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Posts posted by Michele

  1. I'll make it unanimous on the gradient technique for the lace borders. I don't think I've ever painted with a gradient.


    Sue, your gradient is perfect!


    Annie, your use of different colors and textures really made this plaid unique.


    I have to say I learn so much just looking at everyone's projects. Of course I forget more than I remember, but some of it sinks in. :)


    ~ Michele



  2. Annie, I noticed you modification notes. From one OCD person to another, you crack me up. <3 Aside from that, you did a wonderful job on the pic.


    Art, it was a pretty pic to begin with, but your adjustments made it even better.


    Wanda Sue, the forum always posts the pictures in reverse order of how you load them. You did a really nice job.


    Sharon, what beautiful flowers. They are perfect for tubing!


    ~ Michele

  3. Yes, Annie, I do use 2019 Ultimate. It locks up occasionally, but the other night was particularly frustrating as I use pictures tubes every day to watermark my work for the gaming group as I share them with other groups. It just kept locking up every time I closed it with Task Manager which was at least a dozen times. It was perfectly fine the next day, but I also think I might have installed an update that night. My version now reads


    Teri, that's a wonderful page you made; the dotted swiss pattern was perfect to highlight the tinted pic. I have a lot of resources I downloaded when I first started digital art, and I also don't know where they came from. What I do now is rename each file to include the source. It's time consuming, but I like to give credit when using FTU items. It's nice enough that people share for free, they should at least get the credit.


    Cristina, Sharon, admitting we have a problem is the first step towards recovery. LOL


    ~ Michele

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