. There are any number of free sites where you could find something like this. In fact, Cassel has lots of resources on the blog.


    ~ Michele

  6. Today's theme for my gaming group was Watercolors. I used headshots of characters from the game and used PicToPainting to make them look like watercolor paintings. I copied each and pasted into selection. I did the same thing with the floor, then adjusted it with the pick tool set to perspective. The three "patrons" are my avatar from the game; if I had had more time, I would have put some shadowing on them. The font was Falling Slowly Sans, free from FontBundles.


    Hope you enjoy.


    ~ Michele

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