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Cindy Sheets

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  1. And, moving on to Day 3.
  2. As usual, I am behind. While I am not creating actual projects with this workshop, I am doing the exercises and learning techniques to use in my cards next year. I am slowly unpacking my office and getting supplies where I can use them (the whole house is unpainted and that has to be done before I can really put things away). I am planning my schedule for next year so that I can give cards again. Can someone send me the link again for day 1 so I can see how to fill with the confetti again? Day 2
  3. DAY 1 I don't have any current projects, but in the new year I will get back to making cards and hope I remember everything from this workshop.
  4. Is anyone using this software? I need to combine pdfs on a monthly basis but I can't afford a subscription to adobe. My current method is very time consuming but doesn't cost me anything. Also, is this a one-time purchase like PSP (with future upgrades when you take them)? There is a black friday sale for $39.99 is this the best price or do you know of a cheaper discount to look out for? Thanks.
  5. I am all moved and we closed on mom's house on Friday. Not unpacked by a long stretch, but starting to get some of my craft supplies out (finished my sister's birthday card at 4:30 p before they picked me up at 5 p). Looking forward to learning how to understand some of the quirks you get when using type (just had some this project, very annoying).
  6. I have never heard of radio bingo but this sounds awesome for me and my blind friends that like to play bingo but there is not enough interest in a central location. Yes, it is easy to find all braille or print braille bingo cards and player pieces.
  7. I'm still in post move box h*ll, but excited to learn something new about drop shadows. I have used them plenty but I would like to be in control of what I am doing and not just guessing.
  8. Okay, just finished with all the videos. Mind blown! My head is full of ideas but I can't practice yet so I have on a 😞. I think I will have to take this class another three times before I can call it good (no, I can't afford Diamond Membership at this time as I am on disability). The good news is that my home sold and I picture a day when I will be able to take time to work on things again.
  9. finally completed lesson one. I had to go back a few times to really get the node types. I think this is what was frustrating me the other times I have tried to use them. It seems easy when Carol does it.
  10. I always think I understand vectors and then I go to do something and it tells me to convert to a raster. Or, I know how to do something but I am missing a step.
  11. I am in. This is the #1 thing I use PSP for and I am looking forward to seeing some alternative ways of doing things so that I can work faster. My new home has finally arrived and packing is getting down to the nitty gritty so I probably will only complete one card, but I am interested in all the techniques. I am also interested in making my own envelopes, possibly with the help of a silhouette (just got one but will not set it up until I have my new office/craft room).
  12. Definitely interested in this one. I am currently working on one for my sister.
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