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Posts posted by Michele

  1. Dawn and Sharon, you are both very kind. I'm glad you like it.


    Sharon, your flowers are so pretty and I really like how you incorporated the raffia with them. I'll never get a drawing tablet for myself as I can't even draw with pencil and paper.


    ~ Michele

  2. Another daily pic I made for my gaming group (click on it to see the details). I made the center stained glass flowers in the circle using a template and textures supplied by a tutorial. I actually combined two that I had made when I took the tutorial. I used one of Cass's corner brushes to help create the frame. Those corner brushes are so versatile. One of my goals is to own all of them!


    ~ Michele

  3. Trish, until you close your file, it will still have the layers after you've saved it as a png or jpg. I always save my files as pspimages and then jpg once I'm satisfied. I can always go back to my pspimage file if I want to change something.


    Everyone is doing such amazing work! I love looking at it all.


    ~ Michele

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