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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. What you do, Ann, is what a friend of mine on a farm does. She is 85 and keeps saving feral (barn) cats, feeding them, then one by one taking them to be neutred/spayed to keep the population down. I help by doing some of the driving and buying food and treats. I would love to take one or two (since I lost my kitty last summer), but I have my hands (and budget) full with three dogs (2 older). Hats off to your big 🧡!
  2. Before the month ends, I wanted to get something done for the Sketch Challenge. Only the pic is mine. Background paper is from ET Designs; mask is called "watery" from Katie Pertiet. I wanted to use the CassPaintSplash mask, but I had too much trouble adjusting it for the photo. Other elements and things from my stash or online clipart. We have dubbed out get-togethers at our friends' pool as Dip 'n Sip days.
  3. This is great. All those cool details you added. I especially like those 3 cutout lines near the bottom. So clever. (BTW, I've learned to live with some "weeds", easier than pulling them over and over. A garden that is too manicured doesn't attract enough insects. (That's my rationalization.)
  4. One of the things I did recently was take a woman from BC on a guided tour of my hometown so she could learn about the place where her ancestors lived many years ago (here in Ontario). It was a very hot & sunny day but we had a good time. We had exchanged many emails back & forth and met for the first time that day. She took lots of pix and I took many of her in the places that mattered. With one of those I made this layout for her.
  5. I have been otherwise occupied for a few days. Most of my deadlines come toward the end of the month which leaves me not much time (or energy) to work on much else. All clear now. These shapes (with Vector Tubes) are from Lesson 6. They worked well for me, could even call them fun this time. I don't expect to be a Vector Expert in this lifetime, but it feels good to just be able to manage those #@*&# nodes better. (The green shape with the weird fringe is just for fun b/c I had a fringe tube in there.)
  6. Congratulations! I'm sure it feels good to hold it in your hands and see the result of all your work. 🥰
  7. I suppose it's human nature to see the grass as greener on the other side! But I have not been a fan of excessive heat & humidity for many years. Canadians talk about weather more than any other topic.
  8. In southwest Ontario, in communities near the lake(s), we get an infestation of fishflies (also called mayflies and shadflies) in June. They have an interesting and short lifespan. When they emerge from underwater to procreate (their sole purpose), they create swarms in the hundreds of thousands. Wherever there is light at night (street lights, shop windows, houses, etc), they congregate and leave piles of dead carcasses on sidewalks and streets. They also smell. But they are harbingers of a healthy water system so should be more welcome than they are. The clean up is often done with hoses and shovels. It's a typical early summer event. (All pix from online, local postings)
  9. I have struggled with the horizontal split layout for a while since Carole posted this challenge. I think I must like vertical better! Yours is lovely.
  10. I have used KeePass (free) for many years. Same idea as LastPass, only one p'word to remember. I also have a portable version on a USB so I can take it with me.
  11. Oh, I just dream about cool weather. The A/C got fixed next day, but it felt like a longer time than that. I had to be out in the sun today (I use a hat and sun umbrella) for a few hours and I'm just done in! Temps feeling like 104-106 F.
  12. You said it so well about the change in MODE! I have to always remind myself: am I on the right layer? Is the mode in edit? Do I have the pen tool selected? These vectors are demanding.
  13. I have actually read Goethe's book, but in English of course!
  14. I feel the same way. Don't want all my wonky distorted vector shapes taking up space!!!!
  15. You stuck it out and got it! That's what I have to do every time I tackle vectors.
  16. Way to go Ann. This was the leaf I used and did something wrong on. Yours worked great.
  17. It's a beautiful creature! I've never seen one. With such a short lifespan, one wonders what it accomplishes in its time.
  18. Thanks Sue for referring to the masterclass that shows how to create that text effect. I've seen folks use it and couldn't remember how it's done.
  19. Just gotta keep working on these. Not for any lesson design, just for fun. My initials and then a snowgirl to remind me of nice crisp cold weather which I am craving right now!
  20. Yup, cats! They're in charge. Nice shapes too.
  21. Yes, CTRL+Z is my best friend too.
  22. In Carole's comment after her comments to us, she suggested making a letter from a rectangle. So here's mine. The easiest one I could think of (maybe letter I would be easier.) It's supposed to be the letter L but it could be a black boot for a cartoon character or perhaps a boomerang? Just wanted to try!
  23. Oh no Jnet! Losing all your passwords will make so much work for you, and on top of a move! I am sorry for you.
  24. It seems to me that PSP is better suited to working with rasters. If I decide I am going to be a Vector Artist (fat chance), I would need a different program. But I like that I can do a little bit of vector work at least within PSP. And that's good enough for me!
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