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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2025 in all areas

  1. I still work with INSECTS AROUND US. My recent work created before.
    5 points
  2. Mask used with my recent work/fractal.
    4 points
  3. Julie, this is so incredibly beautiful and touching.
    3 points
  4. Thank you, Julie I overthink things and added a beige vintage layer with a hue blend. After your kind words, I am thinking of removing it.
    2 points
  5. I think it's lovely. There's an ethereal feel to it, one that suggests the sky, the horizon, and beyond which is so appropriate. Nicely done Donna.
    2 points
  6. These are very thoughtful and nice. I can't imagine someone not having a backup for those cell phone pictures.
    2 points
  7. I bet they do. I have used some of the picks I have taken of my frosted windows for that too.
    2 points
  8. Lovely picks and these creatures as well:)
    2 points
  9. Susan and Julie, Thank you for your sympathy for one of my grand dogs. Fortunately, Matthew had a lot of photos of Chooch. My three oldest grandsons live together with their girlfriends, and the whole family loved Chooch and were devastated. They were all crying when I called. Chooch was part Huskie and loved pulling the boys on their skate boards and floats in the streams around Vegas. He also loved hiking in the desert with Matthew and David's pit bull, Finan.
    2 points
  10. Oh Donna, you do what I do when someone close to me loses their furbaby. Recently, my nephew and his partner lost their long-time rescue dog, and they had no photos at all. He had lost his phone and had no backup system! That made me doubly sad. And just last week, good friends had to make the tough decision for their 16-year-old dog. But there are pix of her from which I used one to create my tribute. Somehow being able to do this makes us feel a tiny bit better. Maybe it will for you and your family too.
    2 points
  11. Yesterday I did something a bit different. I saw a posting on FB about a display of raptors (the birds, not the Toronto NBA team) coming to this area for March Break which just began. It was in such an unlikely location (an empty store in a small mall in Windsor), and chock full of squirmy, noisy kids, but it was amazing! I learned so much about the birds of prey that are native to this area and was able to be up close but not personal with them. The show was put on by the Canadian Raptor Conservancy in Port Dover, on the north shore of Lake Erie. The birds flew in brief bursts from the trainer's arm to perches at either end of the room. She spoke in great detail about each one. They brought five show birds. In the layout, they are (starting at top left and going clockwise): Red-Tailed hawk, Bald eagle (who is 33 years old!), Sparrow hawk (noisy!), Great Horned Owl, and a Harris hawk (not native to here). I used a template and kept getting mixed up with all the layers, but once committed to it, I had to continue. I think there should be some journaling on the l/o, but I didn't find it necessary since no one else is likely to see it. So I removed the journal space and added another photo.
    1 point
  12. Julie, I love the quote and looked it up on the internet. "Wherever a beautiful soul has been, there is a trail of beautiful memories" - Ronald Reagan I think I may use it on my poster. I am still having problems measuring up to your creativity on backgrounds. May I ask your opinion on this one?
    1 point
  13. Really good pick and an idea to create the texture.
    1 point
  14. Love this layout, Julie. I still debating on my background and layout. I may steal some of your ideas.
    1 point
  15. I'm sorry to hear about your grandson's best friend (Chooch). It's so hard and heartbreaking to let them go. This wonderful layout will be a treasure for him.
    1 point
  16. Thank you so much Cristina. I think I need to add another page, just got something cool and odd from work yesterday. Brought it home to take photo's of it. hopefully this weekend.
    1 point
  17. Here is another one. They really do make lovely textured papers.
    1 point
  18. Here's some layouts I've worked on lately. I have no particular focus, just react to photos I have or get and try something with them. I am dabbling and rather scattered, but I like to work on something everyday. The last week to ten days of each month is a busy time for me, so I am not able to comment/react/post very much. But I do check out the wonderful layouts that appear in the different topics. This place is my "stay sane" place. (However, I have to scroll quickly past the spider pix! 😛) The fellow on the bike is a good friend of my (older) sister from 'way back. I've bugged him for a long time for a copy of that photo. The couple are my parents just after they were married. And the blue layout is about my yearning for Spring which is still elusive here. Photo in that one from Pixabay. The designers whose materials I have used are: Vicki Robinson, Anna Aspnes, ET Designs, Marisa Lerin, Rachel Jeffries, and maybe some others.
    1 point
  19. My husband got a 3D puzzle from the Eiffel tower and it even has lights in it. It was a bit of a puzzle 🤔 to make a nice photo, but when it was dark it worked fine. The font for the letter E is Puzzle and the rest is fruity cereal outline. Eiffel tower is in Dutch Eiffeltoren and it is pronounced differently the o sound is like the o in borrow and we write it as one word instead of two.
    1 point
  20. And then I was into spiders. The challenge topic was "FEAR"
    1 point
  21. I used a bootcamp layout for a Bee festival that my daughter was involved with.
    1 point
  22. A few of my photographs taken over the years
    1 point
  23. Even though my bookmark says this is still February, I will post my new March Wild Cat Calendar. The template is from our calendar workshop last Oct. '24. They have unusual masks that add to the surrounding frame, and a separate layer which can be colorized. This is an action shot of a powerful jaguar attacking a caiman, which is a relative of the alligator. I get my information and photos from Panthera.org. The background paper is from Marisa Lerin. It started out purple but I changed that with the Change to Target brush using the dark blue color from the caiman's skin. The greens are from the photo. The March title font is Aviation Cocktail. I will post a full size version in our Facebook group Scrapbooking with PaintShop Pro and Affinity that is suitable for printing. I put mine on my refrigerator.
    1 point
  24. D is for Daffodils - they survived the last snowstorm and are coming back.
    1 point
  25. It certainly has a Dutch image! The marks on the back are difficult to read, but it could be "Porseleinen Fles" which means porcelain bottle. The image resembles a bottle as far as I can see and the blue stripes will be the makers mark. In the old days there were a number of potteries in Delft, but Delfts Blue is also made in England. There are many publications, on line too, about all the different marks. So if you fancy a study..........
    1 point
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