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Posts posted by Michele

  1. Great job, Helen. I love the colors.


    I use the Creator Information to keep notes within PSP in the file I'm working on. You can click on the icon or click on Image: Image Information, then go to the Creator Info tab and type away in the Description box. When you save your file, your notes will be saved, too. If you already knew this, please scroll on by. :)


    ~ Michele

  2. This is not in the least bit "scrapbooky," but it is definitely "Halloweeny." I started with a stock photo of a woman screaming then added and distorted a clipart hand.  Used the time machine, added a vignette, a mask, some texture overlays, and some other adjustments and effects. I even used Local Tone Mapping although I really have no clue how it works. :) The font is Raven Scream free from Sinister Fonts. I hope nobody has nightmares!


    ~ Michele

  3. Thanks, Cristina and Royanne, for your kind words.


    Cristina, your house project is wonderful. A house is just a building without loved ones in it. Love your layouts for Olivia. It's close, but I have to pick the one with the luminance layer. The yellow color overshadows the pics a little too much. If you had your heart set on the yellow, maybe try smaller dots. I think a lot of little white dots might really tone down the yellow.


    Royanne, yours is lovely. The subtle tones are perfect for the project. I like your quote, but I always say that grandchildren are our reward for not killing our own kids. lol :p


    ~ Michele

  4. Another theme from my gaming group. (We New Yorkers have a festival for everything LOL.) I started with a picture of the iconic Garment Worker statue and increased the vibrancy by 100%. Added a layer with a pic of the Seventh Ave/Fashion Ave street signs at about 40% opacity. Drew an octagon preset shape with a transparent background above a fashion illustration. Magic wand selected outside the octagon, switched to the fashion layer, promoted background, deleted and merged. I used a fairly heavy drop shadow on the octagons after copying them to the main pic and also on the text which is Fashion Victim font.


    Hope you like it. (Best viewed in full screen.)


    ~ Michele

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