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Mary Solaas

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Everything posted by Mary Solaas

  1. No shadows on "Spring Is Here" as I just wanted to get the thing saved. My problem with PSP Ultimate 2022 was definitely with that layout. Could it possibly be with the many undos and redos? And, if so, can I remove the history from the layout pspimate?????
  2. Well - seems it was just the previous layout because now PSP Ultimate 2022 is acting like it's supposed to. this is my layout 2.
  3. Today it's just PSP Ultimate 2022. Couldn't get it to do File> - anything. But finally got it saved. Then SLOWWWWLY SaveAs a jpg. Close it out. Then reopen the jpg and reduce it in size (no problem there) and then saved at 600. Could it possibly be the size of the layout due to undo and redo's? I haven't had that problem before. Anyway - here is #2. There is a really good rendition of this song on YouTube by Ella Fitzgerald.
  4. Having problems with PSP Ultimate 2022 - today! But I finally got it to work and finish day 1. I am going to post it in the song challenge too.
  5. Thanks for helping. And yes, it was the Create As choice was the problem. I wonder what would happen if it had "floating" as the choice?
  6. I just opened a new layout and played with the pen tool since it uses a vector layer and that works fine, I can duplicate it and it doesn't disappear - But then if I choose the Text tool the same thing happens.
  7. I'll look at saving not with the bottom layer active. I'm using 2022 Ultimate. It's not with the saving. It has to do with selecting a font and creating a title, and then clicking on it to duplicate it - as soon as you do that, the layer disappears and the title disappears except that it is outlined with "marching ants". The layer also disappears if you decide to move the title and choose the pick tool. This is just crazy and has only happened today. When I did the layout for the Build-A-Kit workshop, it didn't happen and that was yesterday, I believe. The last update to Windows 10 64bit was on 3/15/2023. I just checked - I posted that layout on the workshop yesterday, but there was no font used. So - I haven't tried to use the font tool for some time. WOOOW. I just discovered what was the matter - it pays to look at all the areas of your tool -- for some strange reason it had changed to "create as" - selection! In trying to do it again, I discovered this. When I changed it to "create as" vector, it worked just as it was supposed to. I can't believe I could be so dumb! Thanks for looking at my problem.
  8. It is still happening. I went back and opened a new layout, put in a paper, then placed a title. As soon as I clicked on it to duplicate it, the layer disappeared and the title was just a selection. Did something happen to Windows 10 in an update that could have done this??? Anyone have any ideas???
  9. I'm game. The first song that popped into my head was from State Fair (a musical by Rogers and Hammerstein). I thought I was kind of copying a layout I had done before and just change the title. However, I have worked on this almost the whole day - the problem was the font! Every time I wanted to duplicate the title so that I could innerbevel it, the layer disappeared and left me with the title as "selected". I finally just flood filled the selection on a raster layer and went from there. I even tried closing out and restarting the computer, but that didn't work. I don't know if there was just so much in the file because I had worked hard on the netting and it couldn't handle the font. Well, anyway, here it is.
  10. I have been working in the Build-a-kit workshop. I had a theme of desert because Joe and Laurie have been working their way west and have stopped in several states that have deserts. So, I have made use of the kit with a few of the pictures. All of the elements and papers were developed in the kit, including the alpha.
  11. Thanks for the freebie site, Michelle.
  12. Rene - really well done - like what you did to create the cluster - interesting idea to use the frame as the base - and the alpha is great = a great idea for the new project in the build a kit workshop. My step-mother had been a singer in a group called the Sweet Adelines here in Memphis. We always enjoyed their show.
  13. Hi Cindy, my daughter, daughter-in-law, and 3 grandchildren (all girls) went there quite some years ago - we did a Ya-Ya-Sister weekend. We did do the baths - the water feels good. I also went there with a friend of mine and we did not go in the pools that time, but we did do "crystal mining" and then went to the diamond mine to poke around in the offall from the mine. Diamonds have actually been found in the slag.
  14. Kasany - Sorry about your problems - glad they have abated and you are on the mend. God is good and He does bring us through those times when the world throws us a few loops. I always enjoy your layouts and so I'm glad they will be forthcoming again.
  15. I do use a tablet but it is not a wacom. I bought a cheaper type called XP. I have only used it with PSP. And not on the laptop. It is connected to my desktop which is mostly where I work. I have to remind myself, though to use it. Mostly it is when I invoke the pen tool. I'm beginning to be more comfortable with it and with the pen tool. I really hated the pen tool until I started using the tablet.
  16. Marie - I sure enjoy your pictures of your dog - Poncho - isn't that his name? I also enjoy your layouts.
  17. Ann - love your idea for a tile. Makes for an interesting background.
  18. I'll post a few of the many patterns I made during the mask workshop. Most were made either with the West Virginia layout, the ocean layout. Julia - love your perspective stripes - some of them remind me of a pinstripe suit material.
  19. This is my project 7. finally finished the workshop. whew!!! Had fun playing. The background is the combo polka dot - learned that in one of the previous labs I was doing. I put a "squiggle" from one of the fonts that I imported as a brush. (What fun!) And I used that squiggle brush in the four corners of the papers behind the mask. Ellie is the great granddaughter of my cousin that I visit every year in Illinois. She is a barrel of fun. The font is Arlington Script (the only font factory I go to is Creative Fabrica). I chiseled and inner bevelled the title. The journaling is in Arial (2 different sizes). The original polka dot was a deep pink with a white heart squiggle, so the polka dot part of the paper is in the luminance blend mode as the background paper is a deep blue green. Fun, fun, fun!
  20. Harmony - you're doing great. Grandchildren are so much fun.
  21. And this is the Extra 6. And I've got to go to bed. Good Night!
  22. And now Project 6. My linoleum started out green, but I used Hue Saturation Lightness and changed the color. Title font is Aryaduta (CF). I extracted the chess pieces (only the white ones - I used Brightness and Contrast for the black pieces (duplicate copies of the white ones). Fun with the curled ribbon made with a script from Cassel. This mask is the one I talked about in the previous post - I made it with the watercolor brushes and some interesting twiggy brushes around the edges. I inner bevelled and drop shadowed the title. The white swirlly things on the paper in back of the masked picture were made with a brush I had made earlier playing around with the fancy squiggles and things that come with some of the fonts. I had forgotten how you made linoleum. I think I will play around with that again when I finally finish this workshop. One more project to go.
  23. Project 5. Still behind. Using several layers for the background and the top layer was a pattern from a previous project and the blend mode. There is a brush that looks like a record (kind of) so I used that for around the original circle mask. I also used it for the records as elements. The font was Fresh Hansler Duo (CF) for the title. I used some different settings than I usually use for the Sun Records placque - inner bevel, and I used chisel on the paper behind it. This has been a challenging workshop and I do intend to finish it. I played around with creating a mask from those watercolor brushes from an earlier project and I'm also going to post a layout using the one I developed that uses some odd but interesting brushes around the edges. I think I learned more about blend modes this time as well as refreshing my understanding of how to make a mask. Anyway, it has been most interesting.
  24. I'm working on catching up. I did do Project 4. Making the mask was interesting. Working on the picture you choose was great. I do like the McBad brushes if you use the F11 Brush Variance. However, I still do not understand it, but Carole shows us what settings to use. The picture is of Joe and Lucy on the NC beach last spring. I had fun making a silhouette of them. I did a kaleidascope (I can't spell) from the picture with a darken blend mode and then put a layer on top of white canvas which I texturized and used an Overlay bend mode and opacity of 83. Think it turned out pretty good. You can just barely see the kaleidascope pattern and so it doesn't distract from the picture. The title font is Cattleya (CF) and the state and date is Free Universal. The cluster at the bottom is mine.
  25. I've done this workshop several times. Why is it so hard this time? This is the Extra for Project 3. The frame with the hearts had me going for hours trying to get it pink and not covering the picture. I saw where Ann Seeber said "I put an extra mat behind the mask group in order to color the framing and hearts." and so I did. Thank you, Ann. Then I spent several hours trying to get a background. I ended up with 3 layers: the perspective lines, a kaleidescope from a part of the picture, and a patterned layer of Canvas - all with different blend modes. The font is Feeling Blessed from CF.
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