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  1. Just a few words on notepaper using the font (not my notepaper b/c I don't have the ripped edge script yet!). I saw these words online and they rang true for me.
    6 points
  2. I listened to that podcast as well and like Marie-Claire enjoyed it very much. When you explained and told your story it was as if I was listening at a masterclass without seeing you.😉 I have never heard of a Radio Bingo over here. There are bingo's held in community centers, pubs, retirement homes etc. Many years ago, before the mobile phone, there was a radio show that called a randomly selected phone number and when answered asked if you were listening to the show or if you could turn the radio on. Then the presenter asked a question on the show and if you knew the answer you could win a prize. It was my lucky day because out of all the phone numbers I was called! To this day I don't remember what that specific question was but the prize was 2 tickets for the show of Cirque du Soleil that was playing in Amsterdam and we had very good seats too to see all the acrobatic acts.
    2 points
  3. Cards are sold in bundles. You can buy them in many locations in town, at convenience stores, gaz stations, etc. They sell for $10/bundle. In our case, each bundle has 9 cards in each of 6 colors. So you start with all the blue cards. On the air, they say which type of bingo you play for (straight line, four corners, two lines, around the FREE, full card, etc.) They then call each number and wait somewhere around 15 seconds. And they keep going. When someone has a bingo, they call the station number where someone will check if it is a valid bingo (each card is numbered). They announce on air that there is a potential winner (or winners since it could be more than one) and we get a commercial break for that time. Then, they come back on air to say if there was a winner or not. If not, we continue. If there was, then we change to a different color card, with a different bingo, and so on. As far as I can understand, this bingo (which is weekly) is used as a fundraiser for the Kinsmen's club and the animal shelter. You can check their web page. Other radio stations around here have other bingos.
    2 points
  4. Yes Julie it is the same plant and it is mostly white but over here some can have a pink touch!
    1 point
  5. That is one way. Another way would be to move the folder somewhere PSP is not pointing to, in case you want them later. Another way would be to create a series of main folders for your brushes (stitching, watercolor, punches, etc.) that you might use point PSP to those sub-folders instead of the large one. Of course, it might mean you will point to a dozen sub-folders, but you can always change which ones you are using, and it would make fewer resources to load.
    1 point
  6. Just an idea... if the series is inside its own folder within the brush folder you can point PSP to it and when finished, just delete the folder. ?
    1 point
  7. S = Sherbet, especially orange sherbet mixed with vanilla ice cream.
    1 point
  8. Years ago we had a radio station that would play a few seconds of a song. Then people would call in to see if they could identify it. The station had a variety of games they would play. It was a lot of fun. I listened to the podcast, too. You were, as usual, wonderful, Carole.
    1 point
  9. Although I have taken this class several times, it still seems as if I learn something new or am reminded of some clever trick that I had forgotten.❤️
    1 point
  10. Radio Bingo? How does that work? Is it over the radio or at a physical location that they sponsored? When I was in my twenties my friends and I would go to Bingo. Whenever my friend, Mark, would win, he would jump up and yell, "Bingo, Bango, Bongo!" The old ladies loved him.
    1 point
  11. I have never heard of radio bingo but this sounds awesome for me and my blind friends that like to play bingo but there is not enough interest in a central location. Yes, it is easy to find all braille or print braille bingo cards and player pieces.
    1 point
  12. I didn't go for a school theme as well. This font is so easy to read that I probably am going to use it often. Besides the frame by Carole I made the rest from scratch with a lot of different blend modes and reduced opacities. Both my photos are from the same wild carrot in the small meadow where I often pass by. When the plant dies down it makes a tight ball over the seeds in the flowerhead which give it its nickname "vogelnestje" (in Dutch) and that translates to birdnest.
    1 point
  13. Didn’t go for the school theme but used the font for a quote layout. “If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough” is a quote from Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who was president of Liberia from 2006 to 2018. She was the first elected female head of state in Africa. The background is one of my photos of clouds.
    1 point
  14. I love monoline fonts like this one. They look great with inner bevels. The elements are from my older stash so I can't give the proper credit.
    1 point
  15. I revised the template from the Lab and used a mini kit from Marisa Lerin called Field Notes 9
    1 point
  16. OK..this one was fun.... Note: the background is a combination of two papers from Merisa Lerin and the crayon border was from Janet Kemp. Got all three at digital scrapbook.com.
    1 point
  17. I am not sure where I will use this, but it is much more legible than most cursive fonts. Thanks
    1 point
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